Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Come Drive with Me.

have you come across inconsiderate drivers? i feel that if only I could smack them or tailgate them or do to them what they do to others.....

what's up with drivers that smoke? they smoke while they drive and throw their cigarette stub out of the window. the next thing you know, that stub hits your car. you know what I would like to do? I would like to take that stub and throw it back at them... into their car... if only i could... i WOULD!

have you seen how taxi drivers drive their cars? well not all but i have seen several. they cannot drive within their lanes. they drive on the edge or on the line. what's up with that? is something wrong with their vision? don't they know that this is dangerous... dangerous to the motorcyclists and other drivers. we have to figure out if they are trying to change lanes ....

women drivers.... ideally I don't want to criticize them but seriously.... if they plan to drive like a snail, move to the extreme left lane. why stay on the right lane. that i don't understand. if only i could, i would overtake them and cut into their lane abruptly... of course that's dangerouslah and i would probably get a tix and 8 demerit for doing that... but just the thought of doing that is fun *evil smile*....

i have to admit that I have seen some women drivers who have balls/guts to stand for their own right. just the other day i saw this female driver waiting for a parking space. along came this Toyota car and went straight for that parking lot. the female driver had been waiting for some time. She walked out of her car, knocked on the drivers' window and stood by the door. She refused to move. Eventually, that Toyota driver moved out! She rocked! I'd like to see more women like that.....

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