Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Morning Talk Show on NTV7

I sat in my hotel room watching the morning talk show on NTV7 yesterday. The 2 hosts - both male were talking abt how much water was consumed by an individual in Singapore, Hong Kong and Penang. In Singapore, each individual used 157L of water per day last year and in Penang it was 257L of water per individual during the same period. Both agreed, that is a lot of water used. And I think they should have just stopped there. Instead, one of them said "Hey at least we beat Singapore at something - they don't have water anyway and they have to buy from us". Another clown called in and tried justifying why Penang used that much water - it's a tourist city, a port. I just could not believe it. So is Singapore mister and to the 2 hosts, it matters how much water an individual use - we are facing shortage of clean water (people on the Gaza strip needs clean water!) and here you 2 clowns are proud to show how insensitive you can be towards Mother Nature and the world! Guys, you are on TV, you have a responsibility to your viewers. Grow up!


noz said...

Yeah tv here like that... no moral obligation. And every opportunity to hantam spore they take... sad but true

UndomesticQueen said...

childish i say