Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Geram Jangan Engkau Geram... Geram Geram

I am very annoyed. Extremely. I had planned my day well today and everything was right on schedule until my last meeting. It was supposed to start at 4pm but it started at 515pm instead. I could not make it to my body combat class nor run. The meeting ended close to 7pm!

I don't like to wait - i can give friends/colleagues a grace of 10-15mins and anything beyond that, you can see it on my face and my attitude. I can shoot you straight and will tell you to move on to the next agenda. When colleagues are late for meetings and later ask the same questions that has been addressed, I will not hesitate to tell you to be on time next time. The thing is, if you are late, SHUT UP and follow the meeting. If you have questions, wait till the meeting is over. That is basic courtesy. Why can't people be on time? Is something wrong with their watch, their estimation? Why are you late? Is it because of traffic? Sick? Tyre puncture? Stomache? too talkative? What?!

I don't mind if I don't have much to do after work but the thing is I made an appointment, one that I hope not to miss. I am annoyed at myself too for being such a LOSER and allowing work take over my time!

Now I think I'm better off listening to Black Dog Bone song - Geram, jangan engkau geram.. geram, geram. Geram, bermacam ragam. Ada yang suka... *sigh*


noz said...

relak sister.... jangan tension. Kalau tak kena beli SKII nanti

UndomesticQueen said...

i found a new cream. apparently it's better than botox.... i think i will be buyin it soon. plus they say, if no diff, money back guarantee...

Anonymous said...

krim aper tu seh?
i think i need it more than you... : )

noz said...

oi cream apa tu? I think I need it more that czar... hha