Monday, September 25, 2006

Fractured October

Hubby fractured his finger during a soccer game last Friday. He refused to go to the doctor initially because he is a firm believer of traditional healing. Me on the other hand is a firm believer of modern medication. On Sunday, he was in extreme pain and agreed to go see a doctor. I brought him to NUH. He came back with 2 days MC, an appointment to see a hand surgeon, a bandaged finger and a foul mood.

It does not help that this happen during Ramadan because I need him to help me in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He did try last evening when I got home from work however, he was so clumsy and slow that I had to initially tell him to just set the table and eventually ignored him.

So this morning after sahur, I told him that his timing is perfect. Guess what was his cheeky reply? He said that for the past 3 years, I have always been traveling during Ramadan and this is the first time that I have to stay put. So, this is time for me to give him the extra TLC to make up. Ish.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Absent Minded... Forgetful... Me?

I have always prided myself for having a good memory. I don't remember details but I do remember most things. In the "Idiot Guide to being Pregnant", I have been warned that I will experience absentmindedness and being forgetful... initially I told myself God's Willing that will not happen to me.... until recently.

Hubby now does not want me to drive because I have done the following 1) forgot my destination... I will continue to drive and miss my exit, 2) Road hog. I forgot that I am driving on the right lane and brake at the last minute. As a co-pilot he gets annoyed and when I drive to work he has to call and send me SMS messages to remind me to not speed, don't road hog and exit at the right place ;) Honestly, I don't realize what I've done until he highlighted to me recently. I guess he must have had enough.

At work, I have missed a few meetings - luckily for me, my boss was not in those meetings, I make a habit of writing down what I have to do next but sometimes it does not make sense.... Once I remembered I wanted to inform Ad Sales of something but ended up writing a show title instead ;P

At home, I go round looking for my things because I just cannot remember where I left my stuff. I thought I've lost my i-pod recently because I could not find it in the study and in the office. I found it later in one of my many handbags....

I do laugh at myself most times and I am making a conscious effort to remember things. For now, I shall enjoy being pregnant and everything else that comes with it :)

Post Winter Sonata

I spent my weekend watching the last 6 episodes of my Korean drama - Winter Sonata. Today, I cannot get the hero out of my mind, I can remember part of the dialogue and the thought of the drama warms my heart.

Couldn't stop talking about it with another colleague. She too watched the drama over the weekend and cried her heart out. She's worst because she now wants to replace pictures of her children with the main actor and has gone ahead to order the soundtrack. At least I am not obsessed.
Told another colleague the story line and I am very sure that she too will be convinced to watch the drama.

I've been advised to watch the next 3 dramas - Autumn in My Heart, Summer Scent and Spring Waltz.... gosh. I have bought Summer Scent but I think I should start watching this only after Ramadan....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Aaahhh......I'm in love

I am in love.... in love with the Korean drama - Winter Sonata. The complex love story hooked me, the winter scenes are breathtaking, I am playing the music over and over again on my laptop and crying scenes makes me cry, the actor is so good looking that all I want him to do is smile because that smile lits up his whole face and makes me go aaaahhhhh....and he has a nice set of teeth! you knowlah, me and teeth.... and I have been sacrificing my sleep... been going to bed at 4am for the past 3 days and I wonder if I can survive this week. it does not help that hubby enjoys watching it... the more reason to stay up.

I even downloaded the actor pix (!!) and i shall look at it a few times a day... who knows my child may look like him :P hahahah...

I heard the song - Sonata Musim Salji on radio once and few weeks ago I saw the music video but it featured the Korean clips. I didn't even know that the original version of the song is Korean... that got me hooked and during lunch i bought the DVD. Didn't watch it immediately, took my time but once I got started... I cannot stop!

Today, I went to YouTube and found the music video... and yep, I have been listening to the song over and over again. I tried listening to the Malay version again... but I am convinced the Korean one is a lot better.

Managed to influence my colleague. Initially I promised to lend her my DVD but she saw the music video and now she has decided to get one for herself! I bet tomorrow, both of us will be sleepy but happy...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Devil Drivers.....

We went for a short holiday to Cameron Highlands with hubby's friends. All of them are from Subaru Legacy Club - the oldest guy is in his 60's and the rest are in their 30's. Some brought their wives, girlfriends, parents in laws and kids. 9 cars in total, same model - each driver is a road devil. 3 of them go to Sepang to race... so you can imagine what happened when we hit the Malaysian roads. Oh don't get me wrong, our hubbies did not drive recklessly... they kept their distance with the cars in front of them, they signal to overtake, they signal to inform other drivers to move to the left, they did not cut in and out of lanes. They followed the rules but the only thing they did not follow was the speed limit. On average, they were driving at 150km/h and the highest speed hubby clocked was 200km/h... I took a picture of the speedometer to show to my MIL :)

Everyone came prepared for this trip. We had walkie talkies - the leader gave us ample notice if there was a lane merging, a police patrol car ahead, when to stop for toilet breaks and when to overtake during our descent from Cameron Highlands down. That was a scary drive in my opinion. The roads were meandering and these devil drivers were going at 80km/h. After a while, I gave in and started throwing up - hubby slowed down and he looked quite guilty. Of course when we got to our first stop, all the wives, parents and kids were complaining too... so the men did get a earful from their wives. Serves them right.

In JB, the men started planning for the next driving trip... this time they want to go to Penang. Hubby got excited - the last time we drove to Penang, my mom and brother came along... he had to follow the speed limit and this time I could see from his mischievous smile that he wants to go to Penang again... for some other reason. Unfortunately, that mischievous smile was shortlived because come December, wifey cannot travel to any countries but stay put in sunny Singapore!!

The story of Jah, Kiah, Senah and Jenab... Ep 3

Kiah bought the story book and newspapers for Senah and Jah in KL last week.
Kiah was at One Utama and was looking for a mamak shop... you cannot find one in OneUtama. Don't want to give up, Kiah decided to try her luck at MPH bookstore... well at least she can buy in style :)

In MPH, Kiah went round and round looking for the book. She gave in and asked the sales assistant. She was directed to the Malay section *duh*. Found the book after several rounds and it was the last 2 copies. The front cover featured our "beloved" princess and her musang bermisai. Grabbed and went straight to the cashier. Along the way found 3 different news tabloid featuring our "beloved" princess on the cover. Grabbed, paid and Kiah was out of MPH in a flash.

Kiah has not read any of the newspapers/ book that she bought. It has gone straight to Senah, first thing Thursday morning. Well Kiah kept her word... will Kiah do it again for Jah and Senah? NEVER!