Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mission Accompolished

I'm going back to office next week. How time flies.

I told myself that I would do the following during my maternity leave:

1) Morning walks along the beach with the little one - I did the walks with the little one. Not along the beach but around my neighbourhood in the evenings. Well... at least I still walk. I can always imagine that I am at the beach. And I live in Bukit Panjang... lots of foliage and its windy - so in my mind I am at the beach.

2) Get my hair done - I did it

3) Meet up with g/fs - i did it - without the boy

4) Watch Korean dramas - I did it and even ignored Nash, Love Hunters on RTM 1

5) Become a Housewife - I did it and don't think I can do it everyday

6) Do marketing with the little one - I did it, complete with my marketing bag. Hubby say very makcik. Aiyoh... but a cool one because now hair very nice

7) And finally, I went shopping with the little one - just the 2 of us. He was such a doll. He did not cry his lungs out when he sat by himself in the back seat and let his mama drive safely from one place to another. Yahoo! There'll be a next time for sure!


Anonymous said...


Well done!

Anonymous said...

hhmmm...dun remember meeting up with you, fren... ; )

UndomesticQueen said...

other friends lah girl.... other tai tais...hahaha

noz said...

how? best dah balik to the adult world?