Thursday, November 12, 2009

Feeling Sick

I feel like throwing up.
I have had this feeling since 3pm - post lunch.
No. I am not pregnant - not yet.
This has nothing to do with being preggie. I'm feeling this way because I had lunch in a typical Filipino restaurant. I don't like the smell - it's oily, fishy - it just makes you sick.
And to be eating local food - I would rather starve.
I've been drinking warm water and eating fruits - i want to cleanse my mouth and my stomach if possible.

That's one of the many reasons why I don't like to go to Manila for business; holiday, no way!
Filipinos like their food to be oily, fatty and porky! yucks.Just the thought of it is making me sick all over again.

I finally know how Crispy Pata looks like now - it's actually pork knuckles- fried!

Can you understand now why I feel this way?!


noz said...

wan hates filipino food too...he raterh eat mcdonald

UndomesticQueen said...

yes! McD is still best.