Monday, December 24, 2007

Me Difficult?

I'm letting off some steam.

I expect my friends to respect my religious practices and make an effort to remember that I eat halal food. Yes, halal does not mean no pork, it is more than that. Yes, I do go to non-halal restaurants but that is most of the times due to work - with boss, with clients (and sometimes in front of my boss, I don't even eat!) but when I am with friends, I expect friends to understand and respect that. I am FED UP of having to remind friends again and again. We are in Singapore, you have access to the internet, you can google for halal places here in Singapore! There are many Chinese shops that serve halal food - for one, there is Banquet. Go in and you'll see that every stall in Banquet is being run by Chinese. Halal does not mean Malay(!)

So am I being difficult? I am being assertive. The next time I get another suggestion for a non-halal makan place, one thing is for sure, you will not see me there. I'll join you guys later for coffee.

Holiday Holidays

Everyone celebrates the holiday season at the end of the year but why do people here wish you "Merry Christmas" and not "Happy Holidays"? I wish Merry X'mas to my Christian friends only and never wish anything to non Christians. Most of the times, I would say, enjoy the holidays.

I had dinner with one of my business colleagues a few weeks ago and she asked if the non-Christians feel offended with all the Christmas light ups and deco. I said no. To me, it is a commercial affair. She is Jewish and she told me that she would be offended if this was the case in her hometown. In US, there are all sorts of holidays - Kwanzaa, Hanukah, X'mas, Eid hence when it comes to the holiday seasons, they say Happy Holidays! Thinking about it, I think this is something we should adopt too.

Monday, December 03, 2007

When I Travel

I love to travel but I don't quite like traveling in SE Asia - call me a SNOB and I'll tell you "Whatever". I'm brought up in a country where everything is efficient, clean and safe... even when I am at home security comes first. My late father was a police inspector and he used to tell us many times to lock the door, the car, recognise buildings, faces, roads, what have you again and again. It has become a part of me.

Imagine how I feel when I found out troops stormed Peninsula Hotel in Makati City Manila last week. It's exactly 2 weeks ago I was at the same hotel. We usually stay either in Peninsula or the Shang but after what happened at SM Mall a few weeks back, I wanted to stay at the Peninsula. Little did I know that this was going to happen. Gosh, scary.
I know anything can happen to anyone at any time ... before I become a mom, I wasn't too bothered but now that I am a mom, I don't want anything to happen to me!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Friend in the Making?

There is this colleague in the office. Let's call her "Stout Chicken". I find her rude and agressive and there have been times where I told myself to stay away from her. We used to see each other along the corridor or at the pantry and neither of us would say hi or make an eye contact.

Over the past few months, I don't have a choice but to sit in for meetings with her. Yesterday, we were in KL for some presentation and I found out several things about her. Maybe I have a soft heart, maybe I have become wiser with age, maybe I have decided to look at the good side of a person, maybe I have no choice but spend time with her since we are both away (!) I've come to a conclusion that she is lonely and she wants friends. Afterall, she has been away for 15 years! Hey from not saying hello, we actually had dinner together yesterday! While I still find her very aggressive and rough on the sides, I've come to a conclusion that she is probably like that by nature. Being in a foreign land away from family and friends makes you a "tougher/ rougher" person perhaps.

In one of the conversations, she told me that she misses this particular snack and guess what I did today, I brought some for her this morning. I surprise myself for making an effort to remember what she wants and packing that snack from her. I think I must have surprised her too because for the first time, she gave me a wide smile while she walked along the corridor.

Restricted Zone

ERP charges has gone up again and you now see more gantry on many roads. Years ago, I remembered when we wanted to drive in to the city, my late father would buy a $3 coupon and placed it on the dashboard. With that coupon, we can go in and out of the CBD area multiple times! I also remembered when my late father was late for work and did not want to buy the coupon, he used to fetch his colleagues from the bus-stop along Outram Road and with 4 passengers in the car, he would drive in the restricted zone. Looking back, the reason for buying that coupon restrict the number of cars that drive into the CBD area. How things have evolved and change over the years.

Nana Ke?

Hubby likes to listen to Era on FM 104.5. It's a radio station by Astro Malaysia.
His favorite DJ is Nana. At one stage when he liked listening to her, he even suggested that if we had a baby girl, our daughter's name must end with a "Na". God is fair. We got a baby boy :)

Anyhoo, I always go up to KL to meet our partners in Astro and as usual, I would tease hubby and asked him if he'd like me to get Nana's autograph. Hah! I never did it until today!! I did not ask for her autograph.. that to me is not cool... plus I've never done such things in my life before! Instead, I took a picture with her! hahaha... and she made my day when she sang our channel jingle. Watch me, I'll try every means to get her to do something for the channel...

Got home and immediately shared the picture with him.. somehow he was not that interested. He said now no fun liao! Alamak! Waste current.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Motherhood vs Singledom

It annoys me when I hear negative comments about working moms. Some feel that when one becomes a mother, she no longer is committed to her job as she is unable to work late to finish a project or travel as often for a meeting or has to take urgent leave when the child is unwell. No matter how successful or efficient one is pre motherhood, all that goes out of the window when she becomes a mom.

I could say the same to single people too right. Some have different priorities in life. Work may not be top of mind for them. They do what they are asked to do and leave work on time because they have friends waiting for them post working hours. Some have family commitments as top of mind... does this make a person less committed to their jobs?

At the end of the day, it all depends on each individual. How one prioritze their time and work. How driven one is, how much support they get from family, from their spouse, from their siblings, basically your support system.

One thing I have learnt is that no matter how much time you put into your work, when it comes to company's re-org, all that does not matter. What matters is your brand - what you stand for and what you as a brand can do.

While I'm Gone..

The little one crawls and can now sit up on his own. The little one can also pull himself up and stand... that was a surprise as hubby forgot to inform me! And the little one's tooth finally made an appearance on his gums! 8 days away and I missed all these!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Excuse Moi

I was in CDG airport in Paris today to get on my flight to Singapore. I arrived at a domestic airport and got on a sky train to the international airport. At one of the stops a cleaning lady came on board the train. She brought a cleaning cart with her. I was standing at one of the doors and she kept telling me to move away in French! I was annoyed as the train was empty and why should I move right? Of course I rolled my eyes and gave her a stare. She continued to push her way through and I was squeezed between the door and her cart. Just as I was about to move away, we reached the next station and she left! What an idiot!

I am Home!

Got in this morning and couldn't wait to go home to see my two heroes. The flight home was a smooth one and we flew on the new plane B777-300ER... the seat is fantastic.. it can be converted to a full bed! I slept most of the time as I was awake the night before.

Little hero was excited when he saw me. Before I could put my luggages aside, he threw himself at me and was smiling all the time. He got really impatient when I told him to hold on as mama needs to wash her hands, feet and face first. I spent the first hr just cuddling and kissing him. He loved it and laughed along! I am really happy to be home!

As today is the eve of eid, I was very ambitious. I wanted to cook several dishes for hubby and I am proud to say, I cooked Ayam Masak Merah, Beef Curry, Sambal Tumis Udang and Nasi Minyak. I had time to even share the dishes with both my mom and in-laws!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Granny in Red

I was enjoying the sun and sea view when I saw this really old Grandma wearing a red bikini! She has a huge stomach, lots of cellulite on her thighs and arms and she walked confidently in the red bikini. She's one woman who is comfortable of her body, I thought to myself. I turned my head for a second and when I turned back again, the Grandma was topless! Oh my goodness, I'm speechless!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Salade Mozarella

Friends sometimes laugh at me because I can have salad as my main meal. In their eyes, that is not a meal. Salad in this part of the world is great. Unlike back home, over here there are so many varieties to choose from. The ingredients used are so fresh, juicy, flavorful, crispy and fragrant. My favorite salad is Tomato Salad with Mozarella cheese. I can have that as my main meal every evening and never get bored of it. According to my colleagues here, this is a summer dish, best eaten with bread and white whine. Not sure about the white wine thing, but it sure tastes good with orange juice too.

People Watch

One of the things that I like doing of late is people watch. It is a lot more interesting to people watch when you travel and you have lots of time in between flights. I was in Rome's airport and I spent the 1.5hr looking at Europeans... figuring out their nationality, wondering where their next destination was, wondered why some women have fake eye lashes, listening to the European speak and admiring the beautiful women and the good looking men! I could be staring, I figured so what... afterall, I do get stares too.. so I stare back. Unlike back home, staring incidents can lead to a fight sometimes, here, you may find the other peson smiling at you. Nice. But no conversation please!

I have not had time to sit in the sun along the beach to people watch in Cannes. It's a pity. The weather is amazing, the sea is blue and the sky is so clear... I am in hotel ballrooms screening shows. Aahhh... that is work. I'm sure I will find sometime tomorrow to get some sun and people watch with friends when I meet up with them for drinks in the evening.

Louis Vuitton

A few years back, I refused to buy an LV bag.. I bought Gucci instead. Today, I am eating my own words... yes, I bought an LV handbag this afternoon. I spent the whole day screening shows and I needed to go for a walk. That 15mins walk brought me to LV boutique.
It was not an impulse buy. I have been thinking of getting one and I've been told that LV prices here is at least 30% cheaper compared to the prices back home. And it is true.
I am happy with my buy :)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

One week to Eid and how do I Feel?

Depress... yes, that's how I feel currently.

I am traveling tonight to Cannes for a convention. It is the most painful and difficult time for me.
Firstly, I'll be away from my little one for exactly 8 days... my longest business trip ever. I will miss kissing, tickling, feeding, everything aboutt him, I will miss him. I've just put him to bed and all I want to do is to cuddle him all night long.... *sigh*

Secondly, it's 22 Ramadan... while everyone is busy preparing for breakfast, performs terawih, baking, cleaning and listening to Hari Raya songs... I am busy running from one meeting to another and eating the same food for sahur. This is too depressing.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Iftar with Friends

Every year, hubby's friends organize Iftar together. Usually, it's done at home but this year they decided to have it in a restaurant. I think it was a great idea. There were 4 families - 8 adults... and 12 kids! The youngest being my son, 8 months and the oldest 10 years old. My goodness, the kids can really play and play and run... I got exhausted just looking and running after them!

It was a fun evening...can't wait for Adli to grow up and join the abangs and kakaks play "police and thief" and soccer using plastic bottle!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Seloka Pantun

Anak Timah membeli roti
Roti dimakan dengan mentega
Wahai kawan janganlah ketawa
Membaca pantun di lelaman saya

Bulan Rejab sudah berlalu
Syabaan pula akan meninggalkan kita
Ramadan sedang menunggu
Sudahkah bayar hutang puasa?

Kueh jongkong kueh koci
Bukan senang membuatnya
Bila tiba Ramadan nanti
Kawan semua nak conserve energy

Pisang emas dibawa belayar
Masak sebiji di atas peti
Minggu depan aku pening kepala
Macam mana nak balik sebelum mulanya puasa?!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wedge Sandals

Finally! I bought a pair. I've always wanted to get one... for as long as I can remember but told myself I don't need that extra height. This time, I succumb. So what if I become the tallest girl in office, in the MRT, in the lift? So what if I have to walk really slowly while I carry my son? I LOVE it and I'm glad I bought it.

But one thing I realized, I cannot wear it after training... my leg hurts and it's difficult to find my balance :P

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Who cares if I'm in my PJs!!

Yes! I went down to the mamak shop downstairs to grab today's newspapers. So what if it's raining cats and dogs? Who cares if I'm still in my PJs?! I figured my neighbours are probably asleep... hey it was 615am!

Why so excited??!! Who wouldn't be?! My girlfriend nominated us for the best friend contest that Straits Times ran. And we won one of the consolation prizes. Never mind that! I was just excited and wanted to see what the journalist wrote. It was a long interview we had, but the write up was short... and the picture, my oh my, took 1/3 of the page size! Charl who must have been up really early text us at 6am... and does not give any details. Chris - who should sleep in texted us at 645-ish too.... guess we all couldn't sleep huh... and the weather was good to sleep in.

Here's the link below if you have not seen the papers. And we are on page 29 :P

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My Obit Friend

Ku bentangkan perasaan ku pada mu

Untuk mengadilkan bisikan sukma ku

Ku bentangkan perasaan ku pada mu

Untuk mengadilkan bisikan sukma ku

Andainya kanda pikat asmara

Sudikan dengan jiwa raga ku

Sejak ku bertemu pada mu

Fikiran ku telah terharu

Hanya kekanda yang akan dapat Mengubatkan hati ku rindu!

familiar? Sanisah Huri sang this song

Waaahhhh I like! I found my obit kaki in the office today. She sits quietly in her corner, doing her work and she listens to all these old obit songs! Waaahhhhhh!!!! She looks trendy, exterior va-va-voom but deep down, she is hardcore obit fan!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Visit to the Dentist

Had an appointment with a dentist today. The last time I went for a dental check up was late 2005. Last year, I was contemplating of going but as I got bigger and heavier in my pregnancy, I decided to not visit.

I used to like going to the dentist .. until today. I never had any problems with my teeth and gums. But this morning's check up was otherwise. The dentist took 45mins to scale my teeth! It was not painful but my teeth and inner gums were so sensitive that I had to tell the dentist to stop several times. He discovered that I have a cavity but could not treat it today as my gums were bleeding so much. My ordeal is not yet over I have an appointment with him next week.

Meanwhile, he gave me some medicine to treat my gums and an interdental brush for me to brush in between my teeth.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I have friends who asked me, why do you need a personal trainer? It's a waste of money, you can do it on your own. Thinking about it, yeah, I would rather spend that money on another Coach bag or Kate Spade bag. Or better yet, keep that money for my little one.

But I realized, no matter what I tell myself and how set my mind is, I do give in to the pain that my body feels. That's why I need a personal trainer because he is my cheerleader. He's there to push me for that last few sets of sit ups, bicep curls and for that last few meters on the treadmill.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Facial Done

Massage Done

Gym Done

Yep, I'm on a roll!

Took Friday afternoon off to get my facial done. It was pure bliss... two hours of pampering, massage and sleep! I swear my face is brighter! After facial, went home for a massage session. The tukang urut massaged my whole body for almost 2hrs! The poor lady was burping and burping. I think she was so exhausted after the massage session. Gosh, I feel like I've gone for a major engine overhaul.. body looks great but internal health... not so great. I've been advised to avoid cold drinks, coffee, tea and drink warm water only. Also, she has asked me to add ginger to my drink... this aids digestion and gets rid of the trapped gas in my stomach. I've been burping and farting since Saturday. And I need some caffine!! Sigh.

Today at lunch, I had my first session with my personal trainer. He really made me work and now my thighs and arms are aching. But I have J-Lo picture on my laptop and I do want to have a body like hers. Pain or no pain, I am definitely making my way to the gym this Weds.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Gym Next Week

I went to the gym and sign up for a personal trainer! Did it today and will start next week.
Thunder thighs, chicken wings arms - YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED! yeah!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Exercise, Massage and Facial

Are the 3 things that I want to do so BADLY.

I feel bloated and I know I have lots of wind in my stomach and body (not head!). I know because my poor son farts very often and I am breastfeeding him. While he farts, his mum burps... sometimes it's so loud, you'd probably think there's a cow in the room. The other day, my maid "gua sa" me and left me with bruises, but I felt "lighter".

My face feels dry eventhough I cleanse, tones and moisterize my face daily. The last time I went for a facial was 2 months ago - I need one now!

The only exercise I get to do in the morning is 3 sets of sit ups. If you consider carrying an 8kg baby an exercise, that's fantastic but so far I don't see any muscles yet. I'm trying to find time between 12nn to 2pm on weekdays to head to the gym. I have been busy meeting friends for lunch and expressing in the store room. After work - no time to exercise as I promise myself that I will take care of my boy by 8pm every night. Weekends, it all depends. Sometimes I nurse him at 6am, sometimes at 7am .... and of course to be honest, I want to sleep in whenever possible. My membership at Calfitness ends this month and I'm seeing an instructor this Weds. I promise myself that I'll start exercising next week- I just have to.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's One of Those Days

I was on the train and was looking into space when this came to mind...

Nama Pakcik Badak
Ada anak namanya Pekak
Together they are known as Pekak Badak!


Monday, May 28, 2007

He Did it Again...

Yep, no eye contact and no smile for his mama. I was in Manila for a night and my little one refused to look at me. I fed him, he drank, he smiled at his abah and responded to his abah's call but ignored me... *sigh*.. I cannot imagine if I have to travel for more than a week.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Techno Savvy

I would like to be techno savvy. Well, at least I thought I was until last evening.
Today, you have heard of blogs, podcast, WAP enabled phones and my friends it took me some time to really understand what they mean. Imagine, it took me 2 years to stay away from a blackberry and another 2 weeks to figure out how to use it. When I started to blog, I had fun, then I felt I needed to upload some pictures. Just when I've figured that out, my friends started uploading music to their blogs.. now I have to figure out how to do that too. Yesterday just when I thought I know some stuff already, I learnt a new one - moblog... ha you ask me, it's actually blogging on your mobile phones! So sophisticated eh. Ask me more, I will tell you that I don't know. Just when I thought I want to go blog, I ended up feeling goblok!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

First Trip Away from My Little One

I'm in BKK now... feeling very tired and sad.... sad for many reasons:
Sad for being away from my son
Sad because I have to throw away all the milk that I've expressed
Sad because I hear him cry earlier
Sad because hubby said this time round my absence is obviously felt
Sad because I am wide awake, have loads to do and all I want to do is GO HOME!
Gosh, I've never felt this way before...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The More Things Change, the more they Stay the Same....

It took me a week to settle down in the office. I feel that I am so out of practice, out of touch and everything seems so far away.... I had to pause, think hard and try to remember where I left things off. But getting back into the groove I think was quite easy - I just need to start juggling again and at times be a clown. The difficult part is catching up with what's going on out there in this dynamic industry.

I must admit that it was difficult to leave my little prince with my mom. Yes I know he is in good hands but I cannot help missing him... I had him to myself for 2 full months! I miss his smiles, his coos, singing to him and I have such short time to play with him after work. Plus, I have to share him with his uncles, cousins and grandparents! I am being selfish I know.

I shall not lie.... it does feel good to be back in office and I thought with all the changes, things would be different... well, most of it stays the same...

The 2 main difference that I noticed are 1) some of my friends picked up cooking - beginners level( at this age!) and ambitious too with the dishes that they want to prepare and 2) they have lunch together - makan berdamai. I thought it was kinda odd initially. Odd in a good way.

Well.. it's good to be back!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mission Accompolished

I'm going back to office next week. How time flies.

I told myself that I would do the following during my maternity leave:

1) Morning walks along the beach with the little one - I did the walks with the little one. Not along the beach but around my neighbourhood in the evenings. Well... at least I still walk. I can always imagine that I am at the beach. And I live in Bukit Panjang... lots of foliage and its windy - so in my mind I am at the beach.

2) Get my hair done - I did it

3) Meet up with g/fs - i did it - without the boy

4) Watch Korean dramas - I did it and even ignored Nash, Love Hunters on RTM 1

5) Become a Housewife - I did it and don't think I can do it everyday

6) Do marketing with the little one - I did it, complete with my marketing bag. Hubby say very makcik. Aiyoh... but a cool one because now hair very nice

7) And finally, I went shopping with the little one - just the 2 of us. He was such a doll. He did not cry his lungs out when he sat by himself in the back seat and let his mama drive safely from one place to another. Yahoo! There'll be a next time for sure!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nostalgia Top 10

These are some of my fav songs in the 80's. I'm sure my closetted friends do remember them...

1) Terbanglah Kau Burung - Mazuin Hamzah (*wink*)

Always loved this song. I remembered buying her album (casette tape) from my own pocket money. I spent some days singing to this song. I also thought she was very pretty and I like her teeth! hahaha.. yes, I am a teeth person.

2) Jangan Pisahkan - TT Dores and Someone

I'm not 100% sure of the song title. This song is really really sad. Thinking of it, this song is perfect for all the Korean dramas that I have been watching.

3) Hetty Koes Endang - Kuda Hitam

I used to sing this song to my elder brother and he would run after me annoyed. Ironically, his friends today call him "Black"

4) Balik Kampung - Sudirman

Loved this song. Reminds me of the long ride from Singapore to Butterworth. My late father's hometown. That's when I geo to hear him speak with the Penang accent and I did not understand a single word my cousins said. Also, had to remember my Mak/Pak Long, Mak/ Pak Ndak, Pak Teh, Mak/Pak Cik, Mak/Pak Jang, Mak/ Pak Lang, Mak/ Pak Tam, in order.... was quite stressful at one stage. And yes, that does not include the Mak Tok, Tok Abah, Tok Lang and more....

5) Kau Lilin Cintaku - Francesca Peters

Just loved her voice... I think I copied the way she dressed too! Hey! That was in the 80's!

6) Dulu Dan Sekarang - Black Dog Bones

In fact, I love most BDB songs....

7) Mengapa Perpisahan Yang Kau Pinta - Flybaits

This song is very sad. How come most songs in the 80's all about love...

8) Apa Yang Ku Cari - Endang S. Taurina

I spent my pocket money buying this album. Like the first song, I spent my afternoons sometimes singing this song in front of the mirror! Pretending to be in talentime....

9) Jangan Talipon Lagi - AlleyCat

Jangan Talipon Lagi, Leha Tak Boleh Pergi! This song is funny!

10) Boneka Dari India - Dlloyd

This one got good memories! Hubby sang this song to me!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Me a Housewife?

I really salute women who give up their careers to be a fulltime mom/ housewife. I don't think I can be one. While I love the idea of being with my son 24/7, I don't like the idea of having to do all the household chores, being indoors on most days and doing other errands daily. Don't get me wrong, I do find time to read, surf the net and watch DVDs but I do need "Me" time and at the moment, I don't get that often. I also need to be around people/ friends to laugh out loud at silly things. Laughing alone is not that fun.

My life is somewhat a routine these past few weeks. Everyday, after feeding and playing with my boy, I will have to quickly do the household chores and prepare dinner. While I love to cook, I find it very tiring having to think of what dishes to prepare for the day. Imagine our mothers doing that daily! Whatever spare time I have, I spent it online reading news or reading up on child's development. If I do have some time before my little one wakes up, I window shop online or go to gossip pages for some latest news. When I leave the house to go for walks with the little one, I feel like a bird... free

On weekends when we go out, I always opt for shopping malls as that's the only time I get to see, touch and feel the clothes, the shoes, the bags, etc. And I always look forward to the weekend. I did try to go shopping with my boy once but I did not go far. At the moment I can handle him on my own but without the pram, the diaper bag and the boy cyring in the back seat of the car. It can be pretty stressful.

To all women who give up your career to be a stay home mom, I really admire the choice you've made.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

SS vs SM

Who would have thought I would call her a friend? I met her, SS 7 years ago. My first impression of her, she was sloppy, abrupt and rude. When I found out that she is from Germany, I thought my impression was right. Then one day we started working together - boy it was horrible initially. Firstly, she's very long-winded. Ask her a question and she does not know when to stop talking. Secondly, she always seek for more info and that infuriated me - its not as if she'd use all the info in the end. She wanted the system to be perfect, orderly - which means more work for all of us and I swear then I would have kicked her. She is too oblivious with whatever that happened around her. Definitely not someone I could go to for any gossip! When we travelled together for work, she was always late and made me wait - each time I would tell her off. SS said I am very stubborn and direct. I told her she is just as stubborn and direct. At one stage I felt we tried hard not to offend each other. Then one day, one of our distributors wanted to take us to lunch and he asked if it was ok for the three of us to have lunch together. We said yes and asked why. He thought we were enemies! Wow... we did not realize the impression we left on others.

Over time, we become fast friends. Deep down I know she is kind, values her friends and she has a pure heart. I know she will leave Singapore eventually but when she told me last week, it came as a surprise. We met for coffee before she left and I told her I would miss her. I never thought I would say such things to her. We promised to keep in touch and knowing her, we will.

Touched By A ....

I had my hair done yesterday - a hair cut and a rebond. It was done by a new hairstylist - I cannot figure out whether the hairstylist is a he or a she. I spent the entire time observing her... him..... err....
She has very sharp nose - at one stage I was tempted to tell her... but I did not want her to think that I was hitting on her. Her eyebrows was nicely plucked and her make up was perfect. Her hair was long, silky smooth and beautiful but her voice was very hoarse. I caught her looking at herself in the mirror several times and each time she pouts. I thought it was quite sexy. She has quite nice lips and I thought I saw some stubbles at her chin... her hands are manly. She does not have a nice body but hey she has nice boobs. And at that time I came to a conclusion that he is a she. Afterall, I couldn't find her Adam's apple - but then again, her neck was quite short and fat.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

4 gals and a Guy

Friends. They keep you sane. My group of galfriends err-- make that girlfriends and guy friend email each other everyday. We talk about everything - pimples, our fears, our hubbys, our kids, you get the picture. I think if anyone of us were to keep all our emails, we could publish a book already... or better still create a series of it.

We've been friends for 13 years now - we met in uni. I remembered hanging out at their home almost every day - I should have just moved in with them and stopped paying rent at my own apartment. I've seen them at their best and worst. I also remembered seeing how flustered our guy friend was when every girl in the house got the PMS...

From being single to getting hitched to becoming a mom, we've been together. I've learnt from each and everyone of them.

Today my friends are everywhere. Thanks to daily emails, it keep us close. These days, they keep me sane with their emails, funny stories and parenting tips.

And here, with our husbands and children.

Time to Change

My little prince is 1 month old today - how time flies. These 4 weeks, he has taught me to be a lot more patient. He has also taught his mama that whatever plan she has, sometimes it may not necessarily go the way she wants it... she now has to work around his schedule :) For someone who is organized and follows a schedule diligently, I must now learn to let go and follow the flow.

Monday, January 08, 2007

It's a Matter of Preferences.... and it continues....

So some friends are not happy with my first entry. They questioned why do I go to Tekka Market to eat and not Simpang Bedok. As you can see, Simpang Bedok seem to be "THE" place they are trying hard to convince me to go to.

I eat at Tekka Market because a) there is only one shop that i frequent i.e. the stall that sells chapati. The food is being served on styrofoam plates and the stall in terms of cleanliness - it's graded B. The crowd is made up of makciks, pakciks, aci and baiya on Sunday mornings. They don't make that much noise, they are not attention seekers. They are there to just eat and leave.

Versus Simpang Bedok - the few times that I have been there, I saw a lot of Anak M,Bapak M and Mak M - not that I don't want to mix around with them but they make me uncomfortable. I like to eat in comfort, afterall as my blog title says it - It's all a matter of preferences.... aka also read - I DON'T WANT TO JOIN YOU GUYS AT SIMPANG BEDOK! There! I've spelt it out.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

It's a Matter of Preferences

So I don't like to eat at some hawker centers and Simpang Bedok. Call me a SNOB, shoot me, be sarcastic... I'm not bothered. Yes, I am very particular when it comes to eating venues. I don't like certain hawker centers - e.g. Newton Circus because there are far too many tourists there and the food is not that great. I don't like the crowds either and i hate seeing too many beer bottles on the table. I don't like Simpang Bedok because I don't fancy the way the tables are being arranged, the crowd and I must admit I do see some "insects" and that turn me off. So friends, if you want to tease me - go ahead. If you want to organize a get together at Simpang Bedok despite the fact that I don't like that place - go ahead. I just won't attend. And friends, if there are other known celebrities who go there to eat - so be it - no big deal. Celebrities are human too - so what's so special about them?

Everyone has their own preferences as to where to eat, what to eat and how they eat. If you choose to eat spaghetti (Italian food) and finish it off with teh tarik - go for it... though I must admit I dont think that's a great combination... and that my friend is my preference :)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Snack Time!

I was looking through some pictures and came across the following. These pictures were taken a year ago when my colleagues and I were in Beijing to attend a conference. We were walking along one of the night streets towards Tiananmen Square and were offered to try these snacks. Would you?

any takers?

here's a selection....

And more...

Starfish anyone? This is too pretty and cruel!

And for desert, you can have these....