Monday, September 08, 2008

Project E2 + 1

When my boss proposed Project E2 + 1 to a few of us, he came prepared and even showed us the roadmap to get there. Despite telling him that the monetary perks will not appeal to the team, he refused to listen but told us to think about it. In my mind, there is nothing to think about, it's a done deal and true enough a few weeks later, he proposed the idea to the team. They were quiet, some were unhappy but no one wanted to tell him there and then their grouses. We went ahead and 6 weeks into this project, we have a long way to go.

I honestly don't think we can achieve this Project E2+1. There are certain portions on the roadmap that we can achieve- no problem but looking at some other "external" contributors, I think that could dampen our drive there.

I have to admit, I am tired. I'm trying to sort a few things on my own with regard to work - basically bringing that passion back into what I do and marrying some demands that my boss has thrown at me. Mind you, it is a curve ball and I hope I can continue to swerve that ball and move it in the direction that can make me happy at the same time meet my boss's objectives.


Anonymous said...

sista, we should have an iftar session together with the rest of the members of our sisterhood. You sound like you could do with some lurve. Heck, we all can do with lots of it.

UndomesticQueen said...

i love that idea! Anytime. Why don't you organize and I can bring along your pressie?
I was thinking of doing it at my place... tapi malas nak kemas! hahaha

Anonymous said...

weekend or weekday?
we get kenes and panjang as well.