I learned that word during my first trimester..... Javanese word *sigh* Slowly picking up all these words. Not sure if I like them. Time really flies and my body has changed too... I'm starting to show and according to some colleagues my boobs are bigger... I compared them to Tyra Bank's... I sure have a long way to go!
So the first three months was slow and I was such a LAZY bum! All I wanted to do was sleep, sleep and more sleep. Ironically, I used to think that taking a nap in the afternoon and sleeping in was a waste of time! Hubby said, "asyik nglembor ajer"... found out that nglembor means sleep. Of course then some old folks say, I'm going to get a girl because of that. How interesting....
Now that I am in my second trimester, I feel that I can do anything and everything. I get up early to pack breakfast for hubby and prepare dinner before leaving for work. I clean, wash and do the ironing. You hardly see that 2 months ago. Of course parents, hubby and friends continue to tell me don't do this and that. Cannotlah. I need to keep myself occupied.
Question is, what happens once I move to the next trimester? Will I go back to being nglembor and feel like a beach whale?
chebah... you cook breakfast abd dinner? syabas... me sometimes only. I tell meself... the kids is priority i... haha
now no kid... you'll hear a different story next year.
Darling Zan,
You WILL go thru' spurts of energy, have your highs and lows..so be prepared and just go with the flow in these coming 6 months :)
You saw ME go thru'those wild roller-coaster rides remember??!!!
Just only tell your hubby to not take anything you say to heart [blame those hormones!!] *Grin*
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