Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Are Singaporean Malays a Conservative Lot?

I think we are. I know I am.
Where do I even start?
I have met and seen many Malays in my course of work. I have also worked in a Malay environment.
I have observed how Singaporean Malays and our neighbouring country Malays behave. I am not saying that all Malays in the neighbouring country are like that, but I am comparing those that live in the city with our own Malay.
I find that the Malays in our neighbouring country is bolder
- some men have affairs and they parade their women openly when they travel overseas
- they drink and offer drinks openly to other Malays. The first time that happened to me, I was in Cannes. In fact I was being ridiculed for rejecting it. Never mind. My respect for that person went down the drain and today when I meet him (while on business) I don't bother to treat him well like the other Malays do.
- i've been asked to a party by one of them and when I said no, I could feel that they thought I have some kind of disease.
Sometimes I do ask myself; is this really required in your job? I am not bothered if you were to ask non Malays to do whatever but to ask a fellow Malay to do the same? That's just not right.

I spoke to a few Singaporean malay friends who have lived and worked out of Singapore and we all feel the same way. We agreed that we are conservative and deep down we know it's haram.

The Morning Talk Show on NTV7

I sat in my hotel room watching the morning talk show on NTV7 yesterday. The 2 hosts - both male were talking abt how much water was consumed by an individual in Singapore, Hong Kong and Penang. In Singapore, each individual used 157L of water per day last year and in Penang it was 257L of water per individual during the same period. Both agreed, that is a lot of water used. And I think they should have just stopped there. Instead, one of them said "Hey at least we beat Singapore at something - they don't have water anyway and they have to buy from us". Another clown called in and tried justifying why Penang used that much water - it's a tourist city, a port. I just could not believe it. So is Singapore mister and to the 2 hosts, it matters how much water an individual use - we are facing shortage of clean water (people on the Gaza strip needs clean water!) and here you 2 clowns are proud to show how insensitive you can be towards Mother Nature and the world! Guys, you are on TV, you have a responsibility to your viewers. Grow up!

My "LIVE" TV Appearance

I was invited to be a judge for a SuperAnimation Pitch in KL over the weekend. I was informed that the show was broadcast LIVE on Astro Ria on Sunday afternoon.
Yes I was a bit nervous and everything went well. Mom was really excited when she heard this and arranged for a tea session at my Mak Lang's place on Sunday arvo. Mak Lang being Mak Lang, informed some other relies in KL and other parts of Malaysia... not bad I have a fan base already.
While watching the LIVE show, my Pak Lang had to ask "Is she wearing a wig?"!!!! Yeah, I laughed too. You must understand, my relies in Malaysia think I am a minah who wears tudung 24/7!

100% Pure Minah!

Let's admit it. There is a minah in every Malay girl - regardless which part of the world she is living in. Today, I did this test on "How Much Of a Minah are you?" on FB and it turns out I am a 100% minah! Steady ah?!
I thought the description was very apt i.e. I listen to random Malay songs from my mp3 player and my hubby drives and his car radio is tuned in to Ria's 89.7 and if he is alone and out late night, yes, he will be listening to Misteri Jam 12!

So babe and dudes.. gua tengah dengar lagu lagu dari CD Rock Cintan. Amacam? Lu suka?

Thursday, April 09, 2009


It is very tiring managing people who are very much driven by their emotions. They tend to position themselves as the victim of circumstances and at every single stage they think of themselves as the victim. The voice of reasoning can outline everything for them but again, these people tend to relate better to their emotions.
I hope I do not have to deal with such people again in future.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Hit by the Shopping Bug!

So much about $80 per week budget.

It all started with the CP sale in the office and thereafter one sale to another. In the last 2 weeks, I have spent on clothes, a bag, a pair of shoes, more clothes for hubby and son and yesterday - another invitation to another sale! This time round, it was perfume and cosmetics. The perfumes were going at $30-50 per 80-100ml and lipsticks were going at $10-15. I bought for myself, hubby, brother, mom and mom-in-law! How to say No?!
I know I have spent too much already this past 2 weeks and it's time to stop! Last evening I sorted my loot and I just cannot believe what I did. Thank goodness I paid them all in cash.

No more shopping!