Tuesday, April 14, 2009

100% Pure Minah!

Let's admit it. There is a minah in every Malay girl - regardless which part of the world she is living in. Today, I did this test on "How Much Of a Minah are you?" on FB and it turns out I am a 100% minah! Steady ah?!
I thought the description was very apt i.e. I listen to random Malay songs from my mp3 player and my hubby drives and his car radio is tuned in to Ria's 89.7 and if he is alone and out late night, yes, he will be listening to Misteri Jam 12!

So babe and dudes.. gua tengah dengar lagu lagu dari CD Rock Cintan. Amacam? Lu suka?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eh beb...kalau lu bukan 100% minah, gua bukan org melayu beb. sampai begitu gua caya sama lu!!!
idup rock!!! ; )