Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lil' Adli is 1!

He turned 1 on Monday. I don't think he even knows that. No big celebration, just a little prayer for him :)

I still remember how happy I was when I found out I was pregnant, the undescribable feeling when I become a mom, that 3 months maternity leave period when I go insane staying home and not doing much, having to express my milk when I travel - in the meeting rooms and the aeroplane toilets and throwing the milk away!!! Those were the days.

Tick tock tick tock, Adli now is a happy, cheeky and a super active boy. His favorite word is "Car" and when he sees the motorbike its "Vroom". He tells you he wants to "maamam" and points to the kitchen and he kisses you whenever he feels like doing so. He lets you know that he is angry by stamping his feet and shows you that he is happy by flapping his hand and making a lot of noise. He completely ignores you when he plays and throws himself at me when he misses me. He looks at us intently when we leave him for the office in the mornings but when you explain to him that you are going to work, he will kiss you goodbye. He will cry out loud when he hurt himself but when you tell him he is a strong boy he will calm down. He now has a habit of digging his nose but when you pull his finger out, he uses another finger to dig!


Anonymous said...

adli is now a strapping young gentleman...or gg to belah (once he is done with the korek hidung thingee in public) ; )

Anonymous said...