Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 - A Year to Remember

What a difference a year makes!

2010 I will never forget you. It's a year where there were so many joys, laughter and tough moments. We welcomed a new member to the family - Baby Adik is a National Day Baby. There were fireworks that night and we enjoyed the view from the hospital room - it was like a party, friends and their kids were making so much noise and the nurses left us to celebrate.

Baby Abang goes to Daycare. The first few months were tough; he cried almost everyday but now he looks forward to going to school, speaks too much and loves to sing and dance. Sometimes I wonder if he is growing too fast - seems like that to me based on the questions and things he says. Last night he told his Abah he wants to play with Abah's army friends' kids and asked if the kids were his age. Army friends?

I now have a sister-in-law. My elder brother decided that it's time to settle down - yes, after so many girlfriends and headaches he caused mom (and I), he ties the knot. Don't know whether it's scary; he married an Aries/ Tiger, my age and a few days younger than me! And we got along just fine. Few good things about him being married, we see each other at least once a week at mom's, we have dinner together and he finally listens to my opinions and not take it personally! He also goes to family weddings and visits - now that is a HUGE change.

I got myself a Ford Fiesta. Lime green - cheerful just like me. We moved offices and there was no way hubby could drop me off at work. We did our calculations and it's best for me to just get a car. It feels good to FINALLY have my own car! Yes, I did have a car when I was single but my late father put the deposit to that. Now it's mine! I must say this - I MISS MY MORNING RIDE WITH HUBBY!

2010 is also a year where we are reminded that life is not always smooth and we must always be thankful to Him for all He gives us and put us through. In April, 10 days before I left for a business trip I was asked to see my gynea immediately. It was a Sat and we were on our way to lunch when we got that call. The nurse said something about my baby. It was a very stressful 10 days after - going to the hospital to get some tests done and waiting for results. I was close to cancelling my biz trip and felt at ease the day before my trip. In Europe, I was unable to fly out of Cannes - thanks to the volcanic ash. I remembered waking up to get ready to go to the airport only to get a text message from a good friend informing me that the airport in Amsterdam was closed. That morning, I went for a walk by the beach and enjoyed the silence and sun. No volcanic ash in the air I thought.

I moved from Cannes to Milan hoping to get out of Europe. Milan, the fashion capital. I was greeted by Prada, Gucci, Furla, you name it but nothing excites me. All I want was to go home to my son and hubby. I remembered consoling a 40++ year old colleague - she was very upset to stay in a funky hotel! Yes, it was funky - imagine red lights along the corridor, black doors with graffiti and a huge orange bed at the lift lobby!

Still stuck in Europe, I had to get out. I looked at every possible flights and city that I could fly out from. Even thought of taking the cruise from Rome to Athens to get out. I got a call from Amloyd informing me there was a flight out of Milan but boss was against the idea of me traveling on economy. At that moment, I don't care. I just want to go home. I was upset but decided to just hang on. I finally got out of Europe via Rome. The 10hrs bus ride from Milan to Rome was back breaking and the minute SQ took off, I turned to my boss and told her I was going to cry. I felt my body relaxed and slept for the next 12hrs!

2010 is a very stressful year at work. Because of the short financial year, there were so many things that needed to be done. And because I was preggie, I need to finish so many things before I go on maternity leave. I remembered working on budgets and some other new business developments projects in May. I got up every morning at 4am to start work and since hubby was away, I thought I could go on like that. The day I submitted all my work, it was the same day hubby got home. The next morning at 4am, my water bag leaked and we made our way to hospital. Mom was crying when I left Baby Abang with her, hubby was very quiet throughout the trip and I had too many what ifs in my head. It was the most scary moment in our lives. In KKH I was restless. I remembered asking hubby if the hospital has wifi and he glared at me. He even refused to charge my BB for me. I deserved it. I was also concerned for mom because my elder brother was getting married the following week. I was supposed to help her with the wedding preparations and I added more stress on her. I was on hospitalization leave for 2 weeks. And if that is not all, I slipped and fell on my bump when I sent Baby Abang to school.

Everything was good until we got to end of July when Baby Abang caught HFMD. Like any parents, we were worried, what more I was due in 2 weeks. Abang was cranky, lost a lot of weight, thankfully still active.

I had a staff who resigned when I was on maternity leave. I think he did that to spite me. But he said he's going because he was offered better moolah. Good for him. I can now start bringing in a new blood and get new ideas going. Change is the only constant thing in life and one has to embrace change. If you cannot do that, then please go and not hinder others. I still have not found a replacement for him. Sometimes what you really want may not necessarily be what others want.

Just before I got back to work, mom sprained her arm and could not carry Baby Adik. Mon-in-law had to go for an operation and was not allowed to carry anything. I can't remember much but all I know is things worked out well for us and it's already been a month.

I've learnt from 2010 and am thankful for my family, friends, colleagues and most importantly my hubby. You know how stubborn and fiercely independent I can be and yet you continue to have that patience for me.

I want 2010 to end and I look forward to 2011. I pray that 2011 will be a smoother year for me. InsyaAllah.

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