Thursday, April 19, 2012

Super Neat

My job has taken me to many countries and I stay in the best hotels. This week I am in Berlin and we stay in Hotel De Rome. This lavish hotel building was previously a central bank in East Berlin.

My blog is not about the hotel but about the service that I received during my stay. I have never experienced excellent services in Europe and this is my first.

The staff are so friendly, efficient and accommodating. The waiters are attentive and the minute you move away from your table to take more food, etc, someone would come immediately to either remove your plate or fold your napkin. Like lightning - have they been hiding under the table or something?!

I am a very neat person and I like to keep my things in order. You cannot imagine how amused I am when I walked into my room this evening to find my shoes all lined up in order, the toiletries are arranged neatly and everything was in perfect order!! It was so perfect that I had to look for my pair of socks! I found it folded in neatly in the drawer! Oh my gosh, I burst out laughing when I found it!

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