Monday, December 17, 2012

Where did the last 3 months go?

I remembered holding on to my table calendar and planning my leave days last Sept. It's mid December now and I really don't know what hit me. Time just passes by, events took place, I was going to various places, several milestones and took on roller coaster ride with my emotions head on.

Oh my goodness, where did the time go? I'm counting down the days or rather hours (? not sure if I can) to going on leave. No concrete plans yet - I do need to change my brake pads and tyres. I guess I can leave that to my dear husband to do.

Looking forward to chillaxing in the last 2 weeks of December. Hope you are too.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Run that Never Happened

I've been very generous this year - generous at registering for various runs and that's all to it. I did not even completed one. Ironically, I trained for it. I get super excited when I ran 4km in just 28mins and aimed to run 5km in 30-35mins. 10km in 1hr.

Shape Run - registered, collected my tag. On the actual day, I had to be in KL to work. That was in July.

Great Eastern Run - registered, collected my bag. 10km. All excited. On that day, I fell sick. And to make it worst, I have not fully recovered. Am still coughing, am still sniffling and it's been 2-3 weeks already!

Run for Hope - registered. On the actual day, I was hoping for my two boys and husband to fully recover from fever and that awful cough. Thanks to me! share share share!

Stan Chart Run - registered for the entire family. I am running - after my kids as we will be in Penang that weekend to attend my cuzzy's wedding.

The only run that we did was Passion Run/ Walk. In the rain, with ponchos and I didn't even break into a sweat!

This morning, since I was early for work, I decided to drive down along Thomson and Ang Mo Kio Ave 1. Passed by Bishan Park - gosh I miss running in that park. It's been 2 months - I was traveling and till today have not recovered from my flu and cough. Can't wait to put on that running shoes again. 4km in 30mins? I'll be happy if I can do 3km in 30mins. Start from the beginning... again.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Random Conversations

On his ambitions....

Abang: Mama, when I grow up I want to be a paleontologist but do you think I can do that when I grow up?

Mama: Why do you ask that?

Abang: Because there are so many constructions going on today! I know, I want to be an engineer

Mama: that's good too. What do you want to develop?

Abang: underwater train! It can take us to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Australia, France and when you go on vacation, you don't have to take aeroplanes already! The underwater train is so fun you know Mama because you get to see underwater sea creatures in your journey!

He also wants to be a cashier - because he thinks the money belongs to him, a bus driver because he is fascinated by buses and he says doctors are gross because they deal with blood.

On Children...

One day over dinner.

Abang: Mama, when I grow up and go to work, you will look after my children right?

Mama: Huh? Children?!

Abang: yes, like when you and Abah go to work... nenek and nyai looks after us what

I guess???

Short hair vs long hair

Abang: I like girls with long hair

Mama: are you saying you don't like me?

Abang: *sheepish* no lah. I love you

Few weeks later, I straightened my hair and it looks more feminine and long

Abang: I like your hair like this.... very girl.

Mama: !!!!

On Cars

Abah: Abang, when you start work, can you buy me a car? I want a fast one

Mama: Yeah, so Abah and Mama can go to the mosque and religious classes together

Abang: you two can take bus what!

Adik Likes School!

Day 2. I left him in class and had my bowl of Yong Tau Fu at the Houseman canteen. Yum.
I went back to the school and he was having a great time singing. Alhamdullilah...he seems to be a lot better than the other kids and yes, his brother.

Tomorrow, I am set to spend the day shopping, reading and people watching in town. I may even throw in a facial session. The plan is to leave him at the daycare center the entire day. Here's praying that all will go smoothly.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Featuring me!

I don't usually do this but decide to feature this particular one.

I've done several interviews for trade, consumer magazines for the brand (part of the job requirement), and I thought this one is good to share. Plus, my comms colleague came running to my cubicle - all excited when he shared the news with me!
check out this site.

Monday, October 29, 2012


From getting a new maid and now maidless! Hah! My luck with maids is really lousy this time round.
So! While I was in Cannes, the new maid at home gave mom a hard time, she cried almost everyday and insist on going home. When I called mom, the first thing the maid said to me was, she wanted to go home. Let me tell you how I feel - super annoyed. Imagine - me at the airport, waiting for my luggage, looking out for my kids, on the phone wanting to speak to mom, instead, I had to deal with such news. I sent her back 2 days later and registered my youngest son to daycare! So sudden and abrupt you may think, I don't really have a choice.

Mom turned 70 recently and while she insists that she is fine, she's exhausted by the time we leave her place. My youngest boy is super active, he wants nenek to carry him each time he hears the helicopter and planes fly by. I think in a day, that happens like 10x!

Last night as I was washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, I asked her again if I could get her a maid - last week she said no, this time round, she just said "it's up to you, tak payah kelam kabut". That's a good sign. Also, the last thing I want to deal with when I get home from work is housework at mom's!

2 letters

I collected 2 letters last week.

The first one says - Congratulations, You have Won... 2 pairs of return tickets to Bali on Garuda Airlines. We have to travel by 20th November. I was informed of the prize towards the end of Sept when I was in Manila, in the car ride. My colleagues were excited for me. Bali - great I thought. That's probably the last place I want to bring myself (and perhaps my kids) to. I was reminded to collect the letter again when I was in Cannes. That's how excited I am with the win.
If you really want to know - we are not going to Bali. Hubby agrees. The main reason for me - I want to stay put here in SG. I have been traveling since Sept and I am very tired already. And the reason for hubby - the kids are still too young for Bali. Hurray. Tickets are non-transferrable. Too bad.

The second one is from LTA - yes again. It's a warning letter - telling me that I could have been fined and given 4 demerit points for speeding along Lornie Road. It's my 3rd letter already and I am making conscious efforts to stay within the speed limit! This morning as I was driving, I caught them on the overhead bridge - so what did I do? I waved at the camera! :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Maid Yet Again

Yes, a new one arrived last week. Very young - but she is already a mother. Her mom is my age - great, she can be my daughter.

I saw her briefly - collected her and the same night I left for a business trip. I do get daily updates... dejavu.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pearls of the Orient

Philippines was once called Pearl of the Orient. And for the first time in my so many visits to Manila, I went to the Pearl market here in Greenhills. I like pearls and I do admit that I love looking at ladies who wear pearls. I was strongly encouraged by our partners to visit the pearl market - No expectations, no intention to buy, just curious to see the market.
I must admit I was so mesmerized by the types of pearls that are available, the colors, the sizes, the varieties... my oh my. Which one to buy?! I decided to go for a mixture of colors - though I know these are dyed, I thought this one looks casual enough for me to wear to work :) I already have a set of freshwater pearls at home, I really don't need another one.

I was told to haggle and bargain for a 50% discount. Interestingly, most of the shops there were run by Muslim women - in their tudungs, looking like Malay but speaking Tagalog. All I kept saying was "mahal-na..." which is expensive and when the seller finally agrees on the price I quoted all I said was "segey" which means OK.  Not bad eh?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Another Invite

Last year, I got an invitation for an iftar reception by the Ambassador of the United States. I didn't go because I had to work late that night as we were rushing for some submissions.

I got the same invite again this year - 1 August. I will be in Jakarta on that day to discuss some renewals.

I really would love to go... would love to see who's who at the iftar session and of course to make contact. Perhaps next time....

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Who Loves You

 Love. This week's topic.

Love 1 - Ella is married. Married at the age of 46. We read all the comments that netizens wrote about her solemnization. Agree. She is lucky to have found love.

Love 2 - A seventy-something year old man fainted when he saw his future wife. She is 53 and comes from one of the northern state in Malaysia. I think we almost fainted at laughing the headlines on Berita Harian.

Love 3 - Someone in office is smitten with LOVE! And we are teenagers all over again. The squeals of laughter, the shrieks that came from us when we heard her tell us he calls her "babe", "baby" and has a gem waiting for her... we told her to bring a parachute... and make sure she lands safely in case the guy does not meet her expectation. That love story is so surreal and I felt like I was watching a movie. It feels odd to be in the discussion - all single and I am the only married one! And it feels odd to be in this discussions when we are all in our late 30s/ early 40s. I hope this is LOVE for her.... hope she found love when she turns 50! That would be the best birthday gift ever!

Love. It makes you smile, it feels good and sometimes it makes others roll their eyes!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Gahmen Letters

I received two letters today from the government. One from the Ministry of Manpower and the other from LTA.

I knew I was going to get them but when I finally read the letter, I hate the feeling. Hate.Actually, feeling really lousy. MOM basically highlighted that I have changed maids for 4x already and in the event I change again, I may be required to attend an Employer Orientation programme or an interview to determine if I need any other assistance. They think I'm psycho.

The letter from LTA is basically a fine. $130  for driving on the bus lane along Upper Bukit Timah. It's one of those days when I had to manage 2 kids, we left early but there was traffic all the way to Dairy Farm Road. And I had to be in office by 9am for a meeting. I took my chances knowing that the traffic warden usually parked himself at the old Bukit Timah Fire Station. That morning, he decided that Rail Mall was a better place. Well, better place indeed for him.

Hubby suggested I go appeal but seriously why bother? I am at fault and I just have to pay that fine. I just have to remember to not do it again in future...and continue to pray that traffic does not crawl along that Bukit Timah Road... or pray that 2014 comes quick so all the construction and the roads that are always changing and meandering will go back to normal.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Driving Pet Peeves

I got my driving license right after college. That was like 20 years ago and I have been driving since then. I've met really good drivers, some bad ones and these are the ones that annoy me!

1) road hoggers - of coz!
2) those who cannot park within their parking lot
3) drivers who smoke and throw their ciggy butt out of the window - i sometimes wished I could pick it up and throw it back in the car! Burn them with it
4) road bullies who hides behind the curtain because they don't want other drivers to see who they are. To this group of drivers - you should wear a skirt!

We are 10!

We celebrate our 10th Anniversary today. And this is what hubby wrote this morning:
" Zan Mansor.... As we learn, let us share. As we take, let us give. As we weep, let us care. As we love, let us live.

The love that you shared years ago Is still as strong today at it was. First came Noor Adli then Noor Irfan > bringing much joy, love and happiness to celebrate as a family.

Happy 10th Anniversary !!"

To mark our 10 years together, we got these watches for ourselves....solid, reliable, special, treasured and lasts forever. InsyaAllah, so will this marriage. Amin.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

11pm Monsters

I told Abang last evening that I had to work late. We will be staying over at my mom since hubby is away and it would be a challenge for me to go home with 2 sleepy/ sleeping kids.

Abang agreed of course and this is what he said:
Abang: "Yeah Mama, we cannot go home at 11pm because later the monsters will come out."

Me: "who told you that?"

Abang: I saw on TV.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

She starts today

I fetched my new maid on Sunday. Dasti left on the same day - she was very concerned with the loan that she has to pay. Who cares right? Not that we have not warned her.

So my new maid shares the same surname as me - she is not from Java island she comes from Nusantara Tenggara Barat. According to her, her grandparents came from Arab hence the reason why she has a Malay name. Hmmmm.... She is an experienced maid, having worked in Saudi for 7 years. She has made a lot of money - she bought padi fields (3 she said!) and has built a house.Reason for coming to Singapore is to make more money because she wants to run a business when she goes back home. I have to admit, I was pretty impressed with what she has done and her vision.

Mom has not seen her. I brought her home last evening - I don't usually do that but I thought I'll take a slightly different approach to this new maid. She seems sharp and has a strong personality. I'll pray that all goes well when she helps mom.

Mom was curious and called last evening to find out about her. Heheh... I know she is tired and wants company but mom will never admit that.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Googled You

It's weird when someone you have never met, but talk on the phone for conference calls tells you he googled you. Yes, we all do it. Who doesn't, right? We are always curious to know something or want to know someone so we googled that person. But we will never declare that.

So today, I met S - a Korean whom I have been on calls with to talk about a particular project that we have both been roped in. He was so excited when we met, eager to tell me about himself and what his plans are and he was also very bullish with his plans.

I was of course taken aback when he told me he googled and read every single interviews that I have done for the trade.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Me and My Never Ending Maid Stories

No surprise. I am changing my maid again.

The current one is mom's choice and she made mom so angry, mom's BP went up to 166! No kidding.

I came home from a business trip and got a earful of mom's frustrations. Last Sat, we shortlisted one and this Thursday we are interviewing.

Today, the new rule kicks in. I wonder what is real basis for the increase in salary when most of these maids can hardly work. Previously, all they did was to learn for the entry test. I was informed that they spend Mon-Fri learning and memorising English words. On weekends, they are trained to do housework. I don't think that has changed. Experienced maids - there are more risks - and I'd rather avoid getting one experienced one.

I would go without a maid for mom if I could. Mom needs help with the lil one and at home with housework... though mom says otherwise. She also needs the company especially on nights when she is alone at home.

Luck plays an important role and all I can do is pray that my next maid is a good one. It's my fourth change... I'm pretty sure MOM will call me in for that interview!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finally. He said it.

He finally said it. Yes. Abang told me on Monday to not travel for work.

I had just gotten back from Berlin on Sat evening and had to leave again for Bali on Tuesday. The limited time I had with him on Sunday was spent at the massage parlour because mommy's back was aching so much that she could hardly move. So on Monday as we were driving home and I told him of my trip, he asked why do I have to travel again so soon and said "please don't go". I hate the feeling.

Just before I boarded the plane, he called to say he loved me and asked if I could get him a toy. I don't make a habit of buying toys or gifts for every single trip. I will make an exception this time round. I hope there are some decent shops at the airport.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Super Neat

My job has taken me to many countries and I stay in the best hotels. This week I am in Berlin and we stay in Hotel De Rome. This lavish hotel building was previously a central bank in East Berlin.

My blog is not about the hotel but about the service that I received during my stay. I have never experienced excellent services in Europe and this is my first.

The staff are so friendly, efficient and accommodating. The waiters are attentive and the minute you move away from your table to take more food, etc, someone would come immediately to either remove your plate or fold your napkin. Like lightning - have they been hiding under the table or something?!

I am a very neat person and I like to keep my things in order. You cannot imagine how amused I am when I walked into my room this evening to find my shoes all lined up in order, the toiletries are arranged neatly and everything was in perfect order!! It was so perfect that I had to look for my pair of socks! I found it folded in neatly in the drawer! Oh my gosh, I burst out laughing when I found it!

Monday, April 09, 2012

A Year Older and Wiser :-)

I am 38 years old today.

The plan was to spend the entire day with the kids and hubby but the plan got canned. Last year, we were in Penang chilling out. This year, I was stressing out over a presentation. At 5am, I was going through the deck!

The delegates came in - 13 men Chinese and Korean - all in suits. Very distinguised looking and so much older! My feet and hands were cold - from being nervous and since I had to present right after my boss, that makes it even worst.

I did it and all went well. I've learnt a lot in Day 1 , Day 2 is tomorrow and one of the funny moment from today was:

On Screen - screen grab of an app store selling a game called: iPee: Urinal Game.

Someone said - I think I want to buy this game
Someone responded - it's not for women, it's for men.

keh keh keh.

I have to say that my team had a tough time figuring out when to bring out the b'day surprise for me. I seriously thought the days of celebrating b'days in office is so over but hey, someone decided to organize it anyway. The surprise came at 6 and together with that surprise, i saw two little boys joining the celebration - my kids! Mommy firstly was harrassed because the team was happily singing, with bells and whistle in the b/g, the delegate of 13 men were touring the office and then mommy had to carry her boys! Alamak.

The 10 Things to Remember

This list has been with me for some time now. It's pasted on my cubicle - it has come with me from the office in Atrium - Tower B to Tower A to the short stint in Outram and now to New Tech Park.

A male Malay colleague once saw it on my desk and asked me why do I place such things on my cubicle - the answer is simple - it's a reminder. I work in an environment where I could choose a live a lifestyle that will give me happiness in the world today/ now and may not necessarily be so in the life after. Parties, alcohol, music, rock & roll, liberal lifestyle, dining in the best restaurants in Asia and the world - meeting all sorts of people, decision makers, entertainers, company leaders, you name it. It is so easy to just go with the flow and be "in".

I am thankful I continue to be steadfast in my faith and practices, I continue to have patience as I explain and educate again to my non Muslim colleagues, friends, acquaintances what some of my beliefs are. InsyaAllah, this will continue through.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Own Business vs Corporate World

A girlfriend gave me a business proposal recently. It was not a surprise... she has hinted it so many times before and passed me several articles to read. I am very diligent and have read them all.

While I like the proposal, I am very hesitant to participate for several reasons.

Firstly, I like the corporate world. I cannot imagine running my own business or going into a business with a friend - what more a good friend. I am so scared that if things go wrong, I may end up not having the friendship. I get a lot of satisfcation in the corporate world, the rat race, the competition, the meetings, everything.

Secondly, my girlfriend and I have very strong personalities and I know if we were to work together, we will end up "killing" each other eventually! I don't think two strong personality people should run a business together. You need a business partner to complement your personality. I don't fall into that category.

And finally, how can one live on savings until the business is finally bringing in profit? Seriously. That's too risky.

There are instances when I feel that I have had enough of the media industry and I want to leave.... and if I ever do that, I would consider a career in the preschool sector - not as a techer though.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Business Travels

For business trip, I like to travel on my own. I like being on my own; the time is mine to manage and I don't have to accommodate to any requests.
Alternatively, I prefer to travel with a male colleague - because they tend to leave you when you get to the hotel.

You may be wondering why I'm entering such a post now - since I have been doing this for years already. I am somewhat irritable. Firstly, this is such a last minute trip that I was asked to go and manage, so I am still annoyed with that fact, secondly I have to deal with a colleague who calls me "Jan" and I have corrected the person before. I hate it when people cannot pronounce my name right. Yes, my name may be difficult to pronounce but hey, c'mon. There are 5 of us here in Manila this week. Naturally, we are all at the same hotel and while we have our own meetings to run and go to, we usually meet back at the hotel. And this is when my irritation begins. I need my space, I enjoy the idea of being on my own doing my own thing. So when I want to go for a massage or a spa or a run, I want to be doing that at my own time, by myself. I don't want to wait. I don't want to chat. If it's a company retreat or some bonding session that the company wants us to do, i'll do it, I have seen my colleagues in their worst state - drunk, at the gym looking flushed, naked, butt cracks, you name it, but that does not mean I want them to see me in my robe at the spa or my calves ( i don't wear anything short!).

And right now I want to work as I have a lot to submit in the next few days, I don't want a night cap and I don't want another session of spa.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Goodbye, Nong

Nong, aka Revi (mom calls her Ravi) my domestic helper went home two weeks ago. Her contract with us ended and she is now on a journey to finish her studies. That was her goal, to save as much money as possible so she could pay for her school fees.

I took a new helper for my mom, Tarkunah and mom insists on calling her "Taqwa". Mom had her reasons unfortunately, Taqwa journey with us ended last Friday. Mom said she is too short- you cannot have 2 short ladies in the house can you? and here I was thinking of getting another set of ladder for mom's place! and another reason for sending her back is because mom does not like her face. She hardly smiles and that's a problem. Even my youngest son does not want to play with her!

I've been interviewing and screening so many candidates at the agency, that by the time I selected my final helper, I cannot even remember her name and her background! One candidate's name is Jaya Indah. I told her it sounds like a big gedung in Banjarmasin! I was kidding of coz!

So, the new replacement came last Sunday. Dasti is her name. She reminds me of my childhood friend from Penang. The good news is, she is much taller, slightly gendut, is generous with her smile and most importantly, mom looks happier with Dasti.

Hope the ride ahead is smooth. I don't want to go through the same episode of hiring and listening to mom's woes. It's never easy when a new helper comes on board.

Thursday, February 02, 2012


We were in Hong Kong for a short holiday.
Adik was asleep in his pram. Abang was tired from walking. He asked Abah to carry him.

Abah: Abang, you are getting very heavy and my back aches when I carry you. When Abah and Mama are older and if we cannot walk, will you carry us?

Abang did not respond immediately. He was thinking and then he said..

Abang: No. I'll put you on a wheel chair and I will push you.

Abah immediately put him down and told him to walk!