Sunday, October 07, 2007

Granny in Red

I was enjoying the sun and sea view when I saw this really old Grandma wearing a red bikini! She has a huge stomach, lots of cellulite on her thighs and arms and she walked confidently in the red bikini. She's one woman who is comfortable of her body, I thought to myself. I turned my head for a second and when I turned back again, the Grandma was topless! Oh my goodness, I'm speechless!


noz said...

kawakwkawkak granny has ooozles of body confidence... you are in cannes now sista.

I wish I can people watch with you. I love doing that too!!! So the next time you people watch just imagine I'm beside you ok?

Anonymous said...


Will I be like that when I'm old?

Anonymous said...

Pride and confidence in one's body - that is what we need more of :)
