Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Travel Bread... or Chain Bread

You know chain letters, emails and SMS right? You pass it on to your friends/ colleagues. Sometimes they say, when you forward these chain notes, you'll get good luck. Believe it or not, today I receive a chain bread mixture.... and like any chain letters, I am supposed to pass this on... and get this, not the finished product but the mixture!

Apparently, the original dough is from Rome and it's supposed to bring your family lots of luck and should only be baked once. Not that I believe in such things but I do like baking... so why not try it.

I got it from a German colleague... she actually brought the mixture from Germany early this month.... her friend asked whether she flew to Singapore or take the road ... hello? Road? Duh!

Anyway, I received the mixture from my colleague and it comes with instructions. It says:

Don't place dough in the fridge. Stir with a wooden spoon only. Not metal!

Day 1: Stir/Mix
Day 2: Add 200g sugar. don't stir
Day 3: Add 200ml milk and stir
Day 4: 200g flour - don't stir
Day 5: Stir/Mix
Day 6: - check this out
Add 200ml milk, 200gm flour and mix until dough is smooth. Split the dough into 4 portions and pass 3 to lovely people for their own lucky bread (and the bread travels).

so, any of you my friends want to try this mixture. Let me know. I can send this mixture across to Malaysia even... this time, I can do it by road!


noz said...

sedap tak... kalau tak sedap tak nak

UndomesticQueen said...

sedap jugak cuma the crust was hard.... i blame it on my period!