Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Conversations with Myself

Do you do that? Do you have conversations in your head and with yourself?
I do. Does everyone do that? I don't know. I told a girlfriend once and she laughed at me. I don't think that was funny.

What kind of conversations you may ask. All sorts. Half the time, I vent my frustrations, anger and sometimes I plan - I think I have a white board in my mind somewhere.

I have a very high tolerance level towards some people and I find it amusing that these people think I can tolerate a lot. Just because I keep quiet does not mean I don't have feelings. There are other reasons why I don't react.

I do share my thoughts with hubby. I am not a saint and sometimes those thoughts could be mean or angry thoughts. It frustrates me when my hubby does not agree with my thoughts and gives an alternative or a different point of view. And then I would go into this argument in my head- an argument that questions why he does not agree with me. I know it sounds ridiculous and I know why he does what he did but for once, can he just go with the flow and stay angry with me. heheh...

I like to plan - actually I am pretty anal about plans. I know I'd have conversations about a certain plan and the next thing I know I have not vocalized my plans to my colleagues or friends or family members. Scary. I could get myself into trouble.

I need to stop that conversations in my head. But what happens if I vocalized my thoughts - in the car or the train or anywhere... people may think I "goondoo" liao!

1 comment:

noz said...

sista... we I SOooooo ALIKE. Everything you say... I say the same