Monday, October 02, 2006

Idiotic Drivers

I have to get this out of my system.... I've had this conversation with a few people already and it's time I say this.

I was out shopping with mom last Sunday and we were at Joo Chiat Complex. We got there early simply because we want to avoid the crowd. We got to the multi storey carpark, there were still empty lots available but they were rather far from the shoping entrance. You'll have to walk a little... which is fine... in my opinion of course. As I was looking for a parking space, I saw this weekend plate sedan car, driven by our fellow Malay. He wanted to be close to the entrance and guess what he did? He squeezed into an empty space next to a big car... mind you this space is not a parking lot! Firstly, I've always thought that Singaporeans take a lot of pride in owning a car and will take care of it well.... I do. Each time I see a dent in our car, I would cringe and insist on paying that few dollars extra to vacuum suck the dent out. But no, this fella just squeeze through, parked his car and walked away. If I were the driver of the other car, I would be really angry, there is a reason why parking lots are created. And why do I want to squeeze myself in and out of my own car. What if I had opened my car wide and knocked against his? Who is to be blame? What if I scratched the car accientally with my diamond ring? Will I be blame for it? Why doesn't he use his pea brain to think of the inconvenienced that he caused other people... not just that, he made other people angry. How can I not call my fellow race stupeed?

Then of course, there are incidents when I see drivers parked their car along zebra crossing junctions. This is a fairly common sight during any prayer session. Yey, that you are doing something good but why inconvenient other drivers? What kind of message are you giving out to our fellow Singaporeans? It reflects badly on us.

I always believe that if you want to own a car, then be responsible i.e. pay for the extra charges and the inconveniences that come with it - parking coupon, ERP charges, distances that one has to take from the parking lot to building entrances, etc. Walk if you have to - the extra calories you burn off, the better it is for your health.

1 comment:

noz said...

sista buat bertenang....