Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nostalgia Top 10

These are some of my fav songs in the 80's. I'm sure my closetted friends do remember them...

1) Terbanglah Kau Burung - Mazuin Hamzah (*wink*)

Always loved this song. I remembered buying her album (casette tape) from my own pocket money. I spent some days singing to this song. I also thought she was very pretty and I like her teeth! hahaha.. yes, I am a teeth person.

2) Jangan Pisahkan - TT Dores and Someone

I'm not 100% sure of the song title. This song is really really sad. Thinking of it, this song is perfect for all the Korean dramas that I have been watching.

3) Hetty Koes Endang - Kuda Hitam

I used to sing this song to my elder brother and he would run after me annoyed. Ironically, his friends today call him "Black"

4) Balik Kampung - Sudirman

Loved this song. Reminds me of the long ride from Singapore to Butterworth. My late father's hometown. That's when I geo to hear him speak with the Penang accent and I did not understand a single word my cousins said. Also, had to remember my Mak/Pak Long, Mak/ Pak Ndak, Pak Teh, Mak/Pak Cik, Mak/Pak Jang, Mak/ Pak Lang, Mak/ Pak Tam, in order.... was quite stressful at one stage. And yes, that does not include the Mak Tok, Tok Abah, Tok Lang and more....

5) Kau Lilin Cintaku - Francesca Peters

Just loved her voice... I think I copied the way she dressed too! Hey! That was in the 80's!

6) Dulu Dan Sekarang - Black Dog Bones

In fact, I love most BDB songs....

7) Mengapa Perpisahan Yang Kau Pinta - Flybaits

This song is very sad. How come most songs in the 80's all about love...

8) Apa Yang Ku Cari - Endang S. Taurina

I spent my pocket money buying this album. Like the first song, I spent my afternoons sometimes singing this song in front of the mirror! Pretending to be in talentime....

9) Jangan Talipon Lagi - AlleyCat

Jangan Talipon Lagi, Leha Tak Boleh Pergi! This song is funny!

10) Boneka Dari India - Dlloyd

This one got good memories! Hubby sang this song to me!


noz said...

obit seh.....
but i add a few somemore to the list...I like
1) pepapopeeet... bunyi trumpet.
2) sanisah huri songs
3) sudirman songs
4)some i know the sound but do not know the titles...
the good old days when Malay music has its distinct sound.

oh did you forget to add in awie's?

UndomesticQueen said...

hahah... your fav must be #1.
come to think of it, I also like some songs from Broery Marantika and Jamal Abdillah...cannot remember titles.

sista... awie is in the 90's lah.
how can i forget him... and his cleavage! like dunlop pillow!

Anonymous said...

there is only one person i can identify from the list...endang, apsal korang dun listen to al-jawaher. they also singers what...?

noz said...

i like al -mizan

Anonymous said...


hello, i listen to al-mizan and al-jawaher only during fasting-raya month. they got other type of songs meh?

lucky sista listen al-mizan. if she listens to J mizan, i surrender.

noz said...

oooi,,,, i lover songs by J. mizan.

Anonymous said...


he sing what song? I like Rina rahman. but i donch noe title and how to start the song.

UndomesticQueen said...

femme - i shall sing to you when i return. Get ready...

noz said...

hari ini kau datang jua, tersenyum buat ku senang, kau....buat hati bertambah sayang....
teh rest lyrics cannot rememebr unless listen to his songs... but that album,,, all this songs I like