Luckily for me, I was forced to learn the basics about cars while in uni. My first car was a Mazdo 323 - Metallic Blue in color. I was so excited while on PM scholarship, my parents allowed me to buy one. Like any other girls then, I chose a car for it's look rather than its trustworthy engine. I ended up sending the car to the mechanic to get several parts fixed - and it costs me a LOT of money! I've learnt my lesson the hard way.. subsequent cars afer that, I know what to look out for and what to ask.
To my friend and you know who you are, I have a perfect car for you.....:)

This car is spacious, you don't need a windshield or window. THAT means you can put on some make up because everyone can see you now. You can comb your hair too because it moves really slowly and your hair will stay in place!
This car must use 'P' plate or 'L' license? Wah if Lembu Jantan, best - turbo engine. :-)
kereta lembu dari melaka....dan lepas itu, ku pandang ke kiri ku pandang ke kanan... ke mana sahaja asal tak merbahaya... ku pandang ke kiri ku pandang ke kanan... mari mari ... naik kereta ku.... woooow!!! (
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