Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No smoking

I have nothing against smokers... hey my hubby and brothers smoke. They just don't smoke in the house and when I am around.

I welcomed all the No Smoking signs that you now see at hawker centers and other small eating establishments. Last night, we went to our usual eating place along Bukit Timah for dinner. While eating, there was a group of young adults behind us, smoking. Clearly, they must be blind to not see the No Smoking signs. Since we are regulars at the eating place, we told one of the waiters to tell that group to smoke some place else. Obviously, they were not happy and started staring at myself and hubby. I stared back. What made me really annoyed is that they were clearly in the wrong and yet they acted as if they were right! And what's worst, they are Malays! Why do they act that way? It's bad enough that Malays make up the most number of smokers in this country and there are some bodies educating our community to give up smoking. And over here we have a group of young idiots who are selfish and behaving as such.

Hey, smoke all you want, its your body, your health and your life, just be considerate and follow the rules! There are reasons why rules are put in place!


Anonymous said...

eerrr....sista, even when you are angry, must have a smile plastered on your face, k? Sejuk baby kat dalam... ; )

noz said...

ahhhh must... kena turun garang nye... always happy and luagh... but kenas is with you... so no problem there

UndomesticQueen said...

of course beb.. when it comes to baby, touch my growing tum tum aje dah smile.

kalau kenes frust macam maner eh? who's going to make her laugh?