Thursday, January 03, 2008


I don't like to wait. Period. Most the times I am punctual and I expect my friends/colleagues to be punctual as well. I am very paranoid when I'm late - I would do anything to get to a place on time. If it means taking off my high heels and run, I'd do that. Years ago I had this conversation with a friend. She said, it's OK to be late for 5-10mins and what's impt is to let them know that we are on our way. We did have a debate about it though and in the end I do see her point and agree.

There are instances when I have waited for more than 15mins for a friend/colleague. It makes me furious and being my honest and direct self, I make it known. I find that people who comes late and do not apologize for it are RUDE and have no RESPECT to their friends. They pretend as if everything is fine. I wonder why they can make an effort to be on time for job interviews, for a date, for classes but when it comes to friends, they take them for granted. It may seem like a small thing but if one continues to be late, it will come a time when your friend may just walk away from the friendship. If you treasure a friend, in my opinion you need to understand and respect your friends' time too.

I hate to say and highlight this but most of my Malay friends tend to come late for an appointment. Funny how when someone is late, the comment is always"Janji Melayu apa?" Makes it looks like we cannot trust Malays. How Melayu nak maju?
It has come to a point where I decide to come late as well when I meet my Malay friends. Previously I ended up waiting like a fool before everyone turned up. While I feel guilty for being late and my conscience is affecting me, I keep telling myself to calm down because no one is going to be at the venue.

I hope to see this change in 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I HEAR YOU SIS-TUH! Really- what it all boils down to RESPECTING the person's time. If I make an effort to be there on the agreed time, please show the courtesy to be there as well as if not, it only shows that my time[ which is precious to ME] is being disrepected by the person who thinks nothing of what I could have done with my time aside from WAITING aimlessly for that person!!!!! PLEASE people - show some respect can????? Call earlier if you know you will be late so that as least you show the courtesy and respect towards the person and re-schedule a later time for both parties to meet. I give only 5-10 mins waiting time- later than that, I just do my own thing and not wait anymore for the person. MY time is precious!
