Thursday, April 19, 2007

The More Things Change, the more they Stay the Same....

It took me a week to settle down in the office. I feel that I am so out of practice, out of touch and everything seems so far away.... I had to pause, think hard and try to remember where I left things off. But getting back into the groove I think was quite easy - I just need to start juggling again and at times be a clown. The difficult part is catching up with what's going on out there in this dynamic industry.

I must admit that it was difficult to leave my little prince with my mom. Yes I know he is in good hands but I cannot help missing him... I had him to myself for 2 full months! I miss his smiles, his coos, singing to him and I have such short time to play with him after work. Plus, I have to share him with his uncles, cousins and grandparents! I am being selfish I know.

I shall not lie.... it does feel good to be back in office and I thought with all the changes, things would be different... well, most of it stays the same...

The 2 main difference that I noticed are 1) some of my friends picked up cooking - beginners level( at this age!) and ambitious too with the dishes that they want to prepare and 2) they have lunch together - makan berdamai. I thought it was kinda odd initially. Odd in a good way.

Well.. it's good to be back!

1 comment:

noz said...

Your mind shld definitely be at ease... especially since he is with your mum and gettig into the groove won't be difficult at all...
bila nak shop lagi?