Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I learned that word during my first trimester..... Javanese word *sigh* Slowly picking up all these words. Not sure if I like them. Time really flies and my body has changed too... I'm starting to show and according to some colleagues my boobs are bigger... I compared them to Tyra Bank's... I sure have a long way to go!

So the first three months was slow and I was such a LAZY bum! All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep and more sleep. Ironically, I used to think that taking a nap in the afternoon and sleeping in was a waste of time! Hubby said, "asyik nglembor ajer"... found out that nglembor means sleep. Of course then some old folks say, I'm going to get a girl because of that. How interesting....

Now that I am in my second trimester, I feel that I can do anything and everything. I get up early to pack breakfast for hubby and prepare dinner before leaving for work. I clean, wash and do the ironing. You hardly see that 2 months ago. Of course parents, hubby and friends continue to tell me don't do this and that. Cannotlah. I need to keep myself occupied.

Question is, what happens once I move to the next trimester? Will I go back to being nglembor and feel like a beach whale?


noz said...

chebah... you cook breakfast abd dinner? syabas... me sometimes only. I tell meself... the kids is priority i... haha

UndomesticQueen said...

now no kid... you'll hear a different story next year.

Anonymous said...

Darling Zan,

You WILL go thru' spurts of energy, have your highs and lows..so be prepared and just go with the flow in these coming 6 months :)

You saw ME go thru'those wild roller-coaster rides remember??!!!

Just only tell your hubby to not take anything you say to heart [blame those hormones!!] *Grin*
