Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Meeting to Remember

I was asked to attend a meeting with one of the telco's companies here in Manila.
We met with the President and he brought along the MD of the company we are working with.
I have to admit, fine dining and meeting top executives make me nervous. But as I listened to the conversation and started making follow up notes, the meeting was entertaining.From work to personal life to scandals and who's who in the top.

I have to say - I could be wrong here but from what I've observed, Filipinos are very driven by emotions and egos and many decisions are made that way. They are very passionate people and this translates to their jobs. I was at a table during breakfast when I witnessed a very respectable and charismatic man's eyes welled-up and his face turned red. I was speechless and had to look away, in case I too cried.

Over lunch, other than work and politics and the various businesses they are in and who is connected to whom, I'm embarrassed to be in a conversation where these men talked about the scandals that they choose to have openly. I don't know how my lady boss could tolerate all these and continue to humor them.

Can I make the assumptions that most men at the top are like this? I have heard of many such stories and to be part of the whole conversation make it look real.

But I still believe there are men out there who are clean and faithful to their wives and kids.

1 comment:

noz said...

Very true... I once went for a jounalist's convention in jakarta.. all around were journALIST from Asean. The ones from the philipines were seniors based on their age... we spoke about some issues... but their train of thought terus tak ada logic and a lot of sweeping statments... mostly very emotional... then with the women, we spoke about domestic violence... they were ok kalau d wife kena battered... sebab d man is the MAN OF THE HOUSE... can you believe it? And these are educated women... then I caught the eyes of teh MAlaysian women.. and our eyes say..."Mana BOleh accept sista?"