Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Durian Queen

I love durians. Of late, I have been eating lots of durians. Yum.

When we were young and whenever we "balik kampung", we never failed to have a durian feast - be it along the road on the way to visit my relatives, with cousins, at every meal - breakfast, tea, dinner, supper and we even went to dusun durian to eat! Simply memorable. My late father used to remind us to not drink tea after a durian feast. Something to do with the chemical mix and how it will give you a headache.

Do you know that there are many ways to eat durian? You can make lempok durian - easy to make but takes a lot of time. I remembered making lempok durian with my grandaunt in Medan. The old lady took 2 days to make it. You can also make lempoyak durian - you mix this with sambal belachan and eat this with lauk lemak. Wah... shiok.

My favorite is eating durian with rice - yep. All you need is plain rice, water, a pinch of salt, sugar and durian - mix them all together. Alternatively, you can replace rice with glutinous rice and water with coconut milk. I normally eat this after a meal - like your dessert. The latter is soooo good that within 5 mins you'll start looking for your bed. Macam ular....zzzzz....


Anonymous said...

oh! oh! you are having a durian mengidam attack....i had so much durian when i was with dani, the doctor thot i had developed diabetes..i put on tooo much weight. be careful sista...dun lose your waist too soon..!! heh heh

UndomesticQueen said...

no lah! Durian is always my fav.... anyway, with or without eating durians, my waist is slowly disappearing!!