Thursday, July 28, 2011

Man! Man! Woman! Woman!

I was caught in KLIA immigration for 2hrs last Sunday.
Everything was crawling... as I get to the front, an immigration officer stood up and went like this:

Immigration officer: "Man! Man! Oi Man!"

He turned to his colleague: "aku panggil man tak dengar. nak aku panggil woman agoknya!"

And then he continued: "Man! Man! oi Man!" he was calling for the Arab man in line to go to his counter.

I wanted to tell him then "Oi Bang! Bukan Man or Woman! How about "oi! Next!"

No wonder it takes 2hrs for me to clear customs!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mom is HOME!

Mom is finally home! She got home last night.

I am thankful that all went well.

My mind is at ease now and I can start to slow down.

I’ve also managed to get another maid on board – this weekend we are fetching her. Need an additional one in the interim to help MIL with my little one. He is super fast and mischievous. Grandma is exhausted each evening.

I want to thank you my friends for being so supportive, for sharing my worry, for the jokes and making me laugh, for sharing my joy and most importantly, for keeping my mom in your prayers! The positive energy keeps me going. You are the best and you know who you are!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My colleagues, my friends

There are some colleagues in the office that you can call friends.
I have some really good friends in the office.

There are 2-3 friends whom I turned to for advise. There are at least 8 years my senior and they have been my sounding boards. They give me a very different perspective to things -one sits in Int'l and one sits here. The one in International provides me with a bigger picture; giving me an opportunity to put the missing pieces together and gives a damn good advise that I am super thankful for. The one in Singapore listens to my plans and make sure I stay on the right direction.

They've pushed me to think beyond certain boundaries and they've always reminded me that at the end of the day, I must gain from all the challenges that I am currently going through. Never be shy to ask and state what I want and that is something that I continue to struggle with. I know I will overcome that struggle one day.... and I have been reminded that I need to do it soon!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Say Goodbye to $55!

I was very sure I could participate in that Shape Women Run on July 24th.
So sure that I paid $55 to register.

Yesterday, participants were asked to collect their pass and goodie bag. I missed it because I had to fetch mom to the hospital.

Next week I have to keep my schedule fluid. But I have 2 fixed travel dates towards the end of the week. Jakarta and then KL... all within 2 days.
Jakarta for a project which I have been on since March. July 23rd is the LIVE event. KL - I was asked to help out for that project. I have been asked to manage some authority that issues permits.

I have to learn to trust myself and others that all will be fine.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Emotional Wreck

Mom is going for an operation this Monday. We found out last week she has tumor in her brain. We saw a neurologist a couple of days ago and was told that the tumor has to be removed. Shocking. Well the good news is, the tumor is benign. The world wide web is a good source for information but too much information is not good. I have been reading and I think I have to stop myself from picturing every single situation. What's worst, when mom asks questions, I have to feign ignorance and keep telling her to focus on getting better - so she can play with her grandchildren, go for her Quran sessions (and get that cert!) and spend time with her friends! Just when I thought I have one problem covered, I received phone calls from her closest friends and sisters - listening to their concerns and fears only make me want to cry.

That's the problem. I don't think I can cry. The last time I cry loads was like 11 years ago. I am so afraid to cry because I fear that once I start I cannot stop and I need to build that shield all over again. Plus, I don't want to answer the questions that my son asks. And he can ask lots of questions! It's too tiring. I think internally, I am a wreck. Emotional wreck.
I find solace in prayers, in my long runs and when I drive home from work. And when the kids are asleep and hubby and I talk. But no amount of talking can change the way I feel.

Mom being mom has given me a list of asks. I don't know whether it's the middle child syndrome or because I am a girl, I have that list with me. Deja vu. On the list, there is a huge ask. So huge that I have been thinking about it for the past few days and I guess will continue thinking about it until mom fully recovers. I know the answer to helping me make that decision.... I guess I am afraid of the answer.

I like to plan. Everything I do, I have a plan. Next week my plan is to be with her, to be with my boys, to also be at work. My boys.... I feel guilty when I see mom and my MIL looking tired. I feel horrible when I don't see them for days. The second one is quite a character. He simply ignores me when I come home late or when I come home from a trip. I have several trips in the next few weeks and I seriously don't know if I am able to include those in my current plans.

Monday. InsyaAllah, all will be good.