Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Get My Name Right!

I don't understand why people cannot get my name right. They claimed that the "Y" in my name is difficult to pronounce. If you cannot pronounce my name right, don't even bother attempting it in the first place. Why can't they just ask me straight up?

When I was handling India, everyone in the India office called me Mansor... and I corrected them several times. It came to a point where I refused to even reply to emails because i was very annoyed. When they finally met me, of course all were surprised to see a female instead of a male and then I got my name right. Another experience in India, I was held at customs because I had some tapes with me. The immigration officer insisted that I am Indian because Mansor is an Indian name (!). Because he had my passport, I gave in and admitted to being an Indian! Not only am I an Indian, I am also a male in India! Gosh.

I guess my dad's name is easier to pronounce and off they go calling me that. This morning, I had several deadlines to meet and I received this call from Stan Chard wanting to offer some new card deals. The conversation went like this:

Caller: Hi! Can I speak to Mrs Mansor?
Me: You want to speak to my mother? (my mom sometimes give my number to people). What is this regarding?
Caller: Oh no... I want to speak to saiyai....
Me: (*rolled eyes) SYAHRIZAN you mean?!
Caller: hehehe.... yes.
Me: It's not funny. She is busy and not interested. goodbye

See, if you are a sales/marketing person, pronounce my name right. I am super fussy and you rub me the wrong way, there goes your business or potential to get any business from me.

1 comment:

noz said...

I know you will be my client one bcos can pronouce your name very well....