Saturday, October 24, 2009


My colleague suggested I join her on Sat morning for an exercise bootcamp. I took on her offer and went to East Coast Park. I don't know what to expect but I was told that if I follow instructions and put my heart and soul into doing the exercise, I could get rid of 1000 calories in 1hr. Not bad. If I were to go on the treadmill and run in the gym, I would have lost only 300 calories!

I did not expect to see a big group - there were about 20 of us and 3 instructors! Of that 20, I have 5 other colleagues with me - that was good. The exercise routine were tolerable - we had to do push ups, crunches, shuttle runs, squats - I felt good - the pace was good and everyone in the group motivated each other. I spoke to a lady from Holland and she has been following the bootcamp for 4months. She said she has lost 7kg! Not bad eh.

I survived the bootcamp. No aches, no pains just tired, super thirsty and very hungry - after the session and throughout the day.

Will I make it to next Saturday? God-willing I will!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

On the road

I have been away from my family for about 13 days now. I got home for a few days and left off again.
My lil one chooses his Abah over me and I spend the first few hours at home cuddling and playing with him - so he knows, Mama is still around.
My hubby when I told him I have to travel again, was clearly not happy but is supportive - and I appreciate that. Who could blame them, I have been away for a while.
I dare not tell them of my upcoming trips - Manila, KL (again) and possibly Hong Kong.

You see, if you think a jet setting life is interesting, it is not. It can get depressing. When I was single and new to the job, I was super happy with the traveling that I get to do. I took time to also check out the cities I visited.
But 1 year into the job, I realized the following:

- I aged a lot faster
- My mom has aged a lot more - i know she was worried and she continues to worry
- My friends are frustrated with me as it is difficult to meet up and chat
- I miss my friends' kids birthdays (!) not good
- I spend a lot of money - on so many things!
- I am now used to a particular lifestyle - so when I go on a holiday, I become super choosy with hotels
- On vacation, when I reach the airport all I want to do is take my luggage and get out
- I buy facial products that promises no fine lines and dark eye rims

10 years into the job and now that I am a wife and a mom, I am going through the following:

- I aged even more and am thinking of getting La Mer for my skincare! scary thought that is!
- I have to spend more time exercising - so that my body could detox and my metobolism rate increases and I am burning fats while at rest and my skin is supple so - I want to look younger! hahahah
- I have to deal with crappy TV shows in hotel rooms
- I sometimes talk to myself in the room - like "where did I leave that bla bla.. or, this show is really bad!"
- It can get very lonely
- I call home often and spend lots of $$ on phone bills. Call hubby, son and mom.
- I spend time chatting online with friends and on FB
- I spend time people watching - in cafes, in massage parlour, in restaurants, in car, in hotel lobby

Short travels are fine. Long ones like this, makes me write such stuff on the blog and my mind wanders to all over the world and place. And when that happens, I can't sleep and the next day, I am super cranky.

A memorable trip to Cannes

Yes, this is a yearly affair but I have to admit that there are so many firsts for this trip.

My first stay in a 5 star hotel on the Croisette. The last few trips, I shared an apartment with my colleague from Korea.

My first Tom Yum Maggi Noodle - no shame asked a friend to cook it for me

For the first time, I went to bed at 845pm - too tired. I usually stay out till quite late.

I saw Jerry Seinfeld and Joan Rivers.

My first private dinner in a very nice hotel suite in Carlton. Very chic and cheeky when some of my colleagues got drunk! Pure entertainment. It was a great evening :)

My first encounter with a very vulgar program distributor. He manages Eastern Europe from a company we acquire content from. He has something against every nationality!

No impulse purchase. It took me 2 days to make a decision on that Louis Vuitton bag! I don't do such things.

The Wheels on the Car

I have to share this story.

The little one did not want to sit with me in the back seat last Sat and insisted on sitting next to Abah. As we approached the traffic junction, I told him that the lights are green and he knows that green means go. The conversation goes like this after:

Me: "Green means go and Red means stop. We cannot stop the car now."
Lil One: "No. Can stop the car Mama. Turn off the engine!"

Friday, October 02, 2009


I am in Cannes this week for MIP. I’ve been here many times and I have lost count.

Each time, it’s a different experience. I have stayed in 2 star hotels, in studio apartments and in an apartment that can fit 7 people! I have also tried staying with a Jewish French family. It was a villa with 10 bedrooms and a small pool. It was a great place to meet people and it felt good to be going “home” after a long day.
Today, it’s another new experience – for the first time, I am an invited buyer and I get to stay for free at one of the hotels along the Croisette. It’s not that I have never stayed in a 5 star hotel, but this is a 5 start hotel that I never thought I would be able to stay in. It’s just so difficult to get on the list – for many reasons – I am not a sales person, I am not from US office and I am not even from senior management.

It really matters who your boss is you know. A boss that has good relationships with the right people at international level brings in a whole range for advantages and this is one of them.

Again, I am grateful at this opportunity.

French Alps

I was on the plane this morning from Frankfurt to Nice. I don’t like seating by the window and this time round, I was assigned to one.

It was an amazing view – the river that cuts across and the French Alps. The snow capped mountains – it was breathtaking.

Subahannallah. Allah is Great.