Monday, April 26, 2010

I Betrayed My Nokia

I am a very loyal person - loyal to friends, to family, to colleagues, company and brands. I have been using Nokia phone from Day 1 - that was many years ago. I remembered once buying a Motorola mobile phone and that courtship was only 3 months. It was back to Nokia again.

Last Friday, hubby was adamant that I get my iPhone. He's been persuading me for the past 3 months or more and I have been reluctant. Practically everyone uses iPhone now and I do not want to be one of them. I succumbed and left everything to hubby to manage. I had to decide on the color - black or white, I chose black and insisted on a Fuschia Pink cover. He went round VivoCity looking for that cover. On second thoughts I should have insisted on a bling bling iPhone cover.

It's been 3 days and I am not a convert... yet. I finally read the manual and went online to read more about the phone and the applications. This morning I got really excited - that was at 5am (!) and I will definitely continue reading on iPhone tonight. Hope I can stay awake till late.

I guess I do not have a choice now. I just have to learn to use the phone and slowly love this new phone. Hubby will definitely not carry an iPhone, what more one with a Fuschia pink cover. He told me I am on my own and he will get a HTC phone. Wonder what his agenda is for getting me an iPhone. I guess I will have to wait and find out.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Milan to Rome to Singapore

The Milan office was great. My colleagues welcomed us with open arms and helped us through with everything - from meeting rooms to flights to restuarants and where to shop! What more can we ask for?!

I received a call from SQ informing me that they are gathering all their passengers and we were to leave for Rome on Monday evening at midnite on a bus. My boss and I left for the airport at 11pm and I have to say, when I got to Milan airport, everyone was very sombre. Perhaps it was late night. Got our boarding passes and on the double decker bus we go. I felt like the Vontrap family (not sure if the spelling is right but from the movie Sound of Music) leaving the country quietly and in the dark.

The bus journey was long - 9 hrs! Back breaking and not a great situation to be in for a pregnant woman. I tried to sleep and gave up in the end. Managed to see the sunrise in Italy and it was beautiful. Gosh, I traveled through Italy! Who would have thought?

The airport in Rome was chaotic. People were pushing, trying to get out and get in line. Lucky we managed to get our boarding pass sorted quickly. Then rushed to the VAT station to get our tax refund sorted. Gosh, the queue was long but did it anyway.
Finally got on the relief plane and made it home safely this morning - Alhamdulliah.

I have to admit that I hated the situation I was in - just the uncertainties of it all. Lucky I had colleagues with me and the blackberry we get constant updates from other colleagues who are stuck in other parts of Europe - each giving encouragement. Colleagues in UK called and emailed us often to make sure that we are all fine and yes, the social network Facebook is helpful too!

There are instances too where I feel that I should have just moved on with it but someone was against it... i shall keep that behind because ultimately, I made it home - safe and my family is relieved.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cannes to Milan

Emirates called to say that our flight to Dubai is cancelled and off we go to Milan in a car. Mercedez Benz.. with a driver who got us into Milan safely and he took only 3hrs. Not bad.

The car costs us Euro 1400 and I have to admit, I was comfortable. We are staying in this hotel called Nhow - a very groovy, MTV like, stylized hotel. Not sure how I feel about it but I am not particularly picky - as long as the bed and toilets are clean, I am completely fine. I had to console my 44 year old colleague who just cried and cried when she got into the hotel. She hated it as it was too groovy for her. I don't blame her. There is a red wall in your room and the corridors are so dark - it makes us feel like we are in a prison cell!

I have never been to Milan and coming from Cannes and into Italy, the difference in country, people, language, culture is a huge difference! I'm in the fashion capital and there are just so many brands/ designs to look at! My goodness. I went into the oldest shopping mall - right now I cannot remember what it's called and they have Gucci, Miu Miu, Chloe - all my fav brands lined up next to each other. I was in awe.

I saw the famous Dumou Di Milano, it took my breathe away.

I do have some time tomorrow. No point crying in the hotel room and stressing out over flights routes, I should just enjoy being in Milan and continue to pray that all goes well and i get home soon. Meanwhile, Dumou, see you tomorrow! Will spend time there during lunch hour. Will be working in the Milan office.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Complacency or Just Plain Stupid

I got a earful from the Jules, our programming head today over dinner.
He could not believe that whatever route I am looking at now with our travel agent, I was also looking at costs. I am not the only one, my colleague from Oz does the same and when I spoke to the other Singaporeans who are here, they too are concerned with costs!

Jules stared at me and Deirdre (from Oz) in disbelief and kept reminding me the company will pay for all the travels and accommodation. He said, we are both stupid to keep thinking of how much this whole episode would cost us.

I also think because of our mind set, we look at various flight route out of Europe. If only I had thought of Dubai or Doha or Istanbul first, I would have been home already. Oh well. It's done.

We met today to find a Plan B - if our flights get canceled tomorrow, we will be on our way to Milan. Human Resources have been contacting us and wants us to be in one place and the best solution is to get to Milan by car (5hrs drive from Nice) and stay in Milan for the next few days and work from the Milan office.

Apparently the airport in Milan is also closed but will open by Weds/ Thurs. We'll see.

Again I am thankful that I have a great boss and colleague to see me through. If I have been on my own, I would be very much affected by this whole adventure.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ash Weekend

It's been 3 days and more flights are cancelled.
I was supposed to leave for Zurich this morning, the flight was cancelled last evening.

While I am still optimistic and continue to look at various options to leave this beautiful French Riveria, I am telling myself to accept whatever that comes my way. I am disappointed - you may wonder why. I've been here more than 15 times - so I have seen enough. The Europeans love the sun, drinking champagne by the beach and enjoying the sea view. While I love being in the sun and the cold wind, I need to be occupied and doing some things. Shopping is out of the question now - things are not cheap and I have packed. And I miss my family back home.

I had a good time last evening with my colleagues from UK and Australia. I am really blessed to know them and knowing that we care for each other. Our programming head for all Nick channels was up all night sorting out various routes/ flights for all his programming members. He was adamant I stay put and not try my luck via Frankfurt. Frankfurt air traffic is now closed.
My UK colleagues left this morning at 3am - car ride to Paris and later on Eurostar train to London. Hope all goes well on their end.

This experience is just so surreal. I'm sure when we meet again next time we'll be talking about our experience and be thankful that all are well.

I don't know my next destination at the moment - latest update - Rome air traffic is now closed.

Stranded in the French Riveria

I've been awake since 3am this morning - in Cannes.
My 6am flight to Amsterdam was cancelled and Schipol airport is closed. Apparently all airports in North of Europe will be closed for the next 48hrs.

For the past 3 hrs, I have been on the phone looking for various routes out of Nice. Munich, Barcelona, Zurich, Frankfurt. The last one is the best option - there are 3 flights a day from Frankfurt to Singapore on a daily basis. Chances of getting on a flight there is higher.

In my hotel room now, I have been glued to BBC - I should change channels right but everything is in German/ French and I'd rather watch BBC. It's pretty depressing knowing that thousands of flights are being cancelled and thousands more are stranded in airports. I know several people who are stranded in Schipol.

I was so looking forward to going home - back to hubby and my son. My lil one has been unwell for the whole week and hubby has been tired staying up on most nights as the lil one is coughing. It makes a lot of difference to hear the small one sings on the phone - still cheerful and playful.

I keep taking to my lil one in my tummy - and busying myself with work. Some friends who are still here suggests a day trip to Monaco or Grasse but I'll pass. I've been to both places many years ago and my mind is set on going home only.

One step at a time. An interesting ride ahead.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Second Pregnancy

I am 5 months into my second pregnancy already and I have been on long haul flights twice. There is another one next month and I don't think I will be able to get through that. It's Los Angeles and I saw one of the itinerary - American Idol show! I know!

I have to admit, the second pregnancy is unlike the first one. I am a lot more tired, fatter (I think) though many friends, colleagues and distributors do not agree with me. It does take a lot of mental strength to tell myself that I can get through all the meetings scheduled during the week. I cannot believe it's only Tuesday - I feel like I have been here ages already!

I'll get through for sure...I just need to learn to acknowledge that I am tired and listen to my body.