Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My colleagues, my friends

There are some colleagues in the office that you can call friends.
I have some really good friends in the office.

There are 2-3 friends whom I turned to for advise. There are at least 8 years my senior and they have been my sounding boards. They give me a very different perspective to things -one sits in Int'l and one sits here. The one in International provides me with a bigger picture; giving me an opportunity to put the missing pieces together and gives a damn good advise that I am super thankful for. The one in Singapore listens to my plans and make sure I stay on the right direction.

They've pushed me to think beyond certain boundaries and they've always reminded me that at the end of the day, I must gain from all the challenges that I am currently going through. Never be shy to ask and state what I want and that is something that I continue to struggle with. I know I will overcome that struggle one day.... and I have been reminded that I need to do it soon!

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