Sunday, June 28, 2009


I was reading an article in Sutra magazines about Datuk in Malaysia. Successful marriages, how to tackle a datuk, places to go to "tangkap" a datuk and how to behave to get Datuk's attention. Oh my goodness, I cannot believe Sutra could feature an article but I guess there are people out there who likes reading such stories.I need to be more open minded I supposed.

I have met several Datuks in my profession. I have met Datuks and their wives, I have also seen Datuks without their wives and Datuks with you know lah! I have yet to meet a Datuk that I can respect, someone who is charismatic and visionary. I'm sure they are if not how would they get "Datukship" right? Then I think the standards set aside is not high.

You see, the Datuks that I have met do not leave very good impressions - they were either too "lembik" and speaks English - very Melayu - nothing wrong there but speed up sikitlah bila bercakap. Need to be poised lah. Or they are "gatal" - they think since they are out of their country, it's OK to be "gatal sikit". And then when they meet a fellow Malay in an omputeh country, they try to be friendly with you and want to take you here and there.

Urgh I'm disgusted.

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