Monday, May 22, 2006

Our Responsibility

I was watching the Malay channel recently and these are my thoughts:

why do the actors/actress color their hair? Aren't they proud with what God has given them? Kalau look natural tak pe, this one nampak sah, trying damn hard. Nak jadi om puteh ke?

the way they dress... wow... sexy sey. I wonder why? What's so nice about showing your flesh... oklah granted, you are in the entertainment industry and you are young but what is the message that you want to potray? Melayu moden or melayu baru or melayu maju? You don't have to show off your flesh to be sexy, modern, maju .... example - Siti Nurhaliza.

I think the Malay channel has to be responsible towards the Malay/Muslim community here in Singapore. Why? That's the one and only TV station that is being viewed by the Malay community. Like it or not, what you air on the channel is seen by the young and old. I have heard comments from our parents/ aunts commenting on the way the actors/ hosts/ actresses dress but has the channel done anything to address this? To the young, they think this is OK because it's on TV and so and so dress that way. That so and so is their idol/ role model. What do you get?

It's very sad to see our Malay youngsters loitering around town dressed skimpily, have tatoos on their bodies and think it's cool. We already have a problem with our image and yet I don't see the most influential medium in our lives doing something about it.

I remembered when i was in school, an Indian VP told me the reason why he did not want any more Malays in that school is because Malay students would bring the school standards down. There were only 15 that year! I was furious but at 13 years old, all I could do was to prove him otherwise. I topped school for 3 straight years, got a scholarship in Sec 2 and am the only one in class that made it to JC. Then in JC, i met a student who told me that her father said why Malays don't do well in school is because they don't eat pork. I told her that her father is shallow and made sure during hockey games I get to tackle her ankles. My sweet revenge.

I guess i am concerned when I see how our Malay kids today behave in public and wonder how their future would be. How can we educate them and attract them to do the right things? I guess more can be done to address such issue and all it takes is a simple change here and there. I've seen them in Malay newspapers, on MUIS website and yet the most influential medium (TV) is under utilized. It makes me angry and yet sad....

Feel Fat Day

You've heard of Monday blues and you've heard of Bad Hair Days... have you heard of "Feel Fat Day"? Well, today I feel like that. I had a hard time getting up... rolled on my back, hubby gave a back rub and dragged myself to the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom, i felt my thights rubbed together... In the bathroom, my stomach felt heavy and gave in to gravity. Why oh why did I give in to temptation and have that one slice of D14 durian last night? Had a quick cold shower, hoping that it would burn my fat cells. Then I looked into the mirror and man oh man... did I see that white hair sticking out and and my wrinkles have procreated during the night!

I was feeling so disgusted at myself that I made my hubby dropped me off at the Meridien Hotel in the morning and I walked to the office.... it's not that far but at least I walked right?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Geram Jangan Engkau Geram... Geram Geram

I am very annoyed. Extremely. I had planned my day well today and everything was right on schedule until my last meeting. It was supposed to start at 4pm but it started at 515pm instead. I could not make it to my body combat class nor run. The meeting ended close to 7pm!

I don't like to wait - i can give friends/colleagues a grace of 10-15mins and anything beyond that, you can see it on my face and my attitude. I can shoot you straight and will tell you to move on to the next agenda. When colleagues are late for meetings and later ask the same questions that has been addressed, I will not hesitate to tell you to be on time next time. The thing is, if you are late, SHUT UP and follow the meeting. If you have questions, wait till the meeting is over. That is basic courtesy. Why can't people be on time? Is something wrong with their watch, their estimation? Why are you late? Is it because of traffic? Sick? Tyre puncture? Stomache? too talkative? What?!

I don't mind if I don't have much to do after work but the thing is I made an appointment, one that I hope not to miss. I am annoyed at myself too for being such a LOSER and allowing work take over my time!

Now I think I'm better off listening to Black Dog Bone song - Geram, jangan engkau geram.. geram, geram. Geram, bermacam ragam. Ada yang suka... *sigh*

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Hindi Fever

I've finally got the Hindi fever from my hubby. Don't laugh. He had this thing for Hindi songs last December.... i thought it was a short-term thing but that CD is still in the car and he listens to it almost everyday. so since he fetches me to and from work everyday, we started to sing to the songs too... scary huh?

I decided to take a step further and he obliged. We went to Mustafa Center at midnite to look for Hindi movies. I have no idea what movies to buy so i bought not one, not two but THREE Hindi movies - Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gum, Dil Se and DevDas.

I have to admit I do like Hindi movies - the actresses are so beautiful, some of the actors look pretty good (some quite gay-ish), great dance steps - which is good to follow because it could be another aerobic session for you - which reminds me, I should upload some songs on my i-pod. The songs, the voices, the drama and most importantly, the story has to be really touching- about family, about mohabat (hehe...lovelah).... and one that can make you cry and your eyes swollen.... that is a good movie... and hey if hubby sits through the movie... that would be one hell of a movie!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bread or Rock

I baked my bread today. The mixture was well-mixed and it rose and rose. I could smell the yeast - it was gooooddd... Wah, I was so impressed. So I put it in the oven to bake. 45mins later, the bread was ready. I took my knife out to cut the bread.... it was hard as a rock!! Alamak, what went wrong? I was so disappointed.... I told my mom about it and even gave her the b/g story. She said, "yalah, roti dari orang german... dia orang tu kan very kasar, keras... sebab tu roti kau jadi macam tu..." leerrr.....