Saturday, April 17, 2010

Complacency or Just Plain Stupid

I got a earful from the Jules, our programming head today over dinner.
He could not believe that whatever route I am looking at now with our travel agent, I was also looking at costs. I am not the only one, my colleague from Oz does the same and when I spoke to the other Singaporeans who are here, they too are concerned with costs!

Jules stared at me and Deirdre (from Oz) in disbelief and kept reminding me the company will pay for all the travels and accommodation. He said, we are both stupid to keep thinking of how much this whole episode would cost us.

I also think because of our mind set, we look at various flight route out of Europe. If only I had thought of Dubai or Doha or Istanbul first, I would have been home already. Oh well. It's done.

We met today to find a Plan B - if our flights get canceled tomorrow, we will be on our way to Milan. Human Resources have been contacting us and wants us to be in one place and the best solution is to get to Milan by car (5hrs drive from Nice) and stay in Milan for the next few days and work from the Milan office.

Apparently the airport in Milan is also closed but will open by Weds/ Thurs. We'll see.

Again I am thankful that I have a great boss and colleague to see me through. If I have been on my own, I would be very much affected by this whole adventure.

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