Monday, July 26, 2010

More Challenges Before I Pop!

I thought I could spend the last week of my pregnancy at home - by myself most importantly, catch up on sleep, read and just chill. Baby Abang is down with HFMD today. Yes, HFMD. On the same day, I developed sore eyes. Baby Abang has been grouchy for the longest time - in fact since I was in my second trimester but this time round, he is such a grouch I have to keep my hands closely to myself. My hubby on the other hand, has so much patience, it's amazing how he does that. Alhamdullilah for that. Seeing how cool he is, I have to put in a lot of effort to stay cool too. That has not been easy.

I hope this is the final challenge during my pregnancy period. I hope I have become a better person with all these and insyaAllah whatever more challenges there are coming my way, insyaAllah, i'll get through it.

Countdown is always a countdown and it begins now!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hear the Tiger Roar!

I walked into the meeting room for HOD meeting and my boss exclaimed - "Wah! You are so big already! When is your EDD again?" Told her and somehow in the conversation she said, I don't see a lot of pregnant women these days. Told her I disagree. She said Chinese do not like having a Tiger daughter for many reasons. We then went into an interesting discussion. In the end she asked "Why ah? You Tiger is it?" I said "yep" and she ended saying "There! I rest my case"

I walked right into it.

The Last Lap

I'm in my 8th month now. Other than feeling extremely tired, I think I am beginning to walk like a sloth too - slowly pushing my legs forward. I am in bed on most nights by 10pm - with Baby Abang and will be wide awake from 2am t0 4am. Half the time I'll be contemplating whether I should go online and do work or surf the net but I keep telling myself I need to relax and let my mind rest. I end up either praying or watching TV - like hantu TV alone in the living room.

At work I am still fiesty and thrive with all the stress. I know I have a deadline to meet and yet I continue looking forward to getting the work done. I have to admit also that I am worried - so much to do - can finish or not and of course having to deal with some colleagues who just do not want to do their jobs is infuriating!

I remembered when I was pregnant with Baby Abang - I was a lot more energetic, jovial, carefree, singing and watching Korean drama and crying while watching it. I loved that feeling.

With Baby Adik, I am fiesty, fast tempered, too practical, fierce/ stern and half the time don't tolerate to any nonsense. I do like listening to dance music too and am anal about keeping the house tidy! People ask me - do you have any cravings with this one - the answer is no - just like the first. Have I gained a lot of weight? 8 months pregnant and I've gained 10.5kg - just like the first one - not bad. The only difference is, my craving is a clean, tidy house! With baby Abang,I watched too much TV!

Every pregnancy is different and I have to agree. Have I enjoyed the journey? Yes I have. It has been a challenging one - one episode every 2 months and the last one in June was a real scare and post that incident, I do take extra caution. Despite all that, I love seeing the changes my body goes through (except my butt!!! urgh but all prep for giving birth!) I'll live with it but I do hope to be a "hot mama" in the future! We shall see!