Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Another Office Move...

Yes, you read it right. I am moving offices again... this time believe it or not back to the Orchard Road office.... I don't even know whether I want to cry or laugh...

After the restructuring and many unexplainable situations by the management, we are moving back to the Orchard office... 2 weeks from today. There are major constructions going on at the Orchard office to accommodate us and whoever that are left behind to work for this really brilliant company! I had lunch and dinner with my distributors today and they were all asking about the new office and you should have seen their faces when I told them I was moving back. Thank goodness, I will be out on maternity leave soon... so I am adopting the take and do it attitude.

Work has also been piling on my plate...a colleague called me "stupid" for taking on more responsibilities. You see, I don't mind doing more work and being exposed to different businesses - because i love to learn but one thing I cannot stand is stupidity and trust me, there are people in the team who are like that. I wish I could get them off! I also cannot stand people who worry for nothing and come up to me with all the "what ifs" question. For gosh sake, snap out of it and seize the situation, find your solution instead of giving me another white hair...

I just need to find my mojo for the next few weeks in the office and try to shield off all the negative energy around me. I really try hard not to bitch but since I've been back to the Orchard office these past few days, I am finding it very difficult to bite my tongue. The only thing that makes me happy right now is the thought of buying most baby stuff this weekend! We have our list ready and come Saturday, we are on a roll!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

No smoking

I have nothing against smokers... hey my hubby and brothers smoke. They just don't smoke in the house and when I am around.

I welcomed all the No Smoking signs that you now see at hawker centers and other small eating establishments. Last night, we went to our usual eating place along Bukit Timah for dinner. While eating, there was a group of young adults behind us, smoking. Clearly, they must be blind to not see the No Smoking signs. Since we are regulars at the eating place, we told one of the waiters to tell that group to smoke some place else. Obviously, they were not happy and started staring at myself and hubby. I stared back. What made me really annoyed is that they were clearly in the wrong and yet they acted as if they were right! And what's worst, they are Malays! Why do they act that way? It's bad enough that Malays make up the most number of smokers in this country and there are some bodies educating our community to give up smoking. And over here we have a group of young idiots who are selfish and behaving as such.

Hey, smoke all you want, its your body, your health and your life, just be considerate and follow the rules! There are reasons why rules are put in place!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hindi Pinoy!!

I'm exhausted and I think no matter how much my head tells me I can do it, my body is telling me otherwise....perhaps I am getting bigger and older... 7 months preggie next week! how time flies!

And speaking of flying, just got back from Manila last night. I was not at ease the whole time I was in that country. Well... I am never at ease when I have to leave for Manila but this time round, I was really paranoid and as much as I could, I stayed indoors. I don't know why... perhaps I have not been traveling as often, or because I am pregnant, or could it be everyone was questioning whether I was OK to travel or could it also be that I was on the 22nd floor of the hotel.... hey as woman traveling by yourself, you should always, ALWAYs request for a hotel room on the lower floors... in case anything happens and you need to run down and yes, a room close to the lift!

This time round, I saw several bomb squad trucks parked along the roads, the offices, malls and the hotels premises. On the second day, there was a demonstration right next to the hotel and usually, I would stay out to watch. Not this time. The next day I told myself to stop being paranoid and decided to go to Starbucks for a drink... while on my way there, I kept holding on tightly to my purse.... don't ask me why. Finally, when I got to Starbucks and they started asking me for my order in Tagalog, I snapped and said "Hindi Pinoy!". I must have sounded really pissed off or arrogant that the guy looked really surprised. I did apologize, got my coffee and quickly left the cafe... back to my hotel room.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Excuse Me, Did you Just Fart?

I met a 5 year old boy last night. Very chubby, talkative and cheeky. He was watching one of the kids channels (ahem) and he farted. So I asked him did he just fart? Without looking at me he said, "no, that was the motorbike..." and when I asked him about the smell, he said " Auntie Z... that was the SMOKE!" I burst out laughing!

I wonder as a parent, how do you react to that?!

Cars, Cars, Cars

Our favorite topic of the week is CARS! One of my friends said she feels like getting a car. But she has not gotten her driving license yet - she said she'll get it when she has a car (hmmm....) I asked her, what do you want in a car.... she paused. She said, it has to be cool - to go with her cool image (so she thinks), it cannot be black because black retains heat (!)... and most importantly, the speedometer has to be colorful and there must be a drink holder. I'm surprised she did not request for a mirror on the sunshield... perhaps she does not know. That to me is so typical girl - OK I may be generalizing here but I have a few friends who requested for the same.

Luckily for me, I was forced to learn the basics about cars while in uni. My first car was a Mazdo 323 - Metallic Blue in color. I was so excited while on PM scholarship, my parents allowed me to buy one. Like any other girls then, I chose a car for it's look rather than its trustworthy engine. I ended up sending the car to the mechanic to get several parts fixed - and it costs me a LOT of money! I've learnt my lesson the hard way.. subsequent cars afer that, I know what to look out for and what to ask.

To my friend and you know who you are, I have a perfect car for you.....:)


This car is spacious, you don't need a windshield or window. THAT means you can put on some make up because everyone can see you now. You can comb your hair too because it moves really slowly and your hair will stay in place!