Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Motherhood vs Singledom

It annoys me when I hear negative comments about working moms. Some feel that when one becomes a mother, she no longer is committed to her job as she is unable to work late to finish a project or travel as often for a meeting or has to take urgent leave when the child is unwell. No matter how successful or efficient one is pre motherhood, all that goes out of the window when she becomes a mom.

I could say the same to single people too right. Some have different priorities in life. Work may not be top of mind for them. They do what they are asked to do and leave work on time because they have friends waiting for them post working hours. Some have family commitments as top of mind... does this make a person less committed to their jobs?

At the end of the day, it all depends on each individual. How one prioritze their time and work. How driven one is, how much support they get from family, from their spouse, from their siblings, basically your support system.

One thing I have learnt is that no matter how much time you put into your work, when it comes to company's re-org, all that does not matter. What matters is your brand - what you stand for and what you as a brand can do.


Anonymous said...

Right on! Stand up for all working mums! I hear ya , sis-tuh!!!!
People have to get out of this bad judgemental thinking of other's status in life and really, I mean REALLY, make an effort to GET to know the person as an individual rather than come to these !@#!@$!@#@! conclusions!!
Babs - um...Babs-Inc., that is :)

Anonymous said...

well, you know what they say about assumptions..not only it is the mother of all f*#%ups, but the root word "assume" essentially points to making an "ass (of) u n me" go, sista!!!

noz said...

hey sista bottomline... no apologies..