Monday, April 30, 2012

Me and My Never Ending Maid Stories

No surprise. I am changing my maid again.

The current one is mom's choice and she made mom so angry, mom's BP went up to 166! No kidding.

I came home from a business trip and got a earful of mom's frustrations. Last Sat, we shortlisted one and this Thursday we are interviewing.

Today, the new rule kicks in. I wonder what is real basis for the increase in salary when most of these maids can hardly work. Previously, all they did was to learn for the entry test. I was informed that they spend Mon-Fri learning and memorising English words. On weekends, they are trained to do housework. I don't think that has changed. Experienced maids - there are more risks - and I'd rather avoid getting one experienced one.

I would go without a maid for mom if I could. Mom needs help with the lil one and at home with housework... though mom says otherwise. She also needs the company especially on nights when she is alone at home.

Luck plays an important role and all I can do is pray that my next maid is a good one. It's my fourth change... I'm pretty sure MOM will call me in for that interview!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Finally. He said it.

He finally said it. Yes. Abang told me on Monday to not travel for work.

I had just gotten back from Berlin on Sat evening and had to leave again for Bali on Tuesday. The limited time I had with him on Sunday was spent at the massage parlour because mommy's back was aching so much that she could hardly move. So on Monday as we were driving home and I told him of my trip, he asked why do I have to travel again so soon and said "please don't go". I hate the feeling.

Just before I boarded the plane, he called to say he loved me and asked if I could get him a toy. I don't make a habit of buying toys or gifts for every single trip. I will make an exception this time round. I hope there are some decent shops at the airport.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Super Neat

My job has taken me to many countries and I stay in the best hotels. This week I am in Berlin and we stay in Hotel De Rome. This lavish hotel building was previously a central bank in East Berlin.

My blog is not about the hotel but about the service that I received during my stay. I have never experienced excellent services in Europe and this is my first.

The staff are so friendly, efficient and accommodating. The waiters are attentive and the minute you move away from your table to take more food, etc, someone would come immediately to either remove your plate or fold your napkin. Like lightning - have they been hiding under the table or something?!

I am a very neat person and I like to keep my things in order. You cannot imagine how amused I am when I walked into my room this evening to find my shoes all lined up in order, the toiletries are arranged neatly and everything was in perfect order!! It was so perfect that I had to look for my pair of socks! I found it folded in neatly in the drawer! Oh my gosh, I burst out laughing when I found it!

Monday, April 09, 2012

A Year Older and Wiser :-)

I am 38 years old today.

The plan was to spend the entire day with the kids and hubby but the plan got canned. Last year, we were in Penang chilling out. This year, I was stressing out over a presentation. At 5am, I was going through the deck!

The delegates came in - 13 men Chinese and Korean - all in suits. Very distinguised looking and so much older! My feet and hands were cold - from being nervous and since I had to present right after my boss, that makes it even worst.

I did it and all went well. I've learnt a lot in Day 1 , Day 2 is tomorrow and one of the funny moment from today was:

On Screen - screen grab of an app store selling a game called: iPee: Urinal Game.

Someone said - I think I want to buy this game
Someone responded - it's not for women, it's for men.

keh keh keh.

I have to say that my team had a tough time figuring out when to bring out the b'day surprise for me. I seriously thought the days of celebrating b'days in office is so over but hey, someone decided to organize it anyway. The surprise came at 6 and together with that surprise, i saw two little boys joining the celebration - my kids! Mommy firstly was harrassed because the team was happily singing, with bells and whistle in the b/g, the delegate of 13 men were touring the office and then mommy had to carry her boys! Alamak.

The 10 Things to Remember

This list has been with me for some time now. It's pasted on my cubicle - it has come with me from the office in Atrium - Tower B to Tower A to the short stint in Outram and now to New Tech Park.

A male Malay colleague once saw it on my desk and asked me why do I place such things on my cubicle - the answer is simple - it's a reminder. I work in an environment where I could choose a live a lifestyle that will give me happiness in the world today/ now and may not necessarily be so in the life after. Parties, alcohol, music, rock & roll, liberal lifestyle, dining in the best restaurants in Asia and the world - meeting all sorts of people, decision makers, entertainers, company leaders, you name it. It is so easy to just go with the flow and be "in".

I am thankful I continue to be steadfast in my faith and practices, I continue to have patience as I explain and educate again to my non Muslim colleagues, friends, acquaintances what some of my beliefs are. InsyaAllah, this will continue through.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Own Business vs Corporate World

A girlfriend gave me a business proposal recently. It was not a surprise... she has hinted it so many times before and passed me several articles to read. I am very diligent and have read them all.

While I like the proposal, I am very hesitant to participate for several reasons.

Firstly, I like the corporate world. I cannot imagine running my own business or going into a business with a friend - what more a good friend. I am so scared that if things go wrong, I may end up not having the friendship. I get a lot of satisfcation in the corporate world, the rat race, the competition, the meetings, everything.

Secondly, my girlfriend and I have very strong personalities and I know if we were to work together, we will end up "killing" each other eventually! I don't think two strong personality people should run a business together. You need a business partner to complement your personality. I don't fall into that category.

And finally, how can one live on savings until the business is finally bringing in profit? Seriously. That's too risky.

There are instances when I feel that I have had enough of the media industry and I want to leave.... and if I ever do that, I would consider a career in the preschool sector - not as a techer though.