Friday, October 02, 2009


I am in Cannes this week for MIP. I’ve been here many times and I have lost count.

Each time, it’s a different experience. I have stayed in 2 star hotels, in studio apartments and in an apartment that can fit 7 people! I have also tried staying with a Jewish French family. It was a villa with 10 bedrooms and a small pool. It was a great place to meet people and it felt good to be going “home” after a long day.
Today, it’s another new experience – for the first time, I am an invited buyer and I get to stay for free at one of the hotels along the Croisette. It’s not that I have never stayed in a 5 star hotel, but this is a 5 start hotel that I never thought I would be able to stay in. It’s just so difficult to get on the list – for many reasons – I am not a sales person, I am not from US office and I am not even from senior management.

It really matters who your boss is you know. A boss that has good relationships with the right people at international level brings in a whole range for advantages and this is one of them.

Again, I am grateful at this opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

should smuggle us in sometimes... ; ) then you will stay in a 5 star hotel with some 5 star friends.. ; )