Saturday, September 27, 2008

Iftar Part 2

Iftar session was at ESST restaurant in Westin Hotel. The restaurant has a modern zen open kitchen concept and includes individual private rooms. We had one of the rooms. The restaurant carries a variety of Asian cuisines ranging from Vietnamese to Japanese to Chinese, Malay and Thai. I ordered a little of everything.

I am no foodie so I really cannot comment on the food. However, I do like the ambience of the private room and I was lucky because one of the partners that I sat with has a very interesting character and personality. I have to admit I enjoyed the conversation that we had and his weird humor. I also get to know more of the TV viewing habits in Malaysia for the older audience. All in all an interesting evening... I have to admit, I dreaded the whole idea initially because I don't fancy having a meal and making small conversations but this one was good.

While I do enjoy the food, I got back to my hotel room feeling hungry. I realized I wanted simple stuff like noodles or kueh or curry puff but I got none. I was counting down the hours to my sahur. I had porridge and I ate with much gusto!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Project Saturday

I was determined to run all my errands on Sat - hubby went along with my plans - though at some points I don't think he appreciated it.

First up - pay tithe - done

Next stop - collect baju. I wanted to avoid Geylang at all costs during Ramadan. Unfortunately, our baju were not ready and I had to call the shop repeatedly to pressure them to deliver our baju on a particular date. It worked, I got our baju and the lady was apologizing to me profusely :)

Next - prayer call - by the time hubby did his sholat, it's almost time to break fast. I don't fancy breaking fast out but this time round I had no choice. Hubby chose the venue - not that far away from Masjid Sultan. I don't like the location and I think Lil Adli did not either. He gave us both a hard time throughout.

After Maghrib sholat, we went to our final stop - one of the carpet shops on Arab Street. Yep, bought carpets - not one, not 2 but 4 pieces! I don't know what got into us, suddenly we decide to buy carpets for our dining area, living room, corridor and prayer room! :P

Iftar Part 1

Last week my boss sent a few of us a note. Basically he wants us to go to KL with him for iftar with some partners. Some colleagues decided to arrange for some meetings with their clients, I choose to stay put in Singapore, work till 2pm and take the 3pm flight for iftar at 7-ish. Silly don't you think? One colleague tried to convince me to stay for the night and take the 8am flight back the next morning. I intend to take the last flight out of KL the same day. Ambitious? Yeah I think so. Can I make it? InsyaAllah.

My time with Lil Adli is so precious. I would rather come home tired, cuddle my 2 loved ones and play with Lil' Adli in the morning.

Expensive iftar? You bet.

Necessary? In my opinion, not at all.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Every Ramadan, I take a day off to fetch my mom to Jamiyah and Darul Ihsan for her to pay her tithe. I did the same last Friday.

On our way there, mom wanted to go to NTUC to buy a packet of rice. She said she wanted to pay her tithe with rice. "Ikut sunnah Nabi" she said. I obliged but kept my comments to myself.
When we got to the mosque, her action caught MUIS rep by surprise. I don't blame him and tried calling MUIS to see if they would accept the packet of rice. No one responded to the call.

Back in the car, I asked her why she did what she did. She told me Ustaz F informed everyone during class, its good to follow sunnah Nabi - yep, I agree, good to ikut sunnah Nabi. However, there must be a damn good reason for MUIS to establish the current system right? Imagine all the other neneks in her class carrying packets and packets of rice to the mosque to pay their tithe and they receive the same treatment as my mom? Tulang dah kerepot, kaki dah lemah, angkat beras berat only to be informed the mosque tak boleh terima their fitrah. Tak kesian tu?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are Singaporeans Insensitive?

Last Thursday I was in Jakarta and a colleague who was traveling with me is a non-Muslim. It was lunch time and our partner brought her food and invited her to one of the meeting rooms to eat. I was with the mbak U'ut and she told me that in most restuarants and foodcourt, non-Muslims can only eat in designated area... separated by a curtain. I asked her if her non-muslim colleagues would drink or eat in front of the Muslims and she said not at all.

I was impressed.

Several years ago when I was in Manila during Ramadan, I asked to be exused for 5mins during a meeting to break my fast ( it was about 430pm then). When one of my Filipino colleagues found out the reason why, she quickly ordered a hot cup of coffee for me. That was very thoughtful of her.

In Singapore, first day of Ramadan coincide with the mid-Autumn festival. I received boxes and boxes of mooncakes which I give away to my colleagues to eat. Interestingly, between mouthfuls of snowskin jackfruit mooncakes, one colleague exclaimed and said, "Alamak, Zan Puasa lah...sorry sorry " but he never stopped eating and the rest didn't either. While I don't mind people eating in front of me, i thought when someone exclaimed something like that, they would be sensitive enough to quickly stop eating right. Well, I was wrong.

So are Singaporeans insensitive?

Thank goodness not. One of my colleagues was eating an apple when she came by my desk. She remembered I was fasting and quickly hid the apple behind her back, got the info she wanted and quickly walked away.

Sept 11

I was at the ariport on Sept 11 to go to Jakarta. It was pretty quiet and the plane was not even full. It was unusual for a 750am flight to not be full. I decided not to mention anything until my colleague passed a comment. We both looked at each other, that knowing look and decided to quickly leave the airport.

A day earlier, I realized the date and voiced my concern to a girlfriend. She told me not to worry - because the terrorists are Muslims and they will not have the energy to strategize or hijack a plane. Yes, I laughed along with it but was still worried.

Alhmadullilah. I had a safe trip and came home at 11-ish feeling very hungry.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Project E2 + 1

When my boss proposed Project E2 + 1 to a few of us, he came prepared and even showed us the roadmap to get there. Despite telling him that the monetary perks will not appeal to the team, he refused to listen but told us to think about it. In my mind, there is nothing to think about, it's a done deal and true enough a few weeks later, he proposed the idea to the team. They were quiet, some were unhappy but no one wanted to tell him there and then their grouses. We went ahead and 6 weeks into this project, we have a long way to go.

I honestly don't think we can achieve this Project E2+1. There are certain portions on the roadmap that we can achieve- no problem but looking at some other "external" contributors, I think that could dampen our drive there.

I have to admit, I am tired. I'm trying to sort a few things on my own with regard to work - basically bringing that passion back into what I do and marrying some demands that my boss has thrown at me. Mind you, it is a curve ball and I hope I can continue to swerve that ball and move it in the direction that can make me happy at the same time meet my boss's objectives.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Morning Person

A girlfriend told me once that she would find me very annoying in the morning.
Why? Because while most Singaporeans would still be sleeping, I would be singing and chirpy as a bird. I am a morning person but I don't make noise in the morning. I love the peace too much and I like the feeling of being in my own world. I can be mopping the floor, cooking or even having a conversation in my head - and I am completely fine with that.

Yes, she would find me annoying - especially for a non morning person. I would find her annoying too - why? Life is short - why start your day being grumpy? Breathe in the clean air, enjoy the peace, it does not matter what time of day it is. It's all in the mind.

Ya Ramadan

I was really angry when i left the office last evening. I've worked late many times but yesterday particularly I was determined to leave the office by 615pm -I wanted to be home with my hubby and family to breakfast together. Instead, I went into my usual routine ie. break fast in the car.

Looking back, I cannot recall when was the last time, on a weekday that I get to hear the azan and have a proper meal with my family. For the past 2 years, I have either break fast in the car, on the plane or in meetings in some foreign land. And the only thing I eat is one date and drink plain water. My boss would try to stay focus during the meeting and use my break fast reason to rush through a meeting but in the same breathe, he would leave me work to do that needs to be submitted in the next hour. Talk about being sensitive to other people's religion.

While I can blame work, I think I have myself to blame too. I never put my foot down and say no - no to my bosses for making me work late, no to my traveling plans. I didn't make enough effort to work around the break fast time and to Ramadan.

I missed those days when I would rush home, prepare a meal to break fast with hubby. I missed those days when I would go to the mosque with mom/hubby to perform my terawih. Today, I shall continue to pray - give me strength, patience and show me ways to get out of the current situation I am in.

As I look ahead, 030609.... there's no stopping me from pursuing what I intend to do.