Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Story of Kiah, Senah, Jenab and Jah... Episode 4

The four women played host last night and invited the rest of the Malay Muslim community from Corporate Office to break fast together. It was such an exciting event. Everyone was into it!. Senah and Jah took food orders from everyone - I tell you, these girls can really eat! Kiah is impressed. Immediately after a meeting yesterday, Kiah and Senah went to Bussorah Street to buy the food. Thanks to Kiah, we got most of the kuehs.... Senah knows how to eat only but does not know the names of each kueh - ish and she calls herself a foodie... what irony.

We did buy some of these kueh ... of course they don't look as good as those in the pictures..... Senah, for you only - 1st pix is karipap

2nd pix is popiah, in case you don't know

and the 3rd pix - see the names on the pix

Jah was efficient. At 615pm, she started to arrange the food, made drinks and took care of the break fast session. One thing for sure, if you need someone to help you in the kitchen for any majlis kenduri, Jah is the obvious choice. Everyone pitched in. Our guests arrived with more food and drinks (!)

We ate, we laughed, we talked, we gossiped, Kiah asked all the single girls what they want in a man... walauwey, these girls are difficult to please. Good luck. The most classic one - the guy must have lots of cash in his CPF! ha! The most important thing, the girls had fun.

All the girls have worked here an average of 6 years and believe it or not, this is the first time that everyone comes together to break fast. Kiah remembered in the corporate office, she used to break fast on her own in her small cubicle. And the other girls did the same. In that office, we had a huge breakout area and never did we come together to eat. Since we've moved to this office, we've met up twice *sigh*

The sad thing is, this could be our last get together because come next week, we don't know where each one of us will be... hopefully nothing change and if it does, then we just have to get Jah to organize a get together session in someone's house or better yet, a buffet session since these girls really LOVE food!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still confuse lah with all this names, who's Senah, Who's Kiah, who's Jah and who is Jenab... Am I Jenab? oh no! It's so benut... I bet you don't know what's benut right... kha kha Kha... I also dunno :p