Thursday, January 24, 2008

Huh? Wo Pu Chi Tao!

I like to vent on my blog... and the best part, I feel better after that.

Today is the second time I was served by a Chinese national. Don't get me wrong. I am not racist and I don't care who serves me. What is important to me is that person must be able to speak English. Broken English no problem, at least I can understand.

Yesterday my colleagues and I were complaining how Chinese nationals who come here to work cannot speak English. No speak English no worries, just don't work in shopping malls along Orchard Road. While waiting to pay at the counter yesterday, the salesgirl spoke to me in Mandarin. While I understood what she asked for, I continued to stare at her and not take any action. Finally her suprvisor came and spoke to me in English. Today, the same thing happened. While paying for my stuff, the cashier told me the value in Mandarin. I stared at her. I know I had to pay but I refused to budge. Do I look like a Chinese to begin with?!

Yeah, so I read that article in Straits Times about these Chinese workers working here -they are hardworking, willing to work long hours and willing to take low wages - no wonder lots of Singaporeans are finding it hard to find jobs! What makes you think most Singaporeans are unwilling to do the same work? What about the old folks who are out looking for a job. In one hand, companies are encouraged to employ senior citizens and on the other hand, companies are lured to employ these foreigners because they are much cheaper! What about students who wants to work part time to help support their families? They too have to compete with these foreign workers!

Malaysia has decided to cut back on the number of foreign workers in their country. Australia is very diligent with foreign visas and employment - at the end of the day, these 2 countries share the same goal i.e. to provide employment for their own citizens. When will we follow the same? We are good at comparing our policies and practices with other countries. Are we planning to do the same for this one?!

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