Monday, March 26, 2007

Me a Housewife?

I really salute women who give up their careers to be a fulltime mom/ housewife. I don't think I can be one. While I love the idea of being with my son 24/7, I don't like the idea of having to do all the household chores, being indoors on most days and doing other errands daily. Don't get me wrong, I do find time to read, surf the net and watch DVDs but I do need "Me" time and at the moment, I don't get that often. I also need to be around people/ friends to laugh out loud at silly things. Laughing alone is not that fun.

My life is somewhat a routine these past few weeks. Everyday, after feeding and playing with my boy, I will have to quickly do the household chores and prepare dinner. While I love to cook, I find it very tiring having to think of what dishes to prepare for the day. Imagine our mothers doing that daily! Whatever spare time I have, I spent it online reading news or reading up on child's development. If I do have some time before my little one wakes up, I window shop online or go to gossip pages for some latest news. When I leave the house to go for walks with the little one, I feel like a bird... free

On weekends when we go out, I always opt for shopping malls as that's the only time I get to see, touch and feel the clothes, the shoes, the bags, etc. And I always look forward to the weekend. I did try to go shopping with my boy once but I did not go far. At the moment I can handle him on my own but without the pram, the diaper bag and the boy cyring in the back seat of the car. It can be pretty stressful.

To all women who give up your career to be a stay home mom, I really admire the choice you've made.


Anonymous said...


Ah this one minah KL must answer

Anonymous said...

sista..there's no such thing as ME time once you have a baby..not unless you take annual leave...which reminds me, MINAH KL has no annual leave at all!!

Anonymous said...

eh what happen to you maid?

UndomesticQueen said...

maid does not come often. also maid cannot look after little one.

mantra said...

ah now diva Kl answer...
ZAn.. all you say is TRUE.
But I feel blessed that I have this 2nd chance to see my kid grow.To have me time... i am enrolling Nadia for a 3hr daily nursery at my condo... 2nd floor , phoo yoh. Wan is buying me a car and I will enrol myself in an outside gym with real classes and met real people... hah not that my kids aren't. but you get my pt.
Also I hope to start my small home based massage business. working on the flyers now... I am taking this opportunity to grow myself in different direction... must take every opportunity and make it meaning to YOU..... must work the brain if not, DIE. I don;t cook everyday as wan comes home late n dah makan luar. Sometimes I just buy lauk so that I can do my stuff.. other hse work like mopping and washing clothes cannot run... as I die die don't want a maid.

noz said...

lina, touch therapist all me.... lah. had problem previously...split personality lah.
See what happens when u become a 24/7 mommy? haha

Anonymous said...


sista, u making me confuse. no wonder i dont recall making tt long speech.

v scary. like chuckie the doll.

UndomesticQueen said...

Sista, I agree with you. Must work the brain... today I read a book - Confession of a Shopaholic and I laughed and laughed. so funny.... irony of it all, I was at Starbucks (for some me time!) and I had several shopping bags! alamak!

noz said...

ah must pass me the book once you finish... i also want to laugh....

UndomesticQueen said...

i rented the book. I'm so hooked. Today I rented a few more - Shopaholic takes Manhattan and Shopaholic gets Married.