Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Ready, Get Set, Go!

I went back to work today - I took 3 months maternity leave and will definitely take that Friday off for the next 20 weeks!

I have to admit, I was very excited. First day back at work, first day in the new office, first day driving a new route to work, first day dropping Irfan off at nenek's place. I couldn't sleep the night before. Each time I opened my eye, the first thing I looked at was the clock. At 530am when my alarm went off, I was on the go go go!

Straight to kitchen to prepare breakfast and dinner. Yes dinner. I was supposed to be on a conference call tonight and do not want to take it at nenek's place - because that would mean Abang, Abah and Adik will be home really late. So I decided to prepare dinner. It was chicken curry, fried vegetables and fishball soup for Abang. I had everything planned, down to what happens if Irfan cries on the way to nenek's place. Contingency plans in place. The only thing that was not finalized was the route to take to office. I decided to go via AYE-CTE and made it to work at a decent time.

Day 1 done. Day 2 tomorrow - need to find time to exercise in the morning. I realized tonight that whatever time I have in the evenings will be for the kids and later Abah. No night runs for now.


noz said...

sista what time you wake up to cook a feast? Chedelah

UndomesticQueen said...

530am lah sista. otherwise, tak sempat!