Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Visit to the Dentist

Had an appointment with a dentist today. The last time I went for a dental check up was late 2005. Last year, I was contemplating of going but as I got bigger and heavier in my pregnancy, I decided to not visit.

I used to like going to the dentist .. until today. I never had any problems with my teeth and gums. But this morning's check up was otherwise. The dentist took 45mins to scale my teeth! It was not painful but my teeth and inner gums were so sensitive that I had to tell the dentist to stop several times. He discovered that I have a cavity but could not treat it today as my gums were bleeding so much. My ordeal is not yet over I have an appointment with him next week.

Meanwhile, he gave me some medicine to treat my gums and an interdental brush for me to brush in between my teeth.


noz said...

aiyoh sista... i also got dat brush... one of my molars also sensitive kata my dentist kena jaga baik2 if not kena root canal...ouch1

UndomesticQueen said...

At least I am not alone...
I will know what my dentist has to say this Sat. he did say he wants to take an x-tray.

Anonymous said...

wah lau...what the hell is an interdental brush? that brush looks like something i would clean my boys' plastic strawS with.

noz said...

have u been to the dentist lately czar? ah maybe u also kena interdental sebab pregnancy does wonders for your teeth problematic phase. When I was pregnant I did not go to the dentist this time sebab very busy and also perut dah besar duduk lama lama nanti belangkang sakit kan...

Anonymous said...

went to dentist last june i think...okay said my teeth quite good. so i said, i dun like gg to dentist, that's why must take extra care at home.

UndomesticQueen said...

so it's truelah, my teeth were affected when i was preggie... ler... i was so upset when I found out I had these problems because i take care of my teeth well...

noz said...

So do I. Its one of those things ya know...
Zar... gd for you..can do colgate ad...taring for the bling factor!