Monday, July 12, 2010

The Last Lap

I'm in my 8th month now. Other than feeling extremely tired, I think I am beginning to walk like a sloth too - slowly pushing my legs forward. I am in bed on most nights by 10pm - with Baby Abang and will be wide awake from 2am t0 4am. Half the time I'll be contemplating whether I should go online and do work or surf the net but I keep telling myself I need to relax and let my mind rest. I end up either praying or watching TV - like hantu TV alone in the living room.

At work I am still fiesty and thrive with all the stress. I know I have a deadline to meet and yet I continue looking forward to getting the work done. I have to admit also that I am worried - so much to do - can finish or not and of course having to deal with some colleagues who just do not want to do their jobs is infuriating!

I remembered when I was pregnant with Baby Abang - I was a lot more energetic, jovial, carefree, singing and watching Korean drama and crying while watching it. I loved that feeling.

With Baby Adik, I am fiesty, fast tempered, too practical, fierce/ stern and half the time don't tolerate to any nonsense. I do like listening to dance music too and am anal about keeping the house tidy! People ask me - do you have any cravings with this one - the answer is no - just like the first. Have I gained a lot of weight? 8 months pregnant and I've gained 10.5kg - just like the first one - not bad. The only difference is, my craving is a clean, tidy house! With baby Abang,I watched too much TV!

Every pregnancy is different and I have to agree. Have I enjoyed the journey? Yes I have. It has been a challenging one - one episode every 2 months and the last one in June was a real scare and post that incident, I do take extra caution. Despite all that, I love seeing the changes my body goes through (except my butt!!! urgh but all prep for giving birth!) I'll live with it but I do hope to be a "hot mama" in the future! We shall see!

1 comment:

noz said...

u fierce becos Tiger baby like you lah....