Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Time to Move On Again

This Friday we move back to our Orchard Road office. While I packed my office last night, I thought I'd be OK with this move... but looking at all the boxes and how clean my office was/is, I cannot believe myself when I felt a tear running down my cheeks. I cried. Yep, 6 months in Concorde Shopping Center and now we've been told to move back to Orchard.

I have been back to Orchard office of late for meetings and each time I leave the office, I feel so drained, tired and disappointed. The place is now so cramped, one can hardly move easily.... I guess the company is encouraging us to stay trim and lean - good no?

I'm already out of the office now. Chose to go on "leave" from today to Friday. No point in hanging around. I would rather spend the last few days in December shopping with mom, having coffee with girlfriends and being a Domestic Goddess - making sure that the house is clean - to welcome our little gem.

Resolution for the New Year - None. Just take things as it comes and continue to be a better person in life :)

Monday, December 18, 2006

It's a Season to be Notty.... lalala...

It's a season to be notty, lalalalala and that's what I did! It's just one of those days when you have just want to escape from the reality of work... what do you do? I went to the movies. I had it all planned out nicely. Little did I expect it to backfire on me and I had to confess.... nope... not to my boss but my hubby.

A friend and I decided to watch a movie (The Holiday) at 4-ish at Bugis and I left her to arrange for tix. A few minutes later, a colleague came over and gave me 2 tix for an evening show at Lido (A Night at the Museum). I called hubby and asked if he was interested. He couldn't decide initially as he was required for some emergency at work. So I told gf to proceed and 5 mins later, hubby called to say OK. So I'm screwed. Hubby was not supposed to know I was watching a 4-ish movie. G/f said, don't worry, movie is only 1.5hrs long - yeah right - for someone who gives tuition, 135mins is equivalent to 2hrs 15mins long! I calculated my time and figured I could make it to Lido by 7pm. So doodle dee doo we went.... all happy and plan will work.

Just before 6, hubby called to say he was on his way to Lido! Damn, now what? Movie at Bugis has not ended and I was enjoying the warm, mushy feeling! I had to confess and sms hubby to let him know I was in Bugis.... obviously our friend not happy...

I did not even wait for the movie to end - left at 6-ish and drove to Lido. You know when you are in a hurry, you always end up being caught in traffic and I did not realize that some roads towards Orchard were closed. Damn! I had to detour and was later caught in another traffic...*sigh*

Long story short, we made it to the movie on time and enjoyed ourselves very much. For a preggie lady, I think not bad eh - my driving skills is pretty good though I now have to turn my head for blind spots, i sat through 2 movies back to back... and yes my back ached when I got home. Had to be on all fours to just relax... making me look like a sloth....

The good thing is, my g/f who used to say that she will NEVER eat alone or even watch a movie by herself, ended up on her own! hahaha... the kind of things she ends up doing when she spends time with me. One - she was forced to grow up *wink*, 2) watch a movie by herself - never say NEVER!

Friday, December 15, 2006

My Most Memorable Trip in 2006

It has to be the New York trip in February. It was still cold when I got there - freezing. I was as usual stopped at the immigration because I have a Muslim surname *sigh* but when I told them that I work for the Orange World, the immigration officer started talking about the sweepstakes that was happening that weekend. I listened, gave him my darlie smile and off I go.

I like being in big cities and if I have my way, I would go to all big cities for my hols. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I don't always get my way. Anyway!

The NY trip was a busy one - back to back meetings, conferences to attend, dinners with our colleagues in NY, shopping and absorbing city scenes. But that was not the highlight of my trip.

It was the snow storm that I experienced. Apparently it was the second biggest snow storm in NY. The snow was thigh high and it crippled the transporation system. It was also the same day that I was supposed to fly out. Everyone started talking about the snow storm and I thought, how bad could it be right? On our (my colleague and I) left early for the airport and by the time we got there, the roads were soon covered with snow and it was a beautiful sight. Deep down, I was wondering if it was safe for the flight to take off.

We got on the plane and stayed there for the next 6 hrs! The engine was de-iced 3 times and by the time the plane was ready to take off, the weather was so bad that we had to stay for another night in NY. We were sent to a nearby hotel at 4am and told to get ready the next morning at 8am for our flight. It did not happen. All the airports were closed, flights cancelled and that's when I also realized Americans cannot handle crisis and their service shucks big time.

Despite being tired and grouchy, my colleague and I became kids once again, we threw ourselves at the snow, played snow balls, built snow man, admiring the beautiful white fluff, got our ass, hands and ears frozen! It was just so awesome.

I woke up to this milk white morning... taken from my hotel room....

We walked around the hotel... no where else to go....

Check out the snow behind me!

Monday, December 11, 2006

My motto for the few weeks, months, years...

Everyday I do my best and to Allah I leave the rest. I know that I cannot do better than my best, so I'll do what I can and rest.....

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My Little Gem....

I am 8 months preggie now and soon in Jan I will become a Mom - InsyaAllah! So exciting! Yep we have bought some baby stuff, mostly clothes and I have received some gifts from friends and distributors. Hubby can buy all the other stuff when the baby arrives.

We've been asked several times by friends, colleagues and relatives for our little gem's name. It has to be a simple name and yes, we have shortlisted a few. We went to PGL musical 2 weeks ago and I was tickled when I hear the actors/actresses spoke Bahasa Jawa. It has always been a joke between my hubby and I. I don't understand a single Javanese word until we got married and sometimes without realizing it, I used those words in my conversation... hahaha.. so one afternoon, a colleague asked for our little gem's name.... and I said Gusti Adipati SukarnoPutra! How's that?!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Another Office Move...

Yes, you read it right. I am moving offices again... this time believe it or not back to the Orchard Road office.... I don't even know whether I want to cry or laugh...

After the restructuring and many unexplainable situations by the management, we are moving back to the Orchard office... 2 weeks from today. There are major constructions going on at the Orchard office to accommodate us and whoever that are left behind to work for this really brilliant company! I had lunch and dinner with my distributors today and they were all asking about the new office and you should have seen their faces when I told them I was moving back. Thank goodness, I will be out on maternity leave soon... so I am adopting the take and do it attitude.

Work has also been piling on my plate...a colleague called me "stupid" for taking on more responsibilities. You see, I don't mind doing more work and being exposed to different businesses - because i love to learn but one thing I cannot stand is stupidity and trust me, there are people in the team who are like that. I wish I could get them off! I also cannot stand people who worry for nothing and come up to me with all the "what ifs" question. For gosh sake, snap out of it and seize the situation, find your solution instead of giving me another white hair...

I just need to find my mojo for the next few weeks in the office and try to shield off all the negative energy around me. I really try hard not to bitch but since I've been back to the Orchard office these past few days, I am finding it very difficult to bite my tongue. The only thing that makes me happy right now is the thought of buying most baby stuff this weekend! We have our list ready and come Saturday, we are on a roll!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No smoking

I have nothing against smokers... hey my hubby and brothers smoke. They just don't smoke in the house and when I am around.

I welcomed all the No Smoking signs that you now see at hawker centers and other small eating establishments. Last night, we went to our usual eating place along Bukit Timah for dinner. While eating, there was a group of young adults behind us, smoking. Clearly, they must be blind to not see the No Smoking signs. Since we are regulars at the eating place, we told one of the waiters to tell that group to smoke some place else. Obviously, they were not happy and started staring at myself and hubby. I stared back. What made me really annoyed is that they were clearly in the wrong and yet they acted as if they were right! And what's worst, they are Malays! Why do they act that way? It's bad enough that Malays make up the most number of smokers in this country and there are some bodies educating our community to give up smoking. And over here we have a group of young idiots who are selfish and behaving as such.

Hey, smoke all you want, its your body, your health and your life, just be considerate and follow the rules! There are reasons why rules are put in place!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hindi Pinoy!!

I'm exhausted and I think no matter how much my head tells me I can do it, my body is telling me otherwise....perhaps I am getting bigger and older... 7 months preggie next week! how time flies!

And speaking of flying, just got back from Manila last night. I was not at ease the whole time I was in that country. Well... I am never at ease when I have to leave for Manila but this time round, I was really paranoid and as much as I could, I stayed indoors. I don't know why... perhaps I have not been traveling as often, or because I am pregnant, or could it be everyone was questioning whether I was OK to travel or could it also be that I was on the 22nd floor of the hotel.... hey as woman traveling by yourself, you should always, ALWAYs request for a hotel room on the lower floors... in case anything happens and you need to run down and yes, a room close to the lift!

This time round, I saw several bomb squad trucks parked along the roads, the offices, malls and the hotels premises. On the second day, there was a demonstration right next to the hotel and usually, I would stay out to watch. Not this time. The next day I told myself to stop being paranoid and decided to go to Starbucks for a drink... while on my way there, I kept holding on tightly to my purse.... don't ask me why. Finally, when I got to Starbucks and they started asking me for my order in Tagalog, I snapped and said "Hindi Pinoy!". I must have sounded really pissed off or arrogant that the guy looked really surprised. I did apologize, got my coffee and quickly left the cafe... back to my hotel room.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Excuse Me, Did you Just Fart?

I met a 5 year old boy last night. Very chubby, talkative and cheeky. He was watching one of the kids channels (ahem) and he farted. So I asked him did he just fart? Without looking at me he said, "no, that was the motorbike..." and when I asked him about the smell, he said " Auntie Z... that was the SMOKE!" I burst out laughing!

I wonder as a parent, how do you react to that?!

Cars, Cars, Cars

Our favorite topic of the week is CARS! One of my friends said she feels like getting a car. But she has not gotten her driving license yet - she said she'll get it when she has a car (hmmm....) I asked her, what do you want in a car.... she paused. She said, it has to be cool - to go with her cool image (so she thinks), it cannot be black because black retains heat (!)... and most importantly, the speedometer has to be colorful and there must be a drink holder. I'm surprised she did not request for a mirror on the sunshield... perhaps she does not know. That to me is so typical girl - OK I may be generalizing here but I have a few friends who requested for the same.

Luckily for me, I was forced to learn the basics about cars while in uni. My first car was a Mazdo 323 - Metallic Blue in color. I was so excited while on PM scholarship, my parents allowed me to buy one. Like any other girls then, I chose a car for it's look rather than its trustworthy engine. I ended up sending the car to the mechanic to get several parts fixed - and it costs me a LOT of money! I've learnt my lesson the hard way.. subsequent cars afer that, I know what to look out for and what to ask.

To my friend and you know who you are, I have a perfect car for you.....:)


This car is spacious, you don't need a windshield or window. THAT means you can put on some make up because everyone can see you now. You can comb your hair too because it moves really slowly and your hair will stay in place!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oh Hoi..... HOI!

Thanks to hubby, I am sleepy this morning. We were listening to some really old songs on You Tube and had a great time laughing! One that stands out most of course is Cek Mek Molek - M Daud Kilau's song! Yes, your eyes did not fool you - M Daud Kilau! I wanted to join the "gelek" session but realized that with this huge tummy - it would look awful... and I don't think I want my son to be a "gelek" prince either!

OK call me whatever you want, I started listening to Malay songs again after I got married - prior to that - it was Class 95 for me. Today, I listen to Era - great station by the way and has become a lot more "Benot" then before!

This song below is for all of you who are reading this.... see if you can remember the tune! Chebah!

poie pokan..naik basikal..tongah hari..tongah paneh..
apo dayo...motong gotah...apo nak dikato..
kalu buleh nak jadi cikgu skolah kek kualo pilah...yeah

The Orange World

The Orange World... our world, nothing bothered us for 5 years. The company restructured, channel heads were chopped, but the Orange team continued and survived. Whatever challenges given, we took, we run, we made it happened and we grew! Oh yes, we bitched, we vented our frustrations but played hard too - we watched movies during office hours - part of the job, we had an Orange Day Out. We were not bothered with whatever went around us.

December 2005 - The Orange World was forced to grow up and we were separated. It was difficult initially. We lost our colleagues, we cried our hearts out, we couldn't believe this would happen to us. We also realized though that no matter what happened to our world, life continues. We got used to the structure, move on with life. I am happy because my friends/colleagues are still around eventhough not in the same office and hey I got pregnant - the one wish that I've always carried with me.

October 2006 - Just when the dust settles, another shattering news - uncertainty, questions, mess, frustrations and heart aches. Now almost everyone in the Orange World is gone - The people in the Orange World - one of the 2 reasons why I am still here today....

Orange World Friends told me to stay and continue with the Orange Battle, some friends told me to take this time and ponder on my next steps.... deep down, I cannot wait to become a mother and see how that will change my life completely and the ambitious me want to take things to the next level.... work wise, what's coming up looks promising and challenging - the thing is, how much more do I have to do to prove to these guai los that Asians can do it?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ten Eleven

10/11... a date I will never forget. I lost colleagues today... both in this office and corporate office. The feeling is horrible...everyone was moody, restless and the office is like a ghost town now. Luckily, the company allows us to leave if we don't feel like staying - I may do just that.

The saddest part, one of my closest colleague - who has been with me for the past 6 years has been asked to leave - now what is left is just memories and I am glad we are friends. We had the best years and looks like I am the last one standing - question is for how much longer?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Story of Kiah, Senah, Jenab and Jah... Episode 4

The four women played host last night and invited the rest of the Malay Muslim community from Corporate Office to break fast together. It was such an exciting event. Everyone was into it!. Senah and Jah took food orders from everyone - I tell you, these girls can really eat! Kiah is impressed. Immediately after a meeting yesterday, Kiah and Senah went to Bussorah Street to buy the food. Thanks to Kiah, we got most of the kuehs.... Senah knows how to eat only but does not know the names of each kueh - ish and she calls herself a foodie... what irony.

We did buy some of these kueh ... of course they don't look as good as those in the pictures..... Senah, for you only - 1st pix is karipap

2nd pix is popiah, in case you don't know

and the 3rd pix - see the names on the pix

Jah was efficient. At 615pm, she started to arrange the food, made drinks and took care of the break fast session. One thing for sure, if you need someone to help you in the kitchen for any majlis kenduri, Jah is the obvious choice. Everyone pitched in. Our guests arrived with more food and drinks (!)

We ate, we laughed, we talked, we gossiped, Kiah asked all the single girls what they want in a man... walauwey, these girls are difficult to please. Good luck. The most classic one - the guy must have lots of cash in his CPF! ha! The most important thing, the girls had fun.

All the girls have worked here an average of 6 years and believe it or not, this is the first time that everyone comes together to break fast. Kiah remembered in the corporate office, she used to break fast on her own in her small cubicle. And the other girls did the same. In that office, we had a huge breakout area and never did we come together to eat. Since we've moved to this office, we've met up twice *sigh*

The sad thing is, this could be our last get together because come next week, we don't know where each one of us will be... hopefully nothing change and if it does, then we just have to get Jah to organize a get together session in someone's house or better yet, a buffet session since these girls really LOVE food!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Idiotic Drivers

I have to get this out of my system.... I've had this conversation with a few people already and it's time I say this.

I was out shopping with mom last Sunday and we were at Joo Chiat Complex. We got there early simply because we want to avoid the crowd. We got to the multi storey carpark, there were still empty lots available but they were rather far from the shoping entrance. You'll have to walk a little... which is fine... in my opinion of course. As I was looking for a parking space, I saw this weekend plate sedan car, driven by our fellow Malay. He wanted to be close to the entrance and guess what he did? He squeezed into an empty space next to a big car... mind you this space is not a parking lot! Firstly, I've always thought that Singaporeans take a lot of pride in owning a car and will take care of it well.... I do. Each time I see a dent in our car, I would cringe and insist on paying that few dollars extra to vacuum suck the dent out. But no, this fella just squeeze through, parked his car and walked away. If I were the driver of the other car, I would be really angry, there is a reason why parking lots are created. And why do I want to squeeze myself in and out of my own car. What if I had opened my car wide and knocked against his? Who is to be blame? What if I scratched the car accientally with my diamond ring? Will I be blame for it? Why doesn't he use his pea brain to think of the inconvenienced that he caused other people... not just that, he made other people angry. How can I not call my fellow race stupeed?

Then of course, there are incidents when I see drivers parked their car along zebra crossing junctions. This is a fairly common sight during any prayer session. Yey, that you are doing something good but why inconvenient other drivers? What kind of message are you giving out to our fellow Singaporeans? It reflects badly on us.

I always believe that if you want to own a car, then be responsible i.e. pay for the extra charges and the inconveniences that come with it - parking coupon, ERP charges, distances that one has to take from the parking lot to building entrances, etc. Walk if you have to - the extra calories you burn off, the better it is for your health.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Fractured October

Hubby fractured his finger during a soccer game last Friday. He refused to go to the doctor initially because he is a firm believer of traditional healing. Me on the other hand is a firm believer of modern medication. On Sunday, he was in extreme pain and agreed to go see a doctor. I brought him to NUH. He came back with 2 days MC, an appointment to see a hand surgeon, a bandaged finger and a foul mood.

It does not help that this happen during Ramadan because I need him to help me in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He did try last evening when I got home from work however, he was so clumsy and slow that I had to initially tell him to just set the table and eventually ignored him.

So this morning after sahur, I told him that his timing is perfect. Guess what was his cheeky reply? He said that for the past 3 years, I have always been traveling during Ramadan and this is the first time that I have to stay put. So, this is time for me to give him the extra TLC to make up. Ish.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Absent Minded... Forgetful... Me?

I have always prided myself for having a good memory. I don't remember details but I do remember most things. In the "Idiot Guide to being Pregnant", I have been warned that I will experience absentmindedness and being forgetful... initially I told myself God's Willing that will not happen to me.... until recently.

Hubby now does not want me to drive because I have done the following 1) forgot my destination... I will continue to drive and miss my exit, 2) Road hog. I forgot that I am driving on the right lane and brake at the last minute. As a co-pilot he gets annoyed and when I drive to work he has to call and send me SMS messages to remind me to not speed, don't road hog and exit at the right place ;) Honestly, I don't realize what I've done until he highlighted to me recently. I guess he must have had enough.

At work, I have missed a few meetings - luckily for me, my boss was not in those meetings, I make a habit of writing down what I have to do next but sometimes it does not make sense.... Once I remembered I wanted to inform Ad Sales of something but ended up writing a show title instead ;P

At home, I go round looking for my things because I just cannot remember where I left my stuff. I thought I've lost my i-pod recently because I could not find it in the study and in the office. I found it later in one of my many handbags....

I do laugh at myself most times and I am making a conscious effort to remember things. For now, I shall enjoy being pregnant and everything else that comes with it :)

Post Winter Sonata

I spent my weekend watching the last 6 episodes of my Korean drama - Winter Sonata. Today, I cannot get the hero out of my mind, I can remember part of the dialogue and the thought of the drama warms my heart.

Couldn't stop talking about it with another colleague. She too watched the drama over the weekend and cried her heart out. She's worst because she now wants to replace pictures of her children with the main actor and has gone ahead to order the soundtrack. At least I am not obsessed.
Told another colleague the story line and I am very sure that she too will be convinced to watch the drama.

I've been advised to watch the next 3 dramas - Autumn in My Heart, Summer Scent and Spring Waltz.... gosh. I have bought Summer Scent but I think I should start watching this only after Ramadan....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Aaahhh......I'm in love

I am in love.... in love with the Korean drama - Winter Sonata. The complex love story hooked me, the winter scenes are breathtaking, I am playing the music over and over again on my laptop and crying scenes makes me cry, the actor is so good looking that all I want him to do is smile because that smile lits up his whole face and makes me go aaaahhhhh....and he has a nice set of teeth! you knowlah, me and teeth.... and I have been sacrificing my sleep... been going to bed at 4am for the past 3 days and I wonder if I can survive this week. it does not help that hubby enjoys watching it... the more reason to stay up.

I even downloaded the actor pix (!!) and i shall look at it a few times a day... who knows my child may look like him :P hahahah...

I heard the song - Sonata Musim Salji on radio once and few weeks ago I saw the music video but it featured the Korean clips. I didn't even know that the original version of the song is Korean... that got me hooked and during lunch i bought the DVD. Didn't watch it immediately, took my time but once I got started... I cannot stop!

Today, I went to YouTube and found the music video... and yep, I have been listening to the song over and over again. I tried listening to the Malay version again... but I am convinced the Korean one is a lot better.

Managed to influence my colleague. Initially I promised to lend her my DVD but she saw the music video and now she has decided to get one for herself! I bet tomorrow, both of us will be sleepy but happy...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Devil Drivers.....

We went for a short holiday to Cameron Highlands with hubby's friends. All of them are from Subaru Legacy Club - the oldest guy is in his 60's and the rest are in their 30's. Some brought their wives, girlfriends, parents in laws and kids. 9 cars in total, same model - each driver is a road devil. 3 of them go to Sepang to race... so you can imagine what happened when we hit the Malaysian roads. Oh don't get me wrong, our hubbies did not drive recklessly... they kept their distance with the cars in front of them, they signal to overtake, they signal to inform other drivers to move to the left, they did not cut in and out of lanes. They followed the rules but the only thing they did not follow was the speed limit. On average, they were driving at 150km/h and the highest speed hubby clocked was 200km/h... I took a picture of the speedometer to show to my MIL :)

Everyone came prepared for this trip. We had walkie talkies - the leader gave us ample notice if there was a lane merging, a police patrol car ahead, when to stop for toilet breaks and when to overtake during our descent from Cameron Highlands down. That was a scary drive in my opinion. The roads were meandering and these devil drivers were going at 80km/h. After a while, I gave in and started throwing up - hubby slowed down and he looked quite guilty. Of course when we got to our first stop, all the wives, parents and kids were complaining too... so the men did get a earful from their wives. Serves them right.

In JB, the men started planning for the next driving trip... this time they want to go to Penang. Hubby got excited - the last time we drove to Penang, my mom and brother came along... he had to follow the speed limit and this time I could see from his mischievous smile that he wants to go to Penang again... for some other reason. Unfortunately, that mischievous smile was shortlived because come December, wifey cannot travel to any countries but stay put in sunny Singapore!!

The story of Jah, Kiah, Senah and Jenab... Ep 3

Kiah bought the story book and newspapers for Senah and Jah in KL last week.
Kiah was at One Utama and was looking for a mamak shop... you cannot find one in OneUtama. Don't want to give up, Kiah decided to try her luck at MPH bookstore... well at least she can buy in style :)

In MPH, Kiah went round and round looking for the book. She gave in and asked the sales assistant. She was directed to the Malay section *duh*. Found the book after several rounds and it was the last 2 copies. The front cover featured our "beloved" princess and her musang bermisai. Grabbed and went straight to the cashier. Along the way found 3 different news tabloid featuring our "beloved" princess on the cover. Grabbed, paid and Kiah was out of MPH in a flash.

Kiah has not read any of the newspapers/ book that she bought. It has gone straight to Senah, first thing Thursday morning. Well Kiah kept her word... will Kiah do it again for Jah and Senah? NEVER!

Monday, August 28, 2006

The story of Kiah, Senah, Jenab and Jah.... Ep 2

The long awaited episode 2. It's difficult to get all the talents together. In this episode, Jenab has gone missing.

Senah, Kiah and Jah had breakfast this morning. Jah was giving us the lowdown on Siti's wedding while Senah gave Kiah the lowdown on Mawi and Ina. Obviously Kiah is in her own world last night.... oh yes, she was watching the Emmys :)

Anyhow, everyone got really excited and animated. Senah and Jah found out that Kiah is traveling to KL tomorrow for work. Kiah is now tasked to buy the story book about Siti and Datuk K's love, newspapers, magazines that has Siti and Datuk K in it and worst, Senah unashamedly asked Kiah to get a copy of the live TX from TV 3... since Kiah is meeting up with them!

You see, Kiah does not buy Malay tabloids... looks like she'll do it tomorrow. Should she disguise herself as a Puan Benot or should she pretend that she is now back in Malaysia on holiday and catching up on local happenings....
Knowing Kiah, she's probably will get her friends to buy them for her. Rest assured Senah and Jah, you'll get your magazines on Thursday!

Goodbye Cannon IXUS

We had our office warming party last week. It was a great party - great turn out, fantastic band performance, great food, the staff loved it because there was lots of booze. I enjoyed it because our partners came, ex-colleagues and friends joined us and of course I always enjoy watching staff doing silly things as they get drunk. Hey, it must have been damn good because our party was featured on Sunday's New Paper!

I was not the photographer but chose to bring my camera and take my own shots. I had my camera with me the entire evening. At midnite, when the party ended, we had a "family" photo taken and I remembered passing my camera to the cameraman. And then I don't know what happened. On my way home, I remembered that I left it at the counter and of course by then the camera was gone.

I was really upset and all hubby said was ..."I can't scold you because you are pregnant... it's OK" It's not OK because I bought that camera for hubby for our 2nd wedding anniversary. I insisted on getting him a new one and did suggest some other brands. Hubby finally agreed but requested for another Canon....we are getting one this Friday at the PC show.

I told hubby today that I must have done something really wrong at the party and as a punishment, I lost the camera. He just smiled. It must be true.... *sigh*

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Enjoy the Ride ....

My work requires me to travel. I don't travel as much as I used to - which is great! You do get tired after a while and when you travel on a holiday, I sometimes feel like I have to quickly leave the airport. Hubby is annoyed when that happens.

Anyhow, I am in Manila this week. When I make the decision to go to Manila, I told hubby and he was fine with it. I had to ask gynea and he said, "why are you always traveling?" But he's OK with me traveling. I had to tell my mom and of course being a mother she worries! When my colleagues found out, they asked if I could travel... In Manila, my colleagues treat me like I'm an invalid. They carry my bags and held me when I come out of the car. When I told them I was going to Glorietta to buy some stuff, they made one of the junior staff to follow me.... and the mall is just 5mins away! I know it's sweet but really I am fine!

I guess the best treatment came from my GM. He actually carried all my bags and paper bags and shoo-ed me off to go on my own. I was embarrased initially but he told me to enjoy the ride because come Feb 07, I'm sure things will go back to normal.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I learned that word during my first trimester..... Javanese word *sigh* Slowly picking up all these words. Not sure if I like them. Time really flies and my body has changed too... I'm starting to show and according to some colleagues my boobs are bigger... I compared them to Tyra Bank's... I sure have a long way to go!

So the first three months was slow and I was such a LAZY bum! All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep and more sleep. Ironically, I used to think that taking a nap in the afternoon and sleeping in was a waste of time! Hubby said, "asyik nglembor ajer"... found out that nglembor means sleep. Of course then some old folks say, I'm going to get a girl because of that. How interesting....

Now that I am in my second trimester, I feel that I can do anything and everything. I get up early to pack breakfast for hubby and prepare dinner before leaving for work. I clean, wash and do the ironing. You hardly see that 2 months ago. Of course parents, hubby and friends continue to tell me don't do this and that. Cannotlah. I need to keep myself occupied.

Question is, what happens once I move to the next trimester? Will I go back to being nglembor and feel like a beach whale?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Tiada Rahsia.....

Yes, I did watch the 1hr special... not on TV 3 but on YouTube. I became interested in Siti and Datuk K story about 2 weeks ago when my boss sent me to KL. I had to meet Channel 9 at TV 3 premises.... we had our meeting with the programmers, marketing people and immediately after the meeting, all talks were focused on Siti and the latest development. I was in complete shock - it's like one news flash after another.... wahh... simply unbelievable... I did not have time to digest the news! On the plane, i digested the news and told myself that I am working in such a vicious environment and not good. Told hubby when I got home and he warned me to stop listening to such trash.

The next day at work, I told a colleague and she told another colleague - the viral continued. Then this colleague introduced us to a malaysian website that tells you everything and anything about Malaysian artistes. In my free time, I visited the website and wah wah wah... more news on Siti. My image of this porcelain princess is now so clouded. HELP!

This morning, a colleague told me that she caught the 1hr special. Itchy fingers, itchy hands, itchy backside, we congregate and went to YouTube to watch. I guess that Tiada Rahsia is suitable for the three of us here... we are such suckers for trash!!

babes, if you are reading this, slap me next time if I were to mention about strawberry-chocolate and Pak Besaq.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The story of Kiah, Senah, Jenab and Jah.... Ep 1

Let me introduce you to Senah, Jenab, Kiah and Jah, the handful of Malays in the office. 3 of us have worked in this company for 5 years but we become friends only in this new office. How funny. Senah is fairly new in the office but because she is a joker, everyone goes to her for some comic relief. Jenab is a producer, funny girl. Jah looks like an elder sister to them all but believe it or not, they are all of the same age! And of course Kiah is also known as Zanee O!

Senah, Jenab and Jah are closeted Malay fans. They read URTV, HMI magazines in their room and when they buy the magazines from mamak shop, they carry them in their bags.... so nobody knows. Kiah one day asks Senah, why she buys such magazine, she said, it was for her mom.... Kiah believes that.

One day, Kiah told Jenab and Senah to bring the mags to the office. While Kiah was out of her room, Senah left the magazines on her table. Soon after, she came and started teasing Kiah. Excuse me, Kiah reads trash but she will not spend her money on such trash. Kiah reads People, Hello and New Woman.... ahem...

Get My Name Right!

I don't understand why people cannot get my name right. They claimed that the "Y" in my name is difficult to pronounce. If you cannot pronounce my name right, don't even bother attempting it in the first place. Why can't they just ask me straight up?

When I was handling India, everyone in the India office called me Mansor... and I corrected them several times. It came to a point where I refused to even reply to emails because i was very annoyed. When they finally met me, of course all were surprised to see a female instead of a male and then I got my name right. Another experience in India, I was held at customs because I had some tapes with me. The immigration officer insisted that I am Indian because Mansor is an Indian name (!). Because he had my passport, I gave in and admitted to being an Indian! Not only am I an Indian, I am also a male in India! Gosh.

I guess my dad's name is easier to pronounce and off they go calling me that. This morning, I had several deadlines to meet and I received this call from Stan Chard wanting to offer some new card deals. The conversation went like this:

Caller: Hi! Can I speak to Mrs Mansor?
Me: You want to speak to my mother? (my mom sometimes give my number to people). What is this regarding?
Caller: Oh no... I want to speak to saiyai....
Me: (*rolled eyes) SYAHRIZAN you mean?!
Caller: hehehe.... yes.
Me: It's not funny. She is busy and not interested. goodbye

See, if you are a sales/marketing person, pronounce my name right. I am super fussy and you rub me the wrong way, there goes your business or potential to get any business from me.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Durian Queen

I love durians. Of late, I have been eating lots of durians. Yum.

When we were young and whenever we "balik kampung", we never failed to have a durian feast - be it along the road on the way to visit my relatives, with cousins, at every meal - breakfast, tea, dinner, supper and we even went to dusun durian to eat! Simply memorable. My late father used to remind us to not drink tea after a durian feast. Something to do with the chemical mix and how it will give you a headache.

Do you know that there are many ways to eat durian? You can make lempok durian - easy to make but takes a lot of time. I remembered making lempok durian with my grandaunt in Medan. The old lady took 2 days to make it. You can also make lempoyak durian - you mix this with sambal belachan and eat this with lauk lemak. Wah... shiok.

My favorite is eating durian with rice - yep. All you need is plain rice, water, a pinch of salt, sugar and durian - mix them all together. Alternatively, you can replace rice with glutinous rice and water with coconut milk. I normally eat this after a meal - like your dessert. The latter is soooo good that within 5 mins you'll start looking for your bed. Macam ular....zzzzz....

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Wanna Be an Ang Mo

I don't always watch MTV channel - I'm past that age.

Anyway, caught the hosted links - VJ Fazura and VJ Colby. Colby is ang mo and of course the first one is notlah. Wah wah wah....... she speaks with an American accent sey. You see, if I have never heard her speak English before, I would have thought that hey, she probably studied or grew up in the states. But I have heard her before and the minute I heard her speak with an accent, I could not believe it. First, she was trying hard to follow what Colby was saying and was probably in her mind thinking of how to respond to him. She was probably rehearsing in her head, how can i say this out properly? Secondly, her sentences were short, Colby was doing all the talking and she could not interject anyway. She was not a natural. She was making faces, smiling and smiling - No substance.

This is such a perfect opportunity for her to extend her reach to non-Malay audience and her performance to me is a turn off. Why can't she just be her true self, speak as per normal and stay true to her identity?

Oh well, I'm known to voice out my opinion. I'm definitely voicing this one out to the producer and the C&C head.

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Dummies / Idiot Guide To....

Have you come across this book? I saw this book ages ago and i thought it was meant for IT professionals only. I hate the title by the way, don't like to be associated with the title. Yes, where image is concerned, I am quite particular.

Guess what, image aside, I actually borrowed this dummies guide book from a library recently. And it has nothing to do with IT related topics. I needed to read about pregnancy and I want a book that is very comprehensive. I found several but mostly they are very UK/ Europe focused except for this Dummies Guide to Being Pregnant. I have to admit, it is a very good book, very comprehensive.

My initial reaction was, "how do I walk out of the library with this book?" As I read the cover page, I realized that 50 million copies of this book have been sold worldwide. At least I know I am not the only idiot reading this... there are 50 million idiots out there and I am joining that group!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Burp and Fart

In my workplace, we give awards to stars who can burp and fart the loudest. Sometimes, we thank our intestines and our anus for holding on and giving way to the burp.

so I have been farting and burping a LOT of late.... sometimes I get exhausted, grumpy and moody. Obviously, I have put in a lot of work and effort. Does this mean I can get an award too?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Car-aoke Anyone?

Would you like a cheap, fast, lunch hour car-aoke session? Nothing fancy, not in a lounge but in the comfort of a car. While you sing, the driver will bring you around Singapore or to your lunch destination- yes, this is a lunch hour service only. Occasionally, the driver will sing with you. The songs are all pre-selected - 80's music ranging from the Best of Flybaits, Carefree, Headwind, Wings and BDB - and that stands for Black Dog Bone. Sometimes if you are lucky, you'll get M Daud Kilau's songs...and of course you can choose to gelek in the car. This car provides English selection too - Boney M, ABBA, Bananarama and yes, the all time favorite I Will Survive. Interested anyone?

Monday, June 19, 2006

60-an Joget

I was at a wedding yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed myself. They engaged the services of Sri Mahligai mini orchestra to perform. That group sang Malay songs from the 60's. They sang, Nonya Singapura, Manusia, Tak Seindah Jiwa, Gurindam Jiwa, Hello Hello Sayang and more... my oh my... i wished I could danced to the music. Since I couldn't, i resigned myself to singing and shaking my legs under the table. Of course, body wise, I had to sit still. Hubby was on my side... with a restraining order.

Few months back, when my cousin got married, she had Hindi songs... wah, that one also power. I wished I could do some banghra dance. Then, hubby had to remind me to be poised but at the end of the day, when the wedding had ended and we were cleaning up, all my cousins, uncles and aunts went into banghra mode. it was fun.

I think I have found a way to enjoy weddings.... yep enjoy the music, especially so for music from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Good idea eh?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Another Office Move....

Friday noon - we stop work and will move to the new office. This would be my 4th move *sigh* The first one was from Temasek Towers to Atrium Tower 2, then Atrium Tower 1, then Atrium Tower 2 (same corner) and now to another Atrium but it's Holiday Inn Atrium @ Outram Road. If I have to move one more time, it will be to another new company.... so i say.

My boss left me and another colleague to choose the colors, system furnitures, carpets, blinds , everythinglah for the new office. Exciting right. The thing is, I am hopeless at matching colors. When we renovated our flat, my hubby chose the colors and made the final decisions on the design. I tell him what I want. This time I was pressured to choose the right colors and furniture... gosh... it was not easy. We spent several nights in the office choosing, contemplating, matching and finally it's all done. I like the new office colors - very colorful and bright. we have 4 meeting rooms, 2 of them has Paul Smith's colors. The other meeting room is bright lime green - and my colleague hated that color. hahaha... we shall see what other colleagues have to say. We have several pillars in the office and we both agreed on the following colors - PINK, REd, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, Orange. Nice eh. Very bright and cheerful. It reflects our personality and brand.

I am anxious. So, we went to visit the office during lunch. My image conscious g/f came with me. She highlighted all the flaws and said that that place is very much like Lion City Hotel and we'll be eating at Cyrstal Jade Kitchen.... well... I have no problems with the place.

I told her its OK. Instead of listening to songs on MTV, we listen to songs from the KTV lounges and dance to the beat of ABBA, Boney M and who knows BDB or Carefree.... i have a tune now in mind... and it has mak enon in it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Our Responsibility

I was watching the Malay channel recently and these are my thoughts:

why do the actors/actress color their hair? Aren't they proud with what God has given them? Kalau look natural tak pe, this one nampak sah, trying damn hard. Nak jadi om puteh ke?

the way they dress... wow... sexy sey. I wonder why? What's so nice about showing your flesh... oklah granted, you are in the entertainment industry and you are young but what is the message that you want to potray? Melayu moden or melayu baru or melayu maju? You don't have to show off your flesh to be sexy, modern, maju .... example - Siti Nurhaliza.

I think the Malay channel has to be responsible towards the Malay/Muslim community here in Singapore. Why? That's the one and only TV station that is being viewed by the Malay community. Like it or not, what you air on the channel is seen by the young and old. I have heard comments from our parents/ aunts commenting on the way the actors/ hosts/ actresses dress but has the channel done anything to address this? To the young, they think this is OK because it's on TV and so and so dress that way. That so and so is their idol/ role model. What do you get?

It's very sad to see our Malay youngsters loitering around town dressed skimpily, have tatoos on their bodies and think it's cool. We already have a problem with our image and yet I don't see the most influential medium in our lives doing something about it.

I remembered when i was in school, an Indian VP told me the reason why he did not want any more Malays in that school is because Malay students would bring the school standards down. There were only 15 that year! I was furious but at 13 years old, all I could do was to prove him otherwise. I topped school for 3 straight years, got a scholarship in Sec 2 and am the only one in class that made it to JC. Then in JC, i met a student who told me that her father said why Malays don't do well in school is because they don't eat pork. I told her that her father is shallow and made sure during hockey games I get to tackle her ankles. My sweet revenge.

I guess i am concerned when I see how our Malay kids today behave in public and wonder how their future would be. How can we educate them and attract them to do the right things? I guess more can be done to address such issue and all it takes is a simple change here and there. I've seen them in Malay newspapers, on MUIS website and yet the most influential medium (TV) is under utilized. It makes me angry and yet sad....

Feel Fat Day

You've heard of Monday blues and you've heard of Bad Hair Days... have you heard of "Feel Fat Day"? Well, today I feel like that. I had a hard time getting up... rolled on my back, hubby gave a back rub and dragged myself to the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom, i felt my thights rubbed together... In the bathroom, my stomach felt heavy and gave in to gravity. Why oh why did I give in to temptation and have that one slice of D14 durian last night? Had a quick cold shower, hoping that it would burn my fat cells. Then I looked into the mirror and man oh man... did I see that white hair sticking out and and my wrinkles have procreated during the night!

I was feeling so disgusted at myself that I made my hubby dropped me off at the Meridien Hotel in the morning and I walked to the office.... it's not that far but at least I walked right?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Geram Jangan Engkau Geram... Geram Geram

I am very annoyed. Extremely. I had planned my day well today and everything was right on schedule until my last meeting. It was supposed to start at 4pm but it started at 515pm instead. I could not make it to my body combat class nor run. The meeting ended close to 7pm!

I don't like to wait - i can give friends/colleagues a grace of 10-15mins and anything beyond that, you can see it on my face and my attitude. I can shoot you straight and will tell you to move on to the next agenda. When colleagues are late for meetings and later ask the same questions that has been addressed, I will not hesitate to tell you to be on time next time. The thing is, if you are late, SHUT UP and follow the meeting. If you have questions, wait till the meeting is over. That is basic courtesy. Why can't people be on time? Is something wrong with their watch, their estimation? Why are you late? Is it because of traffic? Sick? Tyre puncture? Stomache? too talkative? What?!

I don't mind if I don't have much to do after work but the thing is I made an appointment, one that I hope not to miss. I am annoyed at myself too for being such a LOSER and allowing work take over my time!

Now I think I'm better off listening to Black Dog Bone song - Geram, jangan engkau geram.. geram, geram. Geram, bermacam ragam. Ada yang suka... *sigh*

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hindi Fever

I've finally got the Hindi fever from my hubby. Don't laugh. He had this thing for Hindi songs last December.... i thought it was a short-term thing but that CD is still in the car and he listens to it almost everyday. so since he fetches me to and from work everyday, we started to sing to the songs too... scary huh?

I decided to take a step further and he obliged. We went to Mustafa Center at midnite to look for Hindi movies. I have no idea what movies to buy so i bought not one, not two but THREE Hindi movies - Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gum, Dil Se and DevDas.

I have to admit I do like Hindi movies - the actresses are so beautiful, some of the actors look pretty good (some quite gay-ish), great dance steps - which is good to follow because it could be another aerobic session for you - which reminds me, I should upload some songs on my i-pod. The songs, the voices, the drama and most importantly, the story has to be really touching- about family, about mohabat (hehe...lovelah).... and one that can make you cry and your eyes swollen.... that is a good movie... and hey if hubby sits through the movie... that would be one hell of a movie!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bread or Rock

I baked my bread today. The mixture was well-mixed and it rose and rose. I could smell the yeast - it was gooooddd... Wah, I was so impressed. So I put it in the oven to bake. 45mins later, the bread was ready. I took my knife out to cut the bread.... it was hard as a rock!! Alamak, what went wrong? I was so disappointed.... I told my mom about it and even gave her the b/g story. She said, "yalah, roti dari orang german... dia orang tu kan very kasar, keras... sebab tu roti kau jadi macam tu..." leerrr.....

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Come Drive with Me.

have you come across inconsiderate drivers? i feel that if only I could smack them or tailgate them or do to them what they do to others.....

what's up with drivers that smoke? they smoke while they drive and throw their cigarette stub out of the window. the next thing you know, that stub hits your car. you know what I would like to do? I would like to take that stub and throw it back at them... into their car... if only i could... i WOULD!

have you seen how taxi drivers drive their cars? well not all but i have seen several. they cannot drive within their lanes. they drive on the edge or on the line. what's up with that? is something wrong with their vision? don't they know that this is dangerous... dangerous to the motorcyclists and other drivers. we have to figure out if they are trying to change lanes ....

women drivers.... ideally I don't want to criticize them but seriously.... if they plan to drive like a snail, move to the extreme left lane. why stay on the right lane. that i don't understand. if only i could, i would overtake them and cut into their lane abruptly... of course that's dangerouslah and i would probably get a tix and 8 demerit for doing that... but just the thought of doing that is fun *evil smile*....

i have to admit that I have seen some women drivers who have balls/guts to stand for their own right. just the other day i saw this female driver waiting for a parking space. along came this Toyota car and went straight for that parking lot. the female driver had been waiting for some time. She walked out of her car, knocked on the drivers' window and stood by the door. She refused to move. Eventually, that Toyota driver moved out! She rocked! I'd like to see more women like that.....

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I'm heading for the gym....2 straight days. Last night I huff and I puff and I finished 5km. Not bad and I was so drenched in perspiration that I am sure my thunder thighs have slimmed down a wee bit. I dont wear mini or short skirts... so cannot tell. But I know it should have shrunked.

Now I am heading for body combat and i should be huffing and puffing again....

Travel Bread... or Chain Bread

You know chain letters, emails and SMS right? You pass it on to your friends/ colleagues. Sometimes they say, when you forward these chain notes, you'll get good luck. Believe it or not, today I receive a chain bread mixture.... and like any chain letters, I am supposed to pass this on... and get this, not the finished product but the mixture!

Apparently, the original dough is from Rome and it's supposed to bring your family lots of luck and should only be baked once. Not that I believe in such things but I do like baking... so why not try it.

I got it from a German colleague... she actually brought the mixture from Germany early this month.... her friend asked whether she flew to Singapore or take the road ... hello? Road? Duh!

Anyway, I received the mixture from my colleague and it comes with instructions. It says:

Don't place dough in the fridge. Stir with a wooden spoon only. Not metal!

Day 1: Stir/Mix
Day 2: Add 200g sugar. don't stir
Day 3: Add 200ml milk and stir
Day 4: 200g flour - don't stir
Day 5: Stir/Mix
Day 6: - check this out
Add 200ml milk, 200gm flour and mix until dough is smooth. Split the dough into 4 portions and pass 3 to lovely people for their own lucky bread (and the bread travels).

so, any of you my friends want to try this mixture. Let me know. I can send this mixture across to Malaysia even... this time, I can do it by road!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


today i received an email asking us what are the kinds of animals that our international office need to consider for any kind of products development...... funny i thought that someone who works in international office to not know the answer. i replied and told them the animals they should "avoid".... *sigh* Will they listen and do something about it? Not sure... we shall see. So far, I have informed people I know and yet, nothing has changed... oh well. their lost. I've accepted that I don't have to educate people, they should do so themselves... afterall, I did learn certain things on my own... the hard way.

I think Asian are a lot more sensitive to other people's cultural/ religious beliefs.... and that is very sad. Why is it that people don't take any effort to do something about it.

I was caught in a snow storm last Feb in New York New York. It was a great experience and the snow storm was BEAUTIFUL. Seriously. I became a kid all over again, played with snow, took lots of pictures and try to capture as much as I can in with my photogenic memory....

Anyway, at the hotel, the staff could not handle the guests demands. i'm sure the requests were not that hard to fulfil. This was my request:

Me: hi.... can i order some food?
Staff: No. Its buffet lunch
Me: But there is nothing i can eat. It's all meat, chicken, ham and I am vegetarian.
Staff: sorry. We have salad and bread
* bear in mind, I am caught in a snow storm and the last meal i had was at 11pm the night before. I requested for food at 12nn the next day.
Me: would it be possible to get your cook to make me an egg omelette?
Staff: No
Me: Why?
Staff: because there is only one cook.
and off she goes.....

I don't understand. Its buffet lunch, the cook must have finsihed cooking and all he needed to do was replenish the food. How long does it take to fry an omelette? So I ordered pizza... and waited for a FEW hours for it to arrive. I didn't even see it.... i gave up after calling them several times....

It annoyed me that people don't care and don't bother to care. Everything they (as in US) revolves around them and they get away with it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Unleashed the Power of Zanee O

I feel like a free individual these days... because I have become my true Singaporean self. I can use "lah", "lor", "meh", "where got", "can lah" and of course curse in Chinese, Cantonese, Malay and eerrr... tamil/hindi not yet but will get there one day!

the last 5 years, i have been speaking properly and living in 2 worlds... or perhaps 3. With my guai lo colleagues, I have to be proper and speak in full sentences. I sometimes don't laugh at their jokes because simply I don't get it. I think the feeling is mutual. When I curse, I use that same adjectives everyone uses... you knowlah which one. Now, I'm free!!! I can speak English, Malay, Chinese, all in one sentence. How cool is that? I've become this truly asian girl... maybe should get Malaysian tourism board to feature me in their ads. Anyway!

So i told my gf this morning that for the last few years "saya terperangkap" and of course I started singing this particular song by Nash - Terperangkap, dalam sinaran.... sinaran yang, mengilaukan mata... something like that lah. I am Zanee O afterall... i sing all sorts of songs that my Malay friends pretend they don't listen and don't like. Aiyah... i'm sure they do enjoy listening to these songs but don't want to be associated with it. *sigh* Afterall, when I sing to them Mazuin Hamzah's songs, they burst out laughing... deep inside, I know they listened to her too when they were young and must have read Varia Pop about Mazuin's wedding to the Prince Kutil!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Bad Bad Bad!!!!

OK I am a bad girl. Today I told a friend that I read someone's blog - OK no big deal there.
But I was under the impression that this person is trendy, pretty, slim, hip, yada yada.... you get the picture?
Sekali she is the opposite leh! and i stopped reading her blog. bad right??!!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Body and Its Own Mind....

I met up with several gfs over lunch a few weeks ago and one of them told me I have gained weight:( Ouch.... That's the worst thing to hear when you see your friends. So my mission for this month and following months is to loose weight. I think all my weight is sitting on my butt and thighs. If I don't do anything about it, I will soon become a beach whale... eeerr... the thought of it makes me sick.

So i brought my gym gear to the office and was very adamant about hitting the gym after work.
Obviously that did not happen -the only thing that is moving is my fingers and my eyes. sigh.

I don't eat much and i hardly snack in between meals. So why am i gaining weight? People say your metabolism rate slows down as you age... though i don't see that happen to some people. One of them is my friend. She eats like a horse and does not gain weight. So I have come to a conclusion that my body has a mind of its own. Of courselah, the butt decides to expand and takes up that additional space on the chair, the stomach decides to protude out and i guess take a peek at my toes..... What i don't understand, the chest continues to look like a small hump... you know the hump that you see at carparks. Waahhh........

Gucci For Me

Gucci For Me

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Men in France

I was in Cannes last week to attend a programming market. Cannes is lovely, the weather was great - very sunny, clear blue skies and windy. Many people were seen sitting in the sun along the Croisette doing their own thing. I managed to get some time to people watch and paid particular attention to French men. I noticed that men in France will look you up and down, comment on your clothes and flirt with you. It's more like a game... I would rather be invisible in France. Perhaps that explains why Frence women take care of themselves well. Many of them have perfect body - even though they may be in their late forties or fifties. They dress well, immaculate make up and sexy. They too flirt with men in order to get some things done.

If you think this is a typical behavior of every French person, there is more subtle play here. While sex is in the air, it may not necessary mean you end up in the bedroom. According to an article I read, to be considered a man in France, you have to talk a lot about sex. You have to leave an impression that you are sleeping with everybody and anybody (??) Does this mean then that french women flirt their way to success?