Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The story of Kiah, Senah, Jenab and Jah.... Ep 1

Let me introduce you to Senah, Jenab, Kiah and Jah, the handful of Malays in the office. 3 of us have worked in this company for 5 years but we become friends only in this new office. How funny. Senah is fairly new in the office but because she is a joker, everyone goes to her for some comic relief. Jenab is a producer, funny girl. Jah looks like an elder sister to them all but believe it or not, they are all of the same age! And of course Kiah is also known as Zanee O!

Senah, Jenab and Jah are closeted Malay fans. They read URTV, HMI magazines in their room and when they buy the magazines from mamak shop, they carry them in their bags.... so nobody knows. Kiah one day asks Senah, why she buys such magazine, she said, it was for her mom.... rite...like Kiah believes that.

One day, Kiah told Jenab and Senah to bring the mags to the office. While Kiah was out of her room, Senah left the magazines on her table. Soon after, she came and started teasing Kiah. Excuse me, Kiah reads trash but she will not spend her money on such trash. Kiah reads People, Hello and New Woman.... ahem...


Anonymous said...

geez..and we used to have trio manja at bestway building..

noz said...

hahahah...miss nye