Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Body and Its Own Mind....

I met up with several gfs over lunch a few weeks ago and one of them told me I have gained weight:( Ouch.... That's the worst thing to hear when you see your friends. So my mission for this month and following months is to loose weight. I think all my weight is sitting on my butt and thighs. If I don't do anything about it, I will soon become a beach whale... eeerr... the thought of it makes me sick.

So i brought my gym gear to the office and was very adamant about hitting the gym after work.
Obviously that did not happen -the only thing that is moving is my fingers and my eyes. sigh.

I don't eat much and i hardly snack in between meals. So why am i gaining weight? People say your metabolism rate slows down as you age... though i don't see that happen to some people. One of them is my friend. She eats like a horse and does not gain weight. So I have come to a conclusion that my body has a mind of its own. Of courselah, the butt decides to expand and takes up that additional space on the chair, the stomach decides to protude out and i guess take a peek at my toes..... What i don't understand, the chest continues to look like a small hump... you know the hump that you see at carparks. Waahhh........


Anonymous said...

well, sista..that has gotta be me... ; ). only a fren would still embrace you in your glorious best and the lowest low... : )
u still my sista!!! heh heh

noz said...

aiyaah... body like that lah... wait until you give birth... no matter how many crunches you do the tummy has a life of its own.
correct royalrussian?

Anonymous said...

oh..dun i agree wif you..i think the stomach has its own set of heart and lungs to function on its own.. ; )